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Showing 147 items

Interview • 2014


Degrowth: Leben und Wirtschaften jenseits des Wachstums (Teil 2)

By: Kontext TV

Quelle: www.kontext-tv.de   Gäste: Barbara Muraca, Philosophin an der Universität Jena, Autorin des Buches "Gut Leben. Eine Gesellschaft jenseits des Wachstums" Michel Bauwens, Gründer und Direktor der Peer-to-Peer Foundation (P2P) Tony Greenham, New Economics Foundation, London / Transition Network Sarah Ackerbauer, Transition Town / Dresden im Wandel Benjamin Best, Wuppertal Institut ...

Interview • 2014


Degrowth: Leben und Wirtschaften jenseits des Wachstums (Teil 1)

By: Kontext TV

Quelle: www.kontext-tv.de   Gäste: Naomi Klein, Journalistin und Buchautorin ("No Logo", "Die Schock-Strategie", "This Changes Everything") Barbara Muraca, Philosophin an der Universität Jena, Autorin des Buches "Gut Leben. Eine Gesellschaft jenseits des Wachstums" Nnimmo Bassey, Vorstand von Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria, Träger des "Alternativen Nobelpreises" ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era

By: Federico Demaria, Giacomo D’Alisa, Giorgos Kallis (ed.)

Anti-utilitarianism, Bio-economics, Environmental Justice, Simplicity, Conviviality, Autonomy, Care, Commons, Dépense

Scientific paper • 2013


Die Postwachstumsgesellschaft - Neues Wachstum, neues Wohlergehen

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Irmi Seidl

Herausgeberinnen: Verbreitete Vorstellungen über Bedürfnisse, Glück und ein gutes Leben haben mit der heutigen Berufs- und Konsumwelt wenig gemeinsam. Die Große Transformation bietet die Chance, das herrschende Wachstumsprimat durch sinnvolle Tätigkeiten, eine gerechtere Arbeitsaufteilung und mehr Zeit für Engagement und Muße zu ersetzen.

Interview • 2013


Degrowth and equality of the sexes? An interview with Vincent Liegey by Sarah Nemno

By: Vincent Liegey, Sarah Nemno

From the text: Sarah Nemno: Do you feel any specific responsibility towards the promotion of subjects relating to gender discrepancies? Vincent Liegey: I am a Growth objector and, as we often say, the first degrowth must be degrowth in inequalities. Thus, I feel responsible for all forms of injustice and inequality; this automatically implies that I must have a position on the fight for gend...

Scientific paper • 2013


Was wird aus dem ‚Fahrstuhleffekt‘? Postwachstum und Sozialer Aufstieg

By: Stephan Voswinkel

Zusammenfassung: Sozialer Aufstieg ist ein Versprechen der Moderne, das aber einen latenten Konfliktgehalt als Nullsummenspiel besitzt. Wirtschaftliches Wachstum hat diesen lange Zeit moderieren können, so dass Sozialer Aufstieg universal verstanden werden konnte. Fehlendes Wachstum bedingt, dass die Konflikthaftigkeit des Sozialen Aufstiegs stärker in den Vordergrund tritt. Der Beitrag untersu...

• 2013


Churning the Earth

By: Ashish Kothari, Aseem Shrivastava

churningtheearth.in: The world stands so dazzled by India’s meteoric economic rise that we hesitate to acknowledge its consequences to the people and the environment. In Churning the Earth, Aseem Shrivastava and Ashish Kothari engage in a timely enquiry of this impressive growth story. They present incontrovertible evidence on how the nature of this recent growth has been predatory and question...

Scientific paper • 2013


Gender pay gap in the Western Balkan countries: Evidence from Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia

By: Marko Vladisavljeviü, Nevena Ivanovic, Sonja Avlijas, Suncicia Vujic

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: Using the Labour Force Survey data in the period 2008-2011 and the Blinder-Oaxaca wage decomposition, this paper examines the scope and the characteristics of wage disparities between women and men in Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia. Estimation results show that in Serbia and Macedonia emplo...

Scientific paper • 2013


The World is Yours: “Degrowth”, Racial Inequality and Sustainability

By: Brian Gilmore

degrowth, racial inequality, wealth gap, sustainability, restorative justice

Scientific paper • 2013


Translating degrowth into contemporary policy challenges: a symbiotic social transformation strategy

By: Mary P. Murphy

degrowth, eco-socialism, employment, care, political alliances, imaginaries

Scientific paper • 2013


Should degrowth embrace the Job Guarantee?

By: Blake Alcott

Degrowth; Unemployment; Job Guarantee; Employer of last resort; Right to work; Guaranteed income

Scientific paper • 2012


The Valley that accepts to drown but not to die – Environmental and social (in)justice along the Narmada River (Central India)

By: Daniela Del Bene

From the text: This paper is being written as a non-violent struggle is occuring in the Narmada Valley in Central India, where hundreds of villages face the threat of being flooded by the reservoir waters of the Omkareshwar Dam. More than 10 activists have been staying in the Narmada waters over the past ten days with water up to their necks. They are shouting slogans like “We will fight, we wi...

Scientific paper • 2012


How is degrowth possible?

By: Luigi Vero Tarca

From the introduction: 1. Growth versus universalism - In what sense is growth evil? We can say that it is iniquitous, unjust. Indeed it contradicts the principle which lays down the universal validity as criterion of value since it is good for some people but bad for a lot of other people. Nowadays we could say, referring to “Occupy Wall Street”, that growth is good for 1% of people but is evi...

Scientific paper • 2012


Full Employment & Degrowth: The Social and Ecological Sustainability of The Job Guarantee

By: B.J. Unti

Introduction: The Degrowth Declaration of the 2008 Paris conference called for the “development of policies and tools for the practical implementation of degrowth”. The Job Guarantee (JG) is one such policy. This paper demonstrates how a JG program may be used to achieve both full employment and degrowth. Traditional Keynesian and Post Keynesian policies provide useful tools for addressing some...

Scientific paper • 2012


Sustainable job growth

By: Ole Busck

Economic degrowth and job growth can and should go hand in hand. What is the role of trade unions in a degrowth economy? It may be difficult to imagine trade unions fighting for something else than economic growth, since they have always done so - with some success at least for a time. However, if their core business really is to secure jobs the present situation calls urgently for an alterna...

Scientific paper • 2012


Unconditional Autonomy Allowance (UAA): A tool for equity and dignity

By: Vincent Liegey

Abstract: In the last four years, inside the French Degrowth movement*, a social and economic tool able to initiate and support a democratic transition towards sustainable and desirable societies based on Degrowth has been developed. This discussions and thinking were made around the idea of basic income, resource caps, open relocalisation, free access of a “good” use of resources, etc. and als...

Scientific paper • 2012


Building a collective sense of responsibility to redefine the concept of justice

By: Jean-Louis Aillon, Elena Dal Santo

Abstract: In 2000, 189 nations committed themselves to the Millennium Development Goals, namely a promise to free people from extreme poverty and deprivations. Unfortunately, UN reports and estimates show that MDGs are far from being achieved. Although the objectives are certainly ambitious, the lack of improvements in the basic life conditions of the world population is strictly connected to t...

Interview • 2012


Der Kampf ums Wasser

By: Der Kampf ums Wasser Maude Barlow, Wenonah Hauter, Oscar Olivera, Mary Ann Manahan, Olcay Ünver, Gerlinde Schermer

Noch immer haben fast 900 Millionen Menschen weltweit keinen Zugang zu sauberem Wasser. Gegen die Aneignung und Zerstörung von Wasserreserven hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren international Widerstand gebildet. Auf dem Alternativen Weltwasserforum (FAME), das vom 14. bis 17. März 2012 in Marseille stattfand, kamen AktivistInnen, WissenschaftlerInnen und VertreterInnen von Nichtregierungsorgani...

Scientific paper • 2012


Gegen Landraub und Vertreibung - Ein Menschenrechtsansatz zur Entwicklung des Landsektors in Kambodscha

By: Natalie Bugalski

Achtzig Prozent der kambodschanischen Bevölkerung leben noch immer auf dem Land, viele von ihnen sind Kleinbauern. Doch in den letzten Jahren hat die Regierung an private Investoren Konzessionen für große Landflächen vergeben. In der Folge wurden viele Bauern von ihren Feldern vertrieben. Inzwischen sind über 2 Millionen Hektar Land an private Investoren übertragen worden – mit Hilfe einer Just...

• 2012


Schatten über dem Kongo - Die Geschichte eines der großen, fast vergessenen Menschheitsverbrechen

By: Adam Hochschild

Die Geschichte des Kongo um die Jahrhundertwende ist eine Geschichte von Blut und Gewalt. Getrieben von der Gier nach Geld, Macht und Ruhm, brachte König Leopold II. von Belgien den Kongo 1885 in seinen Privatbesitz. In der Folgezeit ließ er das Land mit auch für damalige Verhältnisse beispielloser Grausamkeit ausbeuten und plündern. Geiselnahme, Vergewaltigung, Mißhandlung und Mord waren di...