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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Vertical Urban Garden

By: Alexander Stumm, Henry Anderson

Abstract: In the last years architectural interventions in urban space have shown their potential both on a social and a aesthetic level. The vertical urban garden is a multi-storey garden for the community, a meeting-point in the city, a space for cultural activities and recreation. The construction is based on the possibilities of the scaffolding system, is easy and cost-efficently to assembl...

Scientific paper • 2014


Labour in Germany

By: Volker Stöckel

Abstract: Here it is a special view to the relationship from three of the core-values of the german economy – the waged work volume (labour), the gross domestic (GDP) product and the stock of fixed assets (capital or curdled labour). The relationship on the scale of things, aggregated in the alpha of the Cobb-Douglas-Function over the time, shows a developement over the last 40 years and there ...

• 2014


Sozial-ökologische Transformation: Projekt eines rot-rot-grünen Crossover?

By: aboutsource

„Weiter wie bisher“, lautet das Motto der herrschenden Politik, gerade auch in Deutschland. Die dominante öffentliche Diskussion und Politik inszeniert sich als Sachzwang-Politik – Anpassungsleistungen an die angeblich alternativlose Austeritätspolitik sind andernorts zu erbringen. Dass Menschen verarmen, von unten nach oben umverteilt wird und soziale Rechte und Demokratie abgebaut werden, sei...

• 2014


"Eine große, gemeinsame Transformation ist notwendig!" – Interview mit Frederik Grüneberg

By: aboutsource

Frederik Grüneberg war Mitglied der Redaktionsgruppe der „Mainzer Botschaft“ der Ökumenischen Versammlung 2014 und ist auch Mitglied im Organisations-Kreis der Degrowth-Konferenz 2014. Im Interview im Rahmen des Stream towards Degrowth legt er dar, wo sich die beiden Bewegungen auf der Suche nach „einer Ökonomie des Lebens“ treffen. Inwiefern ist unsere Gesellschaft wachstumsabhängig? Unsere Ge...

• 2014


Autonomie ist ein kollektives Projekt – Interview mit Barbara Muraca und Tanja von Egan-Krieger (Teil V)

By: aboutsource

Barbara Muraca und Tanja von Egan-Krieger sprechen in diesem Interview über “Gutes Leben jenseits des Wachstums – Entwürfe und Kritik feministischer Ökonomik”. Im fünften und letzten Teil dieses Interviews steht die Frage im Mittelpunkt, warum der asketische “Lonely Hero” mit geringem ökologischen Fußabdruck nicht als Vorbild taugt. Auf der Tagung der Attac Gender AG “Schneewittchen rechnet […]

Scientific paper • 2014


Alternative indicators: what are the most sustainable countries?

By: Cecília Szigeti, Anita Borzán

Abstract: In our study we wanted to find an answer to the question whether we can find sustainable countries if we compare the values of different composite indicators? We examined three composite indicators (HDI, HPI, EPI) and the ecological footprint and GDP. Based on our analysis two indicators independent of each other and also independent of the GDP, these are the HPI and the EPI. The clas...

• 2014


“... das Engagement vieler BürgerInnen machte die notwendigen Strukturreformen möglich”

By: aboutsource

In ihrem neuen Buch “Wachstumswahn – was uns in die Krise führt und wie wir wieder heraus kommen” erklären Christine Ax und Friedrich Hinterberger woher die Wachstumsbegeisterung in der Vergangenheit rührte, widerlegen unterhaltsam und verständlich das Credo, dass es ohne endloses Wachstum nicht geht, und zeigen, warum Wachstum keine zeitgemäße Antwort auf die aktuellen Probleme […]

Scientific paper • 2014


System representations of degrowth and sustainable consumption arguments for telling more empowering stories

By: Michal Sedlacko, Inge Røpke

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the process and results of construction of system representations of several respected and widely discussed arguments on sustainable consumption and degrowth, thereby providing new inputs into the debate on societal and economic alternatives and their practical and political implementation. We constructed system representations using analytic...

Scientific paper • 2014


Refining Degrowth: Reducing societal growth capacity to exploit natural resources and humans

By: Filka Sekulova, Francois Schneider

There is no paper for this media entry. This was a contribution to a paper session at the 4th International Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014, which doesn't exist in written format. You can find more Information about this session here.

Scientific paper • 2014


The Conservation-Extraction Conundrum: The commodification of nature across vertical boundaries

By: Timothy Norris

private conservation, Peru, extraction, property institutions, de-growth

Scientific paper • 2014


Grassroots Innovation For Sustainability: The Diffusion of Community Supported Agriculture in Germany

By: Kristin Reiß

Abstract: Over the last few years niches got more and more discussed as initial point for societal change. But approaches like Strategic Niche Management (SNM) are critisised for its focus on technological niches and its idea of a „top-down-management“, whereby radical alterations in fact is more often initiated by non-governmental groups and parts of civil society. This work attaches itself to...

• 2014


Gut Leben. Eine Gesellschaft jenseits des Wachstums.

By: Barbara Muraca

„Gut Leben“ bietet einen guten Einstieg in die Postwachstums- oder Degrowth-Debatte. Barbara Muraca beschreibt den internationalen Degrowth-Diskurs und verbindet diesen mit den deutschen Postwachstumsansätzen. Sie zeigt auf, dass zu „gut leben“ Solidarität, Selbstbestimmung und Freiheit gehören. Wichtig für sie ist auch eine feministische Perspektive, die das Ganze der Arbeit in den Blick nimmt...

Position paper • 2014


Scaling up collective action and advancing knowledge on degrowth from the grassroots

By: Gualter Barbas Baptista

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Organizing collective action for degrowth.

Scientific paper • 2014


Ethical Banks – Professional Biography and taking critical distance in ethical Banking and Finance

By: Sarah Lenz

Abstract: The segment of empirical reality chosen for the presentation is dedicated to ethical or sustainable banking. Though rather small still, this segment has been expanding rapidly. Contrary to conventional banking, this segment has constantly been gaining legitimacy since the collapse of global finance. Building on the assumption that institutions do not only depend on the acceptance and ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth, Democracy and the Mafia. How do we face the issue?

By: Giusy Pappalardo, Candidate Giusy Pappalardo, Filippo Gravagno, Mirko Maccarronello

Abstract: We question how groups aimed at implementing degrowth practices have to face social systems that are influenced by mechanisms of Mafia. We argue that anti-mafia practices are necessary steps in order to nurture degrowth. Specifically we tell about a metropolitan context and a rural context in Sicily, IT, being the first a marginalized satellite city and the second a derelict landscape...

Scientific paper • 2014


The delusion of decoupling, and policy options for mitigating the rebound effects and the environmental impact.

By: Jorgen Norgard

Abstract: When analyzing environmental problems, it is useful to apply the following simple equation for the environmental impact ‘I’, here representing energy consumption: I = P·A·T, With ‘P’ representing population, ‘A’ affluence per capita, and ‘T’ resource intensity, i.e. energy per affluence ‘A’. All three factors are in the equation coupled to ‘I’, and in general we should avoid using the...

Scientific paper • 2014


Frugal Value: Designing Business for a Crowded Planet

By: Carina Millstone

Abstract: This paper concerns new business models for de-growth and the steady state economy. It argues that business models need to be developed that drive products and services with the attributes of efficiency and sufficiency. It identifies four such models, including new approaches to product creation and retail, a shift from ownership to access, a shift from products to services and new wa...

Scientific paper • 2014


Education in Sustainability – A Case of Business Administration

By: Farley Nobre

Sustainability, Business Administration, Design Thinking, Experiential Learning, Social Constructivism

• 2014


Building alliances - equality as basis for sustainability

By: Christiane Kliemann

By Christiane Kliemann When talking about building alliances –  the focus of the third conference day – the issue of equality  immediately comes  into view, as there are many dimensions of inequality deeply rooted in the current growth-based economic model. In order to overcome this model, all these dimensions need to be addressed and all

Report • 2014


Other cities in crisis can learn from Detroit’s bankruptcy-fostered Degrowth Machine Politics.

By: Seth Schindler

The publisher: The city of Detroit was one of the major casualties of the 2008 financial crisis, finally filing for bankruptcy in July 2013. Seth Schindler looks at how the city’s bankruptcy has acted as a catalyst for change. He writes that Detroit has moved from a ‘growth machine politics’ characterised by a push for economic growth at the expense of urban services, to a policy of ‘degrowth’ ...