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Showing 286 items

Scientific paper • 2012


Development was the problem, not the solution 1 Part I: the critique of global environmental politics

By: Matthias Finger, Jacques Grinevald

From the text: There is, on the one hand, ever more economic growth and development as actively promoted by the projects of engineers (modern engineering), big science (physical and biological sciences), including the social sciences and mainstream economics, the competitive Nation-State system and related intergovernmental organizations, as well as by the firms and others big business actors, ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Agriculture and human ecology: the value of the territory

By: Carlo Modonesi, Monica Oldani, Celestino Panizza

Introduction: The achievements in life sciences of the last 50 years have widely deepened knowledge and the possibility of intervention on the foundations of living nature. However, such undeniable achievements, by focusing primarily on structural aspects of biological organization, have not shed much light on other characteristics of living creatures, such as historical and ecological ones. Th...

Scientific paper • 2012


Measuring progress in the degrowth transition to a steady state economy

By: Daniel W. O'Neill

Indicators, Degrowth, Steady state economy, Conceptual framework

Scientific paper • 2012


Is Socially - Just Degrowth Compatible with Capitalism?

By: Karen Bell

Abstract: The degrowth movement challenges the paradigm of economic growth, and promotes a dual agenda of ecological sustainability and social justice. However, critics argue that, within a capitalist system, degrowth will ultimately undermine social justice by increasing poverty and inequality, as businesses collapse and jobs are lost. The recent economic recession in the wealthier capitali...

Scientific paper • 2012


What shall degrow? Proposals of bottom-up degrowth of capacity to produce and consume.

By: Francois Schneider

Capacity to produce and consume; Rebound Effect; Limiting Factors; Economic Size; Degrowth Policy; Frugal Innovation; Debound Strategies; Multidimensional crisis.

Scientific paper • 2012


Overpopulation and the Vicious Circle Principle

By: Craig Dilworth

Abstract: In my book "Too Smart for Our Own Good", I present an ecological theory intended to explain human evolution and development, and I apply that theory to all major aspects of our actual evolution and development over the past seven million years. In this paper, I shall summarize the treatment that overpopulation in particular receives in Too Smart.

Scientific paper • 2012


Variants of de-growth and deliberative democracy: A Habermasian proposal.

By: Konrad Ott

Abstract: This article intends to determine the relationship between variants of degrowth strategies and prospects for further democratization. In a first step, four variants of degrowth policies are distinguished. In a second step, a Habermasian approach to deliberative democracy will be outlined which will be enriched by some proposals for environmental democracy. Finally, a position on envir...

Scientific paper • 2012


Sustainable Development and the Cultural Contradictions of High Modernity: Beyond Brundtland and Limits to Growth

By: Thomas Wallgren

Abstract: The new green movement that appeared in the 1960s and 1970s claimed that because of objective limits economic growth had become a false development goal. The claim is interpreted as a claim about an intrinsic tension between two cultural aspirations fundamental to the project of high modernity, ethical universalism and increasing material prosperity for all. Since the mid 1980s the id...

Scientific paper • 2012


Interdependencies of Technology and Degrowth – Some Cultural Foundations

By: Oliver Parodi

From the introduction: Work, economy and growth nowadays are fundamentally linked to technology, technological progress and the handling of our world by and through technology. If we are talking about degrowth as a passage of civilization we have to keep in mind that our (modern/Western) civilizations are technological ones: At present, we all are living in a world which is strongly formed and ...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Transition of Mindset in Economics - A Model for Non-Growth

By: Michael Schlauch, Gaia Palmisano

Abstract: The search for the roots of the doctrine of unlimited growth leads to the traditional anthropocentric world view where the human has to relate himself only to a given nature. This dualism between a human with unlimited technological power and a static nature is not able to explain such phenomena as stagnating happiness indexes, continuous food and resource insecurity, health problems ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Buen Vivir and Beyond: Searching for a New Paradigm of Action

By: Ana Agostino, Franziska Dübgen

From the text: A Language of opposition, once turned into a principle of governance changes its appearance. On the one hand, the social activist necessarily bases her intervention on the vision of a better state of affairs. Hence, her intellectual work is grounded in counter-narratives of what a different, alternative world should look like with the ultimate aim of transforming reality towards ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth, the past, the future, and the human nature

By: Ernest Garcia

Abstract: In the last years, different sources point to a same message: industrial civilization has entered an overshoot mode, the natural limits to growth have been already surpassed. This frontier does not wait for us in the future; it already belongs to our past. If population and the economy are truly beyond the limits, then current visions and theories of social change would be deeply pert...

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth: Tools for a Complex Analysis of the Multidimensional Crisis

By: Mauro Bonaiuti

From the paper: This article intends first of all to offer a contribution to the analysis of the current multidimensional crisis and to help construct this shared view; at the same time, it reveals why orthodox economic prescriptions, of both neoclassical and Keynsian inspiration, cannot lead to a lasting solution to the crisis. Special Issue: Degrowth Symposium Capitalism Nature Socialism, ...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Growth Paradigm: A critique

By: Gareth Dale

Discusses the “Origins of the growth paradigm” by going into history, starting in medieval times going over to industrialisation, including the “invention of scarcity” and the “change from a world of custom and common land to one based on absolute private property”, “a redefinition of human needs and desire” and economic theory. Further “the criticisms of political economy for its neglect of th...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Macroeconomics of De-growth. Can a De-growth Strategy be Stable?

By: Dina Padalkina

De-growth, Sustainability, Consumption and Production patterns, Ecological and Environmental economics, Post-­Keynesian economics, Kaleckian Model, Taxation and Distribution, Policy, Regulation

Scientific paper • 2012


Can the Left Escape Economism?

By: Serge Latouche

From the text: . . .To exit from the impasse of a growth society involves finding ways of building an alternative world of voluntary sobriety and frugal abundance, a world we believe possible. But to do this also implies abandoning the well-trodden paths of ‘‘critical’’ thought, the inherited ways of thinking that are fundamentally responsible for all the facets of the Left. Inventing new ways ...

• 2011


Internationale Politische Ökonomie - Eine Einführung

By: Hans-Jürgen Bieling

Die Internationale Politische Ökonomie (IPÖ) hat sich seit den 1970er Jahren zu einem lebhaften Forschungszweig entwickelt, in dem Wissenschaftler aus unterschiedlichen Theorietraditionen und disziplinären Kontexten aufeinander. In dem vorliegenden Studienbuch wird dargelegt, welche Fragestellungen, theoretischen Debatten und neuen Erkenntnisse die IPÖ-Diskussion prägen. Hierzu werden zunächst ...

Scientific paper • 2011


Vers une societe d’abondance frugale

By: Serge Latouche

fayard.fr:Les uns ne jurent que par elle quand les autres s’offensent que le mot soit prononcé. Que recouvre l’idée de décroissance, qui ne semble pas être la même pour les uns et les autres ? Surtout, elle charrie son lot de contresens et de controverses. Nombreux sont les opposants à cette idée, qui utilisent des arguments de plus ou moins mauvaise foi. À droite comme à gauche, les critiques...

Scientific paper • 2011


From Bioeconomics to Degrowth

By: Mauro Bonaiuti, Nicolas Georgescu-Roegen

Georgescu-Roegen's 'New Economics' in Eight Essays The publisher: Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen's (1906-94) most original contribution is his bioeconomic theory. Based on a profound rethinking of the foundations of neoclassical economics, bioeconomics represents a completely new paradigm compared to both the standard and the Marxist approach. Opening economics to natural sciences led Georgescu-R...

Scientific paper • 2011


The Quest for Pleasure and the Death of Life

By: Joseph Morrill Kirby

Schopenhauer; Kant; Hegel; Ecology; Economics; Philosophy