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Showing 49 items

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth, the past, the future, and the human nature

By: Ernest Garcia

Abstract: In the last years, different sources point to a same message: industrial civilization has entered an overshoot mode, the natural limits to growth have been already surpassed. This frontier does not wait for us in the future; it already belongs to our past. If population and the economy are truly beyond the limits, then current visions and theories of social change would be deeply pert...

• 2011


Lernen in Beziehung - Zum Verhältnis von Subjektivität und Relationalität in Lernprozessen

By: Tobias Künkler

Was man unter Lernen versteht, hängt eng mit der Vorstellung vom lernenden Subjekt zusammen. Tobias Künkler untersucht den herrschenden Lerndiskurs, der u.a. von neurowissenschaftlichen und konstruktivistischen Ansätzen geprägt ist, auf den Zusammenhang von Subjekt- und Lernverständnis – und zeigt, dass die bedeutsame Rolle der ›Anderen‹ für das Lernen bislang nicht genügend berücksichtigt wurd...

Scientific paper • 2011


Sacred Economics

By: Charles Eisenstein

About the Book "Sacred Economics", from the book's webpage: Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth. Today, these trends have reached their extreme - but in the wake of their collapse, we may find gr...

Scientific paper • 2011


Mental Infrastructures

By: Harald Welzer

How Growth Entered the World and Our Souls

Scientific paper • 2011


Mentale Infrastrukturen

By: Harald Welzer

Wie das Wachstum in die Welt und in die Seelen kam.

• 2009


Die Macht der Bedürfnisse

By: Marianne Gronemeyer

Überfluss und Knappheit Der Verlag: Wer sich mit den menschlichen Bedürfnissen beschäftigt, sieht sich in lauter Widersprüche verwickelt: Wir glauben, die Welt werde nach unseren Bedürfnissen eingerichtet, tatsächlich richten sich unsere Bedürfnisse nach der Welt. Wir sind überzeugt, dass wir Macht über unsere Bedürfnisse haben, in Wahrheit sind die Bedürfnisse das Einfallstor der Macht, di...

Scientific paper • 2004


Beyond Money. Toward an Economy of Well-Being

By: Ed Diener, Martin E.P. Seligman

From Summary: Policy decisions at the organizational, corporate, and governmental levels should be more heavily influenced by issues related to well-being––people’s evaluations and feelings about their lives. Domestic policy currently focuses heavily on economic outcomes, although economic indicators omit, and even mislead about, much of what society values. We show that economic indicators hav...

Art contribution • 1854


Hard Times

By: Charles Dickens

Description by the publisher: A damning indictment of Utlilitarianism and the dehumanising influence of the Industrial Revolution, Charles Dickens's Hard Times is edited with an introduction and notes by Kate Flint in Penguin Classics. In Hard Times, the Northern mill-town of Coketown is dominated by the figure of Mr Thomas Gradgrind, school headmaster and model of Utilitarian success. Feed...

Embodying degrowth and turning the movement inside out

By: The EmboDegrowth Lab

The language of a ‘degrowth transition’ is useful for mobilizing people and their collectives around policy objectives, but it retains an image of expert political actors who will ‘transition’ us from one state to another. We offer an alternative theory of change that aims for a ‘degrowth transformation’, or deeper shifts in ideology and daily practices. It will not be enough to solely focus on changing policies and institutions; it is essential to embody the transition and its deeper meanings in a personal way as well.