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Showing 3581 items

Art contribution • 2014


TAF! Photographic Action Workshop / TAF! Fotografie Aktions Workshop

By: Oriana Elicabe

[gallery link="file" columns="7" ids="100375,100376,100377,100378,100379,100380,100381,100382"] From the conference programme: TAF! is a theoretical-practical photography workshop over 3 days designed for action. It aims to share knowledge and practices in toolkit mode. We will look at photography and its use as a communication tool and as a way of collectively intervening in social issues. ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Money and Freedom in the view of Polanyis Great Transformation: Decommodification by constituting alternative monetary institutions

By: Josué Manuel Quintana Diaz

Money as institution, monetary constitution, growth imperative, Transitions Initiatives, decommodification

Art contribution • 2014


The Game / Das Spiel

By: Hannah Baumann, Mirjam Hildbrand

[gallery link="file" columns="6" ids="100370,100371,100372,100373,100374"] From the conference programme: This performance invites you to rethink the given and play with variants of reality. The participants are pawns in the game and challenge each other in groups. While the game is just for fun, it develops its own serious nature, and a lot of things can happen in the gravitiy of the situat...

Scientific paper • 2014


Defamiliarizing experiences in a center for degrowth

By: Corinna Burkhart

norms, normality, practical defamiliarization, cross-normality experience, change

• 2014


How to sell degrowth: Business models I

By: aboutsource

How to sell degrowth is one of the questions of our research and communication project Postwachstumspioniere at the Institute for Ecological Economy Research. In the paper “Successful non-growing companies“, Andrea Liesen, Christian Dietsche and myself are discussing motives and strategies that seem to apply to a variety of non-growing companies. We found that small and medium-sized […]

• 2014


Use and Abuse of the “Natural Capital” Concept

By: Christiane Kliemann

By Herman Daly Some people object to the concept of “natural capital” because they say it reduces nature to the status of a commodity to be marketed at its exchange value. This indeed is a danger, well discussed by George Monbiot. Monbiot’s criticism rightly focuses on the monetary pricing of natural capital. But it is

Scientific paper • 2014


Buddhist Economics beyond Schumacher - How can contemporary research on Buddhist Economics inform degrowth- approaches?

By: Katharina Hirschbrunn

Buddhist Economics, Sufficiency, Feminist Economics, Work, Employment

Scientific paper • 2014


Plea for a flexible economy

By: Willem Hoogendyk

Abstract: The money-driven growth has created a compulsion to produce and consume. The rich and emerging countries have become its prisoner. We should calm-down, regionalize and democratize the economy while turning money from master into servant. We need a frugal economy, no longer of supply and push, but geared to a demand within ecological bounds. Production should be flexible. Demand for co...

Art contribution • 2014


The Waiting Room | The Degrowth Performance Project

By: Peter Stamer, Diego Agullò, Clément Layes, Dmitry Paranyushkin, Fräulein Bernd, Lukas Bugiel, friendly fire, Sylvia Kadur, Maix Mayer, Anna Pescke, Angelika Waniek, Laris Hemken, Beide Messies

[gallery link="file" columns="6" ids="105195,105196,105197,105198,105199,105200,105201,105202,105204,105205,105206,105207,105208,105209,105210,105211,105212,105213,105214,105215,105216"] Performance-project by and with Peter Stamer, Diego Agullò, Clément Layes, Dmitry Paranyushkin, Fräulein Bernd, Lukas Bugiel, friendly fire, Sylvia Kadur, Maix Mayer, Anna Pescke, Angelika Waniek, Laris Hem...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and Socialism: The vision of August Bebel

By: Christoph Henning

Abstract: This short paper aims to reread a socialist classic that was written in Leipzig about 140 years ago. This particular book, that was very influential in its time, is re-read with a keen eye on its implications for the degrowth-debate. It is argued that classical socialism already implied some ideas of a post-growth. The awareness of this fact could be used to stir up a public debate an...

Scientific paper • 2014


Commons, Social Choice and Welfare: the limits of private Property Rights system.

By: Alain Herscovici

Commons, Social Choice, Property Rights

Scientific paper • 2014


Socioecological Dynamics of Resurgent Forests: Lessons for Degrowth

By: Christine Biermann, Becky Mansfield

Abstract: This paper considers resurgent, or regrowing, forests, asking: What dynamics drive forest re-growth? How do economic changes articulate with ecological processes, and to what ends? Drawing on research in Appalachian Ohio, we add to critiques of forest transition theory, which states that after decades if not centuries of forest loss, countries begin to experience increases in forest c...

• 2014


Transition und Transformation: Sozialökologische Perspektiven

By: Ulrich Brand

Beitrag zum Buch "Futuring - Perspektiven der Transformation im Kapitalismus über ihn hinaus" Teil der Einleitung: Fragen von wirtschaftlichem Wachstum und gesellschaftlichem Wohlstand spielen seit Beginn der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise eine verstärkte Rolle in der öffentlichen und fachlichen Auseinandersetzung. Noch deutlicher wird dies angesichts der Tatsache, dass sich diese Dimensionen ...

Scientific paper • 2014


THANCS – a process to address tensions that emerge in/with a transition towards sustainable development

By: Ines Omann, Felix Rauschmayer

ustainability transition, needs, tensions, sustainable lifestyles, quality of life

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Resources and Extraction

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Resources and Extraction at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 > Rethinking technology – towards sufficiency and a sustainable production. > Technology transfer towards renewable energies. > Introduce resource issues into trade unions and job issues (p.e. RSA: one million climate jobs). > Re-politicize Renewable Energies...

Scientific paper • 2014


Small farms and degrowth

By: Jean Francois Le Clanche, Christian Mouchet

Abstract: small farms could be sustenaible and income allowing to make a farmer live. Some of them are innovative and some farmers present features close to those of the schumpeterian entrepreneur. That is why small farms could be a way for the future of European agriculture. They use more work, less capital: we could think that it is one of the degrowth ways. Keywords: small farms, rural deve...

Scientific paper • 2014


Sumak Kawsay: Living non-­‐capitalist values in a capitalist world.

By: Lucia Gallardo

Sumak Kawsay, anti-capitalist, Eurocentric, indigenous women, non-capitalist values, emergence and time

Scientific paper • 2014


Exploring consumption-focused policy mixes for absolute decoupling of well-being from resource use and environmental impacts

By: Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers, Katharina Umpfenbach

Abstract: The overall environmental impact of consumption of resources in the EU continues to grow, requiring more biocapacity than is globally available. This appears driven by the dominant economic model putting consumerism and GDP growth at the heart of our economic system, as well as in our cultural and political systems. The paper will presents attempts of the European research project DYN...

• 2014


Futur Zwei: Zukunftsalmanach 2015/16

By: Harald Welzer, Dana Giesecke, Luise Tremel

Der Verlag: Alternativlos? Gibt es nicht. Der zweite FUTURZWEI-Zukunftsalmanach erzählt in 83 Geschichten von gelebten Gegenentwürfen zur Leitkultur des Wachstums und der Verschwendung. Das Schwerpunktthema ist Material – es geht um Rohstoffgewinnung und Güterproduktion, um Hyperkonsum und Abfall. Der Blick richtet sich auf das Politische und wie immer ins FUTURZWEI: Werden wir für ein Weniger ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Energy technologies and their impact on a degrowth society

By: Petra Wächter

Abstract: Energy as the basis for daily activities on an individual level and for economic activities on a societal level gives fundamental importance to our lives. Individual decisions on the consumption of goods and services not only determine the energy use but also have impacts on the overall performance of economic structures. As economists point out energy use and economic growth are mutu...