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Showing 100 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Transforming Education in the Degrowth Society

By: Martina Wildau

Integrated education – human values – university as role-model – awareness – spirituality

Scientific paper • 2014


Learning and building knowledge for degrowth: communities of practice and peer production across scales and beyond roles

By: Gualter Barbas Baptista

communities of practice, nowtopias, peer production, postnormal science, open knowledge

Scientific paper • 2014


Reinforcing resilience and self-reliance of communities in degrowth: The case study of the renewable energy workshop of 'Nea Guinea'

By: Kostas Latoufis

Abstract: The case study of the renewable energy workshop of the 'Nea Guinea' non-profit organization in Athens, Greece, is presented an example of how communities can practice paths towards degrowth though open source renewable energy technologies, convivial and experimental ways of learning and thus providing more resilient futures for the social networks in which they participate. The main t...

Scientific paper • 2014


Teaching literature, teaching change – How dystopias can initiate and support value-based education

By: Christian Hoiß

Abstract: Based on Immanuel Kant’s call for Enlightenment the paper on hand relates his theses to the current behavior of mankind and demands from today’s educational representatives to act against “laziness and cowardice” among students and society as a whole. This goes along with a new focus on values which cannot primarily be built through argumentation and reasoning but according to sociolo...

Scientific paper • 2014


Towards a methodological luddism for ICTs

By: Lanka Horstink, José Luís Garcia

Abstract: This proposal stems from the need for an experimental and reflective method - which we call “methodological luddism” - that will allow us to reevaluate the structure of humans' relationships with information technologies. Luddism as a method should not be confused with its original meaning - destruction of machines and equipment -, but understood as a means to examine the conditions t...

Scientific paper • 2014


Swap, share, experience: the transformative potential of socio-ecological forms of practice

By: Jenny Lay, Till Westermayer

Abstract: Regarding strategies for transformation, we examine the transformative potential of socio-ecological projects. "Pioneers of change", i.e. innovative projects that do not stay in niches but shift the play of powers, encourage the degrowth transformation. When and how do such "forms of practice" become powerful instruments of transformation? Following practice theory, we understand prac...

Scientific paper • 2014


THANCS – a process to address tensions that emerge in/with a transition towards sustainable development

By: Ines Omann, Felix Rauschmayer

ustainability transition, needs, tensions, sustainable lifestyles, quality of life

Scientific paper • 2014


Education in complete environments (Handlungspädagogik)

By: Tobias Hartkemeyer

Abstract: Our culture is dominated by an economic doctrine based on economic growth, short-term-profit and externalization of social and ecological side effects. Our educational system prepares our children to form part of this culture. The transformation of our consumer culture towards a mindful society with a solidarity based economy can not be taught merely intellectual. The paradigm shift f...

Scientific paper • 2014


Roles for university researchers in promoting sustainability

By: Audley Genus

Abstract: There is considerable debate regarding the contribution to be made by higher education institutions and the researchers they employ in realising environmentally sustainable urban spaces, and the relationship between academic research and lay knowledge. Drawing on previous work, the paper identifies roles that may be played by academic researchers in building sustainable urban location...

Scientific paper • 2014


Education for well-being

By: Jochen Dallmer

Abstract: Well-being is an important concept for revisiting ideas of a what a good life is and finding pathways towards a less materialistic and hence less production/consumption oriented society. But how and where do we learn about well-being? In education the concept of well-being is almost completely absent. Singular educational concepts work on happiness and well-being and give some promisi...

Scientific paper • 2014


Educationism, may facilitate the understanding of the Degrowth proposal.

By: Cristovam Buarque, João Luís Homem de Carvalho

Abstract: The end of the 20th century showed the failure of ideologies. The ideologies of industrial civilization - capitalism, socialism and developmentalism - became prisoners of production and of income distribution, plundering the environment and offering, without delivering, accessible consumption to the masses. The failure of industrial-civilization utopia suggested that the very sense of...

Scientific paper • 2014


Natural Economies, the Alternative to Money. Card game simulation conclusions

By: Pau Bofill

Abstract: This document shows a comparison of bartering, alternative (free) money, official money (based on credit), and natural economies (give and take). The comparison is based on a workshop where the different kinds of exchange are simulated by means of playing cards. This paper describes the simulation game, and some reflections by the authors from previous editions of the workshop. This w...

• 2013


Generation Globalisierung - Nachhaltigkeit im pädagogischen Alltag

By: Ute Gebhardt-Eßer

Die Welt, in der Kinder und Jugendliche heutzutage aufwachsen, ist eine völlig andere als die ihrer Eltern oder Großeltern. Wie jede Generation zuvor hat die „Generation Globalisierung“ ihre eigenen spezifischen Herausforderungen zu meistern. Ute Gebhardt-Eßer, die seit vielen Jahren mit Kindern und Jugendlichen arbeitet, plädiert dafür, ihnen die Diversität und Komplexität des Lebens zuzumute...

Report • 2013



By: Erwin Wagenhofer

alphabet-film.com: . . . Denn neuerdings weht an den Schulen ein rauer Wind. „Leistung“ als Fetisch der Wettbewerbsgesellschaft ist weltweit zum unerbittlichen Maß aller Dinge geworden. Doch die einseitige Ausrichtung auf technokratische Lernziele und auf die fehlerfreie Wiedergabe isolierter Wissensinhalte lässt genau jene spielerische Kreativität verkümmern, die uns helfen könnte, ohne Angst ...

Interview • 2012


Pierre Rabhi : La croissance est un problème, pas une solution

By: Pierre Rabhi

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYStCuNMcYU[/embed] Dans cette vidéo, Pierre Rabhi répond à quelques questions sur notre société, telles que: les crises actuelles vont-elles permettre de remettre en question le système dans lequel nous vivons ? L'écologie semble aujourd'hui avoir été écartée du débat politique. Pourquoi ? D'où peut venir le changement? Changer les règles du jeu démocr...

Scientific paper • 2012


La scuola nell'era della transizione

By: Angelo Marino

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available in Italian

Scientific paper • 2012


Teaching and deep ecology

By: Guido dalla Casa

Abstract: The ecological thinking requires particular awareness of being part of a much larger complex, the Ecosystem, which perhaps is a sentient being (or, if you like, a Great Unconscious): the need for good health of this complex is the first value. The words used to convey concepts are very important: the currently used language is strongly influenced by the dominant anthropocentric paradi...

Scientific paper • 2012


La formazione come bene comune

By: Francesco Cappa, Barbara Piccinato

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - paper only available in Italian, presentation slides in English (Title: Education as commons)

Scientific paper • 2012


Decolonizing the imaginary, beginning from school

By: Paolo Scroccaro

From the text: What is the purpose of a fragmented ecological education if the remaining subjects are still dominated by the anti-ecological and “progress at all costs” ideology that acritically adopts a model of rationality that is partly responsible for the devastation of the Earth, when this is precisely what ecology tries to expose? The following speech is meant to contribute towards an an...