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Showing 39 items

Presentation • 2014


Cultural Agency – potentials and limits of current civic movements

By: Friederike Habermann, Leonidas Martin, Michael Narberhaus, Luise Tremel

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Leonidas Martin, Michael Narberhaus, Friederike Habermann Facilitation: Luise Tremel From the conference programme: New forms of living, working, protesting as well as new economic and democratic practices develop form inside society and form „p...

Position paper • 2014


Towards a new activism to effectively support a transition to a de-growth economy

By: Micha Narberhaus

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Organizing collective action for degrowth.

Scientific paper • 2014


The right to meaningful work as key component of a new European social contract in the light of the socio-ecological transition

By: Judith Schicklinski

new social contract / decommodification of work / meaningful work / cities in transition / active citizenship

Scientific paper • 2014


Ecological citizen in the midst of right to the city movements in Turkey

By: Mine Islar

Abstract: Social movements, as powerful channels of political expression and mobilization, have become global phenomena with potential to reshape societies and politics around the world. The purpose of this paper is to produce an interdisciplinary study of right to the city movements by analyzing the re-politicization of the citizens engaged in Turkey’s Gezi movement. The paper aims at explorin...

Scientific paper • 2014


Conservation Through Radical Ecological Democracy

By: Ashish Kothari

Abstract: Globalised development and centralised natural resource governance have seriously threatened the ecological security of countries like India, with rapid loss of ecosystems and biodiversity. Official responses to such loss have mostly been top-down, undemocratic protected area systems and conservation laws. However, across the country as in other parts of the world, communities and civ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Post Growth City - the role of the Transition Town movement and urban planning (a case study in Bielefeld)

By: Janina Westerkowski

post growth city, urban planning, transition town movement, Scenarios and models of a post-growth economy

Scientific paper • 2014


Accountability, Democracy, and Post-growth: Civil Society Rethinking Political Economy and Finance.

By: Lorenzo Fioramonti

Economic crisis, civil society, social change, accountability, degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


Richard Douthwaite's contribution towards a Material De-Growth Society in Ireland

By: Hans Diefenbacher, Willi Kiefel

Abstract: The contribution will focus on Richard Douthwaite's work in Ireland towards a material degrowth society, especially his work within FEASTA, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability and his activities in “seed projects “ coming from civic society or grass roots level that were needed as there was no use waiting for governments or policy makers to get to grips with problems: p...

Scientific paper • 2014


The garbage crisis, the ecological justice and enviromental migrants in Campania (Southern Italy)

By: Romina Amicolo

Abstract: The garbage crisis in Campania, a region of the Southern Italy, is an example of enviromental transformation. It's a human – made enviromental degradation, which determined a sudden drop in the health condition of local inhabitants, with a considerable increase in the number of deaths caused by cancer, respiratory illnesses, and also genetic malformations. Since the mid-1990s the Ital...

Scientific paper • 2013


Civil and Uncivil Actors for a Degrowth Society

By: Federico Demaria, Giacomo D'Alisa, Claudio Cattaneo

Degrowth, civil society arena, frame, civil and uncivil actors

Scientific paper • 2012


Participation "Big Style": First Experiences with the German Citizens’ Dialogue on Energy Technologies for the Future.

By: Julia Hahn

From the text: The project “Bürgerdialoge“ (“citizens’ dialogues”) initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research aims to incorporate the perspectives of citizens regarding future technologies. Germany’s highly discussed withdrawal from nuclear energy and the accompanied fundamental changes in energy production were subjects of eight regional dialogues (with about 100 partic...

Position paper • 2011


Engagiert Euch!

By: Stéphane Hessel

Der Widerstandskämpfer und Erfolgsautor Stéphane Hessel meldet sich erneut zu Wort: Nach Empört Euch! folgt sein Aufruf zum aktiven Einsatz für eine bessere Welt. Stéphane Hessels Streitschrift Empört Euch! hält die Welt in Atem. Die Verletzung der Menschenrechte und die Zerstörung der Umwelt gehen uns alle an. Wie aber kann sich jeder Einzelne ganz konkret für eine bessere Gesellschaft stark ...

• 2011


Zivilisierung des Klimaregimes. NGOs und soziale Bewegungen in der nationalen, europäischen und internationalen Klimapolitik

By: Achim Brunnengräber

Eine immer wieder auch vom Scheitern verfolgte Klimapolitik zeigt nicht nur die Handlungsgrenzen der Staatengemeinschaft auf. Auch die Strategie der ‚konfliktiven Kooperation’ mit den Staaten, wie sie von NGOs lange schon praktiziert wird, ist an Legitimations- und Glaubwürdigkeitsgrenzen gestoßen. In Reaktion darauf betreten neue, transnational vernetzte soziale Bewegungen die Bühne der intern...

Interview • 2010


Degrowth and Civil Society Organisations

By: Leida Rijnhout

Short-interview with Leida Rijnhout from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona.

Presentation • 2010


Participative/direct democracy: What forms of 'deep' democracy for a society that degrows?

By: Désirée Lucchese, Rodney Lester

Poster by Désirée Lucchese and Rodney Lester from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Participative/direct democracy: What forms of 'deep' democracy for a society that degrows?".

Presentation • 2010

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The Political Snail’s Strategy

By: Vincent Liegey

Poster by Vincent Liegey from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "The Political Snail’s Strategy".

Presentation • 2010

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Key information ‘conductors’: Civil Society Organizations

By: Isa Gama, Mariana Meireles

Transcription of an poster session by Isa Gama and a poster from Isa Gama and Mariana Meireles at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Key information ‘conductors’: Civil Society Organizations".

Scientific paper • 2008


Escaping from the economy: the politics of degrowth

By: Valerie Fournier

Citizenship, National economy, Public policy, Sustainable development

• 2007


Das NGO-Handbuch

By: Greenpeace Magazin

Mehr als 10 Millionen Menschen engagieren sich allein im deutschsprachigen Raum bei rund 400 NGOs (non-governmental organisations). Wer sind diese Nichtregierungsorganisationen? Diese Frage will der Herausgeber, das Greenpeace Magazin, mit dem NGO-Handbuch beantworten. Die über 400 Kurzporträts enthalten einen kurzen beschreibenden Text sowie Daten und Fakten zur Arbeitsweise, Struktur und Erfo...