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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Emanuele Leonardi

Abstract: The paper aims at constructively criticize Degrowth's reliance on the physical limits to growth as a discursive tool to undermine the growth-oriented attitude of mainstream economics. By recuperating the critique of political economy, the paper investigates the shift in the value/nature relationship which has occurred since the environmental crisis has emerged as a political problem. ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Neoclassical, post-Keynesian and neo-Marxian perspectives on degrowth

By: Steffen Lange

Abstract: The question, how an economy can be organized without growth has received little attention from many strands of macroeconomics. In this paper I investigate this question, from the point of view of three prominent strands of macroeconomic theories: neoclassical, post-Keynesian and neo-Marxian approaches. The view of neoclassical theories is, that we need a different technological devel...

Scientific paper • 2014


Saving Money – Breaking Profit? Ride-Sharing Practices in Inter-City Transport

By: Alexa Faerber

Abstract: This contribution examines how the infrastrucutre and ticketing of inter-city railway transport leads to entrepreneurial practices of ride-sharing and asks if this twofold practice (it allows saving money and gaining money) also contains the potential of articulating economic visions of degrowth. The background for these new forms of transportation-entrepreneurialism is the ongoing pr...

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Social Security

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Social Security at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Proposals for the Transformation > System for the process of transformation. > Avoiding future path dependencies (e.g. with regard to time banks → establishment of a bargaining, care not done by humanity, but by reward-seeking). Vision > Access to Care should be uncon...

Scientific paper • 2014


Acceptance of Mobile Phone Return Programmes for Increased Resource Efficiency by Young People—Experiences from a German Research Project

By: Alexandra Seibt, Julia Nordmann

Abstract: The need of recycling obsolete mobile phones has significantly increased with a rapidly growing worldwide distribution of mobile phones (Geyer, 2010; Hagelüken, 2010). Mobile phones have a high environmental impact throughout the whole value chain; so far, individual use and recycling behaviour do not show any trends towards more sustainable patterns. Most communication measures for s...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Dawn of Modern Era: Montaigne and Spinoza as Alternatives to Cartesian Weltanschauung.

By: Pier Luigi Tosi

Abstract: Mechanism is at the origin of the actual economical conception, based on endless growth. It is founded on Descartes's thought, with its strong distinction between mind and material world, continued by Bacon and Newton (as Latouche points out). Some years before and some years after Descartes, Montaigne and Spinoza respectively proposed significantly different conceptions. The French o...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Tamás Kahulits T.

Abstract: Our society shares a deep faith, an unquestionable belief that education is something good by its very nature. What I want to "dialogize" is that the education systems around the world, and schools in todays Super-Capitalism are the (1) depositories and reproducers of the structural injustice (2) the instruments of institutionalized dehumanization and (3) the manifestations of the fet...

Scientific paper • 2014


How to design in a degrowth society?

By: Eva Kristin Stein

Abstract: The approach of today’s design practise should give prospects for the transformation into a post-growth and sustainable field of work. The shifting from a technocratic to a social construction qualifies designers for this job because he/she is traditionally responsible for the definition of use the act of using and its shaping. The academic debates in design are all along critical. Th...

Scientific paper • 2014


Controversies in Environmental and Post-Growth Discourses: Mapping positions to investigate their consequences for the development of indicators for a socio-ecological transformation

By: Dorothee Rodenhäuser

Abstract: The debate on the environment and the negative effects of economic growth has been shaped by controversies revolving around issues such as the substitutability of natural resources or the role of technology and work in a “green” economy. Depending on their respective points of view, the disputants reach very different conclusions on possible pathways towards a socially and ecologicall...

Scientific paper • 2014


The present day monetary and financial systems: What´s wrong and what must be changed for a post-growth economy

By: Helge Peukert

Abstract: A basic question will be which elements and factors of the present-day financial and monetary sectors are drivers for economic growth and in how far they must and could be changed in favor of a degrowth economy and which elements of the present system might be preserved. I will present basic facts, structural relationships, institutional details and recent developments and formulate s...

Scientific paper • 2014


Reinforcing resilience and self-reliance of communities in degrowth: The case study of the renewable energy workshop of 'Nea Guinea'

By: Kostas Latoufis

Abstract: The case study of the renewable energy workshop of the 'Nea Guinea' non-profit organization in Athens, Greece, is presented an example of how communities can practice paths towards degrowth though open source renewable energy technologies, convivial and experimental ways of learning and thus providing more resilient futures for the social networks in which they participate. The main t...

Scientific paper • 2014


The power of neighborhood – rethinking the way of life within co-housing projects in Switzerland

By: Sanna Frischknecht

Abstract: Focusing on the question of how people live and interact, co-housing projects, such as “Kraftwerk1”, “Nena1” and others attempt to withdraw imperatives of growth by establishing a new way of life in urban contexts. Some of the projects are closely connected to the ideas of an urban utopia “bolo’bolo” which was written by P.M. in the 1980ies. This ideal of a new way of life describes a...

Scientific paper • 2014


Reconsidering the transition role of education

By: Mònica Serlavós

degrowth, education, transition, values

Scientific paper • 2014


Prospective modeling for Degrowth: Investigating macroeconomic scenarios for France

By: François Briens, Nadia Maïzi

Macroeconomic modeling, Prospective, Degrowth scenarios

Scientific paper • 2014


Social sustainability practice in local government

By: Mark Boulle

Abstract: This paper presents the findings from doctoral research into social sustainability practice of Australian local government. It is argued that the social pillar of sustainability has received less attention in research and practice than environmental and economic pillars of sustainability. The research contends there is a leading role for local government to play in incorporating socia...

Scientific paper • 2014


Comparing local and global supply chains of tomatoes: the case of Catalonia

By: Gonzalo Gamboa

Abstract: In recent years there is an increasing interest in studying the performance of the so-called alternative, local or quality food supply chains. Different actors, endorsing different discourses, highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each supply chain according to their interests and their position in the chain (among other reasons). This paper explores the performance of global ...

• 2014



By: Stefan Schridde

Was wir tun können, damit die Dinge besser werden. Thema "geplante Obsoleszenz"

Report • 2014


Enough Is Enough – Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources

By: Tom Bliss

Enough Is Enough lays out a visionary but realistic alternative to the perpetual pursuit of economic growth—an economy where the goal is enough, not more. Based on the best-selling book by Rob Dietz and Dan O'Neill, the film explores specific strategies to fix the financial system, reduce inequality, create jobs, and more. Drawing on the expertise of Tim Jackson, Kate Pickett, Andrew Simms,...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Great Recession and Health: From Neoliberal Austerity to “Healthy De-Growth”

By: Roberto De Vogli

Abstract: Since the eve of the meltdown, global unemployment has increased by more than 30 million people, but has the financial crisis also affected our health? Evidence indicates that the Great Recession led to increases in unemployment and suicides rates both in Europe and in the United States. While financial crises are associated with rising unemployment, social instability and the rise of...