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Showing 26 items

Scientific paper • 2012


Slow medicine: a new health care model

By: Jean-Louis Aillon, Andrea Gardini

Keywords: slow, medicine, health, degrowth

Scientific paper • 2012


Medical students for Degrowth

By: Cecilia Ferrari

Introduction: Unlike other sciences, e.g. IT or Physics, whose experts’ high level of specialization is regarded as the major key to success, Medicine actually maintains the prerogative of a traditional knowledge, in which a deep understanding is reachable only with practice in at least several of its branches. Besides, since it affects the whole of life of people devoting to it, Medicine is al...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Act of Care: A Good Opportunity.

By: Maurizio Venezi

Introduction: Ever since my father’s death from epatocarcinoma I have been interested in the psychological aspects of cancer patients. The ideal adjective which best describes my personal experience of that death is DEVASTATING. Nevertheless, I feel profound gratitude towards my father, who allowed me to be part, for the first time, of this parting from life. A few months prior to this event, ...

Scientific paper • 2012


A more caring and equitable society requires linking local engagement in support of Global Policies for Health

By: Eduardo Missoni

Abstract: The health care industry is is one of the world's largest and fastest-growing industries and healthcare spending is rising faster than economic growth, consuming around 10 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) of most developed nations. However volume and increase of spending do not relate directly with population's health improvement. In many countries, the increase of health care ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Common goods and food sovereignty - Double Pyramid and Economic Considerations on Sustainable Diets

By: Sara Francesca Lisot

Keywords: Sustainable diets, environment preservation, health and nutrition, menu cost

Presentation • 2010


Degrowth Episodes and Public Health: Lessons from the Past?

By: Iris Borowy

Transcription and presentation of an poster session by Iris Borowy at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Degrowth Episodes and Public Health: Lessons from the Past?".