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Showing 3581 items

• 2021

Beyond the Knowledge Crisis: A Synthesis Framework for Socio-Environmental Studies and Guide to Social Change

By: Debbie Kasper

Assembles existing knowledge in the environmental and social sciences to generate a science-based, integrated, accessible, and actionable theoretical framework for socio-environmental studies Overcomes dualistic tendencies in conventional worldviews, such as humans and nature, individual and society, and the like Facilitates interdisciplinary communication and collaboration among those seek...

Scientific paper • 2021

Food access in crisis: Food security and COVID-19

By: Sabine O'Hara, Etienne C. Toussaint

Disparities in food access and the resulting inequities in food security are persistent problems in cities across the United States. The nation's capital is no exception. The District of Columbia's 's geography of food insecurity reveals a history of uneven food access that has only been amplified by the vulnerability of food supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper examines the h...

Scientific paper • 2021

Monetary Adaptation to Planetary Emergency: Addressing the Monetary Growth Imperative

By: Christian Arnsperger, Jem Bendell, Matthew Slater

Background: The existence of a Monetary Growth Imperative (MGI) and its implications for economic stability, democracy and environmental sustainability have been put forward by environmental economists for around two decades but recently criticised as invalid. Given the urgency of the climate and ecological crisis alongside spiralling public and private debt, the MGI deserves closer attention. ...

• 2021

Relationship-to-Profit: A Theory of Business, Markets, and Profit for Social Ecological Economics

By: Jennifer Hinton

How does the relationship between business and profit affect social and ecological sustainability? Many sustainability scholars have identified competition for profit in the market as a key driver of social exploitation and environmental destruction. Yet, studies rarely question whether businesses and markets have to be profit-seeking. The widespread existence of not-for-profit forms of busines...

• 2021

The Imperial Mode of Living: Everyday Life and the Ecological Crisis of Capitalism

By: Ulrich Brand, Markus Wissen

With the concept of the Imperial Mode of Living, Brand and Wissen highlight the fact that capitalism implies uneven development as well as a constant and accelerating universalisation of a Western mode of production and living. The logic of liberal markets since the 19thCentury, and especially since World War II, has been inscribed into everyday practices that are usually unconsciously reproduc...

Scientific paper • 2021

Limited, considered and sustainable consumption: The (non)consumption practices of UK minimalists

By: Amber Martin-Woodhead

Minimalism is an increasingly popular lifestyle movement in western economies (predominantly in the USA, Japan and Europe) that involves voluntarily reducing consumption and limiting one’s possessions to a bare minimum. This is with the intention of making space for the ‘important’ (potentially immaterial) things that are seen to add meaning and value to one’s life. Drawing on interviews with m...

Scientific paper • 2021

The Nature of Degrowth: Theorising the Core of Nature for the Degrowth Movement

By: Pasi Heikkurinen

This article investigates human–nature relations in the light of the recent call for degrowth, a radical reduction of matter–energy throughput in over-producing and over-consuming cultures. It outlines a culturally sensitive response to a (conceived) paradox where humans embedded in nature experience alienation and estrangement from it. The article finds that if nature has a core, then the expe...

Scientific paper • 2021

The end of the line: envisioning degrowth and ecosocial justice in the resistance to the trolleybus dismantlement in Moscow

By: Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Alexander Paulsson

The city of Moscow has been going through a transformation of its surface transport network during the past decade as part of a broader policy of urban beautification. Despite a renewed interest in public transport, this policy has led to the dismantling of the trolleybus system. This was met with resistance from various groups. Bringing together scholarly discussions on urban growth coalitions...

• 2021

Could "degrowth" have the same fate as "sustainable development"? A discussion on passive revolution in the Anthropocene age

By: Nikos Trantas

The sustainable development discourse, including the modern green growth version, may have aspects that contribute to environmental and social welfare but it is a top down reform project, that aims at correcting the environmental and social externalities resulting from economic growth. It is directed by governments that abide by the logic of capital. Although in principle there is civic engagem...

Scientific paper • 2021

Mobilising Sense of Place for Degrowth? Lessons From Lancashire's Anti-fracking Activism

By: Javier Lloveras, Adam P. Marshall, Gary Warnaby, Ares Kalandides

This article foregrounds sense of place as a key concept to further advance spatial theorisations within both ecological economics and degrowth. We delineate the scope of the concept and apply it to the fracking controversy in Lancashire, UK. Specifically, we elucidate how sense of place associations were mobilised by pro- and anti-fracking actors to legitimate and advance their respective posi...

• 2021

Climate Change Inaction and Post-Reality

By: Philip J. Wilson

Blame for climate change inaction is rarely directed at a fundamental cause, the excessive complexity of society. It has given rise to post-truth, which has been largely reduced to unflattering stereotypes of the public, and post-trust, by which the public see their national institutions as increasingly distant and ineffectual. The two comprise post-reality, by which confidence in the truth is ...

• 2021

Towards a cultural politics of degrowth: prefiguration, popularization and pressure

By: Miriam Meissner

This article discusses the role of culture in political ecology, with a focus on degrowth. Environmental scientists increasingly consider systemic societal changes such as degrowth as indispensable for the effective tackling of current climate and ecological crises, while governments and civil society remain skeptical of it. To tackle this challenge, this article argues for the strategic employ...

• 2021

Degrowth: From Utopia to Reality. An action research approach to start the Degrowth dialogue

By: Michael Nieding, Brechtje Postema

How can an idea that critiques the global capitalist system persist? How can a concept that opposes growth as indicator of wealth gather more and more supporters inside and outside of academia? How can a radical theory that challenges almost any societal structure convince us that it is something we must pursue? The Degrowth movement is often referred to as utopia, and not without good reason, ...

• 2021

Growing degrowth-oriented tourism? CSR certified tour operators as change agents

By: Sabine Panzer-Krause

This chapter acknowledges the substantial role tour operators play in the tourism industry as intermediaries bundling different individual tourism offerings together. The study adopts an evolutionary approach through the analyses of tour operators' sustainability and audit reports and investigates whether German tour operators who have gained the corporate social responsibility (CSR) certificat...

• 2021

Degrowing the commoditization process in community-based tourism and local entrepreneurship

By: Ammalia Podlaszewska

This chapter presents an empirical analysis of the tourist destination of Bandung in Indonesia to discuss some of the theoretical constructs of commoditization in community-based tourism and to explore how local resources are made available as an alternative to the dominant doctrines of 'economism'. To identify whether tourism development has exacerbated the existing forms of social and spatial...

• 2021

Community-based tourism in a degrowth perspective

By: Ernest Cañada

This chapter highlights that despite the large body of existing literature on community-based tourism there is a lack of research adopting a degrowth perspective, as well as those conditions in which degrowth can happen in the case of community-based tourism. Based on the negligence of past research, the chapter explores the potentialities and limitations of community-based tourism experiences ...

• 2021

(De)growth imperative: the importance of destination resilience in the context of overtourism.

By: Martin Fontanari, Anastasia Traskevich, Hugues Seraphin

This chapter examines the topic of overtourism to propose management solutions for destination degrowth and resilience-building. The authors use a Delphi survey, having as a sample 104 tourism experts who have explored the issue of overtourism either conceptually or empirically. These tourism experts include academics, managers of tourism associations, journalists and German ministries' represe...

• 2021

Issues and cases of degrowth in tourism

By: Konstantinos Andriotis

Degrowth in tourism is the voluntary shift to rebuild destinations and local economies in a way in which consumption, production and the exploitation of resources are minimal. It looks to ensure that the direction of institutional changes and the orientation of technological development are controlled and in harmony with the environment. Degrowth involves people whose use of personal time enhan...

• 2021

Political discourse analysis of the degrowth challenge to dominant tourism narratives in Spain

By: Neil Hughes, José Mansilla

This chapter uses as a case Spanish cities such as Madrid, Palma de Mallorca, Bilbao, Seville, Valencia and Barcelona, to explore the role that degrowth social movement actors and ideas have played in protest action directed at the tourism sector in recent years. The authors identify important episodes of contestation in which degrowth activists have been present. Particularly after 2015, the N...