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Showing 31 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Railway transport and social-ecological transformation in Germany

By: Hannes Fauser

Abstract: This short paper summarizes the development of railway services in Germany in the past two decades, which have been marked by commercialization, increased competition and attempts of privatization. I argue that these policies are misled from a social-ecological perspective and have only modestly performed in terms of shifting passengers and cargo towards railway transportation. The th...

Scientific paper • 2014


Saving Money – Breaking Profit? Ride-Sharing Practices in Inter-City Transport

By: Alexa Faerber

Abstract: This contribution examines how the infrastrucutre and ticketing of inter-city railway transport leads to entrepreneurial practices of ride-sharing and asks if this twofold practice (it allows saving money and gaining money) also contains the potential of articulating economic visions of degrowth. The background for these new forms of transportation-entrepreneurialism is the ongoing pr...

Scientific paper • 2014


“The World is My Backyard”: Critiquing Mobility From Inside the Tiny House Movement

By: April Anson

Abstract: The phenomenon of the recent tiny house movement offers a unique opportunity for a to expose the growing commodification of environmental sustainability in a market that continues to shelter economic and class privilege. Written from my subjective position as builder, owner and inhabitant of a tiny house, this paper examines the radical possibilities intrinsic to the mobility of the t...

Interview • 2012


A Future for Education

By: Extraenvironmentalist, Michael M'Gonigle

[ Michael M'Gonigle // A Future for Education ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Michael M'Gonigle made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Michael M'Gonigle is talking about education, also university education and how it is economised. He is criticising that university is like a training ground for professionals while it shou...

• 2012


Der FUTURZWEI-Zukunftsalmanach 2013

By: Harald Welzer, Stephan Rammler (Hrsg.)

Untertitel: Geschichten vom guten Umgang mit der Welt Verlag: "›Wir werden aktiv gewesen sein!‹ - Wege in eine enkeltaugliche Zukunft Das 21. Jahrhundert braucht Visionen – Geschichten von besseren Lebensstilen, Geschichten über eine gelingende Zukunft. Die Entwicklung einer zukunftsfähigen Gesellschaft wird schon heute von erfolgreichen Projekten vorangetrieben: Verantwortungsbewusste Unterne...

Presentation • 2010

Image Text

Bike every day, celebrate it once a month. Critical Mass - Sustainable urban mobility and the importance of the social articulation, Madrid

By: Elisabeth Lorenzi

Poster by Elisabeth Lorenzi from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Bike every day, celebrate it once a month. Critical Mass - Sustainable urban mobility and the importance of the social articulation, Madrid".

Presentation • 2010

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Mobility systems and economic growth: A theoretical analysis of the long-term effects of alternative transpotation policies

By: Luigi Bonatti, Emanuele Campiglio

Poster by Luigi Bonatti and Emanuele Campiglio from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title “Mobility systems and economic growth: A theoretical analysis of the long-term effects of alternative transpotation policies".

Presentation • 2010


An agrofuel moratorium in temperate countries?

By: Jean-Marc Y-M. Salmon

Poster by Jean-Marc Y-M. Salmon from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "An agrofuel moratorium in temperate countries?".

Position paper • 2010


Change without fear

By: Christer Sanne

Transcription of an oral session by Christer Sanne at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Growth is unsustainable. Long live degrowth?".

• 2010


Auto Mobil Krise

By: Magdalena Bernaciak, Antje Blöcker, Stephan Kaufmann, Holm-Detlev Köhler, Sabine Leidig, Ulla Lötzer, Eric Mann, Thomas Ponniah, Oliver Pye, Shahra Razavi, Rainer Rilling, Bernd Röttger, Raúl Zibechi

Zeitschrift «Luxemburg» LuXemburg 3/2010 untersucht Kultur, Ökologie und Ökonomie der Autogesellschaft, die Krisen, Kämpfe und Strategien in der Automobilindustrie Die Autoindustrie präsentiert sich als Vorreiter und globaler Leitmarkt. Von den Krisen wird geschwiegen: Seit Jahrzehnten wird zu viel produziert. Das verschärft die Konkurrenz – die in erster Linie die Beschäftigten trifft. ...

Scientific paper • 2006


Billigfluglinien - Eine umweltwissenschaftliche Betrachtung

By: Bernd Hahn

Der Luftverkehrs bildet den dynamischsten Sektor innerhalb des Verkehrsbereichs, in den letzten Jahrzehnten und auch weiterhin: Der jährliche Zuwachs an Passagierkilometern wird auf absehabre Zeit mit etwa 5 Prozent abgeschätzt, für die Luftfracht liegen die Erwartungen teils noch darüber - über einen 20-Jahres-Zeitraum hin bedeutet dies etwa eine Verdreifachung (vgl. die regelmäßigen Prognosen...