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Showing 416 items

• 2012


Spielball Erde - Machtkämpfe im Klimawandel

By: Claus Kleber, Cleo Paskal

Der Klimawandel verändert bereits jetzt das Antlitz unseres Planeten massiv. Davon ist »heute journal«-Moderator Claus Kleber überzeugt. Auf der Basis langjähriger Recherchen und aktueller Eindrücke an klimapolitisch brisanten Hotspots skizziert er zusammen mit seiner Koautorin Cleo Paskal die Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts – mit ihren Siegern und Verlierern. Extreme Wetterereignisse k...

• 2012


Reifezeiten - Zur Bedeutung der Zeit in Bildung, Politik und politischer Bildung

By: Michael Görtler, Fritz Reheis

Der Zeitdruck steigt, auch in Schulen und Parlamenten. Das beklagen Viele. Ist diese Klage berechtigt? Dient das Bemühen um Zeit-ersparnis im Kontext von Bildung und Politik tatsächlich den Zielen, die dabei erreicht werden sollen? Wie groß sind die Risiken der Beschleunigung hinsichtlich der Qualität der Ergebnisse, nämlich der Formung der individuellen Persönlichkeit des Menschen wie des poli...

Scientific paper • 2012


Democracies with a future: Degrowth and the democratic tradition

By: Marco Deriu

Abstract: The interrogation of a possible connection between degrowth and democracy inspires some questions of political epistemology. Is degrowth a socio-economic project which can be simply proposed as an “issue” and a “goal” in the democratic representative system, without discussing forms and processes of the political institutions themselves? Is the degrowth perspective fully compatible wi...

• 2012


Family Agroindustry and Degrowth

By: João Luis

The publisher: In this book you will find an experience that many - at the time that it was implemented - called a completely utopian proposal. However, it was fully achieved and proved that it is possible to carry out an agro-food production by undertaking the reallocation of both production and consumption, combined with a social inclusion program based on degrowth principles regarding the us...

• 2012


A Degrowth reading of the French vote for the far right: the symbol of the failure of a model of civilisation?

By: Parti Pour La Decroissance

From the text: . . . What is most paradoxical in this France who feels « abandoned » and « toils » away, is that it has the good fortune to be situated in strategic areas for our future. While, for these peoples, « cities » are the « symbols of a successful globalisation » – which further reinforces their sense of frustration – the city finds itself in an energy and environmental dead end. Ther...

Scientific paper • 2012


Overcoming accumulation: Is a capitalist steady-state economy possible?

By: Frederik Berend Blauwhof

Keywords: Steady-state economy; Capital accumulation; Capitalism; Ecological economics; Marxian economics; Growth; Crisis; Reform; Policy

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth and the supply of money in an energy-scarce world

By: Richard Douthwaite

Energy; Money supply; Debt; Regional currencies; Climate change

Scientific paper • 2012

Text Text

Introducing the rule of ecological law

By: Geoffrey Garver, Geoffrey Garver

From the text: Systemic ecological boundaries, buffered with means to allow the flourishing of life and not merely its survival, are the boundaries that matter most in this critical era. They can serve as the base of a structure of ecological law that must be respected and enforced to fend off catastrophe and enhance the capacity for life to flourish. I argue that the looming prospect of transg...

Scientific paper • 2012


Growth and democracy: Trade-offs and paradoxes

By: Mauro Bonaiut

Abstract: The present paper attempts to reveal the relationships between some long-run systemic processes (on the economic, ecological, social and symbolic levels) and the theme of democracy. Starting from the distinction between democracy and autonomy, the paper focusses on its main issue: the trade-off between growth and autonomy. Continual growth can be produced, and indeed has been produced...

Scientific paper • 2012


Critique of Degrowth and its Politics

By: David Schwartzman

From the paper: The degrowth program is highly problematic because of its failure to analyze the qualitative aspects of economic growth and its emphasis on the local economy without recognizing the urgency to address global anthropogenic change from a transnational political perspective. In particular, a major challenge humanity now faces is to rapidly implement a prevention program to avoid ca...

Scientific paper • 2012


Le piccole ONG e la cooperazione internazionale

By: Roberto Pellerey

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available in Italian

Scientific paper • 2012


Planned economic contraction: the emerging case for degrowth

By: Samuel Alexander

Keywords: degrowth, uneconomic growth, threshold hypothesis, voluntary simplicity

Scientific paper • 2012


From Green Urban Economy to a Network of Autopoietic Region-Cities: a strategy for a sustainable economy under the scenario of degrowth

By: Sergi Nuss

Abstract: Between October 2011 and April 2012 the author has conducted research with ICLEI Europe on the Green Economy approach of 6 cities active in local climate change and energy, namely: Almada (Portugal), Arendal (Norway), Bologna (Italy), Girona (Spain), Jerusalem (Israel) and Turku (Finland). These cities not only cover a wide geographical area, but also a broad cultural, economical and ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Reflexions about how to build a degrowth process in Brazil

By: Mildred Gustack Delambre, Alan Ainer Boccato-Franco, Edson Franco

Keywords: Solidarity Economy, Political strategy, participatory transition, degrowth process, social movements

Scientific paper • 2012


Political participation. A way toward degrowth.

By: Marco Boffi

Abstract: Degrowth supports a sober and convivial vision of life through principles encouraging equality and social relations. The cultural perspective it proposes is conceived also as the starting point for a concrete political action, and political subjects based on such ideas has risen in several countries. These principles play a key role in favoring citizens’ participation in public life, ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Transition to sustainability: Italian scenarios towards a low-carbon economy

By: Giovanni Bernardo, Simone D’Alessandro

Keywords: system dynamics, scenario analysis, sustainability.

Scientific paper • 2012


A more caring and equitable society requires linking local engagement in support of Global Policies for Health

By: Eduardo Missoni

Abstract: The health care industry is is one of the world's largest and fastest-growing industries and healthcare spending is rising faster than economic growth, consuming around 10 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) of most developed nations. However volume and increase of spending do not relate directly with population's health improvement. In many countries, the increase of health care ...

Position paper • 2012


Widersprüche in der Brandenburger Energiewende - Horizonte sozialökologischer Transformation

By: Dieter Klein

Die Energiepolitik ist ein zentrales Feld gesellschaftlicher Transformation. Sie betrifft den Umgang mit fossilen Ressourcen, auf denen gegenwärtig die gesamte Zivilisation beruht, deren weitere Nutzung diese Zivilisation jedoch aufs Äußerste gefährdet. Die Energiepolitik hat es mit Knotenpunkten globaler Macht, aber auch mit der Chance tun, zur Veränderung der gegenwärtigen Machtverhältnisse b...

Interview • 2012


Der Kampf ums Wasser

By: Der Kampf ums Wasser Maude Barlow, Wenonah Hauter, Oscar Olivera, Mary Ann Manahan, Olcay Ünver, Gerlinde Schermer

Noch immer haben fast 900 Millionen Menschen weltweit keinen Zugang zu sauberem Wasser. Gegen die Aneignung und Zerstörung von Wasserreserven hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren international Widerstand gebildet. Auf dem Alternativen Weltwasserforum (FAME), das vom 14. bis 17. März 2012 in Marseille stattfand, kamen AktivistInnen, WissenschaftlerInnen und VertreterInnen von Nichtregierungsorgani...

Scientific paper • 2012


Leitbild Schweiz oder Kasachstan?: Zur Entwicklung der ländlichen Räume in Sachsen - Eine Denkschrift zur Agrarpolitik

By: Michael Beleites

Michael Beleites verknüpft seine schonungslose Analyse der ostdeutschen Agrarpolitik vor und nach der 89er Revolution mit der Suche nach Visionen für eine zukunftsfähige Landbewirtschaftung. In dem bäuerlichen Erbe Sachsens und Thüringens sieht er eine besondere Chance zur schrittweisen Wiederbelebung sozial und ökologisch verträglicher bäuerlicher Strukturen. Die künftige Agrarpolitik müsse da...