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Scientific paper


How degrowth can improve life quality: Using NonViolent Communication

Felix Rauschmayer

Entry type:
Scientific paper

Year of publication:

Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014


sustainability transition, needs, NonViolent Communication, sustainable lifestyles, quality of life

Abstract: The spread of the degrowth movement is hampered by the widespread fear that degrowth severely impedes individual quality of life. This presentation explains the process of NonViolent Communication (NVC), as developed by Marshall Rosenberg, its premises, focus as well as limitations with regard to degrowth issues. NVC has been developed by Marshall Rosenberg as a tool that – through focalizing on connection to oneself and others – helps to achieve and maintain an attitude of Non-Violence (ahimsa). In our societies, people often are alienated of what really is important to them. The alienation is, e.g., furthered through the consumption of goods that meet our needs only for a short term or superficially. Here, NVC can, in a process of 4 steps (observation, emotion, needs, request) help recognize the needs behind the superficial consumption (e.g. of chocolate). NVC as an individual or dialogical process can be a useful tool for individual tensions related to degrowth – it cannot be used in public, unprotected spaces and its use in group processes is limited.

This media entry was a contribution to the special session "Realizing needs and a high quality of life in a degrowth society" at the 4th International Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014.

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