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Showing 158 items

Scientific paper • 2012


Future Sustainable Innovation: The “+Zero” Indicator

By: Sabina Scarpellini, Miguel Marco, Jesus Valero, Francesca Salviato

Keywords: Sustainability, Indicators, Industries, Degrowth, Innovation, Research Institutes

• 2011


Wissenschaft für nachhaltige Entwicklung! - Multiperspektivische Beiträge zu einer verantwortungsbewussten Wissenschaft

By: Moritz A. Drupp, Simon Meisch, Felix Roosen-Runge, Alejandro Esguerra, Lena Keul, Johannes Geibel

Wissenschaft für nachhaltige Entwicklung! - Dieser Ausruf soll Zweifaches bedeuten: Mit Bezug auf das normative Leitbild der nachhaltigen Entwicklung werden die Wissenschaften in die Pflicht genommen und aufgefordert, sich gemäß den Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung auszurichten. Zugleich drückt dieser Ausruf aus, dass die Wissenschaften selbst aktiv ihre Verantwortung wahrnehmen...

Report • 2011


Darf‘s ein bisschen mehr sein?

By: Michael Frein, Johannes Küstner, Julia Rode, Julia Steffen, Hans Diefenbacher, Mathis Wackernagel, Martin Gück, Joachim H. Spangenberg, Nafisa Goga D ́Souza, Farida Akhter, Etienne Bazié, Agnes Abuom, Karin Bassler, Richard Brand, Ruth Gütter, Konrad Raiser, Irmi Seidl, Angelika Zahrnt, Alberto Acosta, Reinhard Loske, Niko Paech

Von der Wachstumsgesellschaft und der Frage nach ihrer Überwindung Inhalt Vorwort: Wachstum. Ein Begriff hat Konjunktur Einleitung: Ausgewachsen? Von den Grenzen der Wachstumsgesellschaft - Michael Frein Kernthemen - Hat das Bruttoinlandsprodukt ausgedient? - Hans Diefenbacher - Die „peak everything“-Wirtschaft vorbereiten - Mathis Wackernagel - Die „Dritte Industrielle Revoluti...

Scientific paper • 2010


When Environmental Issues Collide: Climate Change and the Shifting Political Ecology of Hydroelectric Power

By: Robert Fletcher

Abstract: While the global focus on climate change may substantially increase attention and funding for sustainable development initiatives in general, it may also create newfound conflicts among divergent conservation and development agendas. For instance, climate change appears to be altering the terms of debate concerning the costs and benefits of constructing large dams in ways that remain ...

Presentation • 2010

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The Chicken/Egg Spiral - "Reconciling" the Conflict Between Economic Growth and Environmental Protection with Technological Progress

By: Brian Czech

Presentation of an oral Session by Brian Czech at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "The Chicken/Egg Spiral - "Reconciling" the Conflict Between Economic Growth and Environmental Protection with Technological Progress" The Chicken/Egg Spiral de Goteo / Platoniq

Presentation • 2010


Characterization of the development of European industry based on disaggregated indicators for different environmental impacts, exemplarily for Germany

By: Sibylle Wursthorn, Witold-Roger Poganietz, Liselotte Schebek

Poster by Sibylle Wursthorn, Witold-Roger Poganietz and Liselotte Schebek from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title “Characterization of the development of European industry based on disaggregated indicators for different environmental impacts, exemplarily for Germany".

Presentation • 2010


De-growth as a contemporary strategy for the sustainable managment of economic development

By: Harris Topalides

Poster by Harris Topalides Espin at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "De-growth as a contemporary strategy for the sustainable managment of economic development".

Presentation • 2010

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Make Prosperity global: A holistic approach beyond quantitative degrowth

By: Donald Maclurcan

Poster by Donald Maclurcan at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Make Prosperity global: A holistic approach beyond quantitative degrowth".

Presentation • 2010

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Key information ‘conductors’: Civil Society Organizations

By: Isa Gama, Mariana Meireles

Transcription of an poster session by Isa Gama and a poster from Isa Gama and Mariana Meireles at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Key information ‘conductors’: Civil Society Organizations".

Presentation • 2010


Pachakuti: Indigenous Perspectives and Degrowth

By: Bob Thomson

Poster and transcription of an poster session by Bob Thomson at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Pachakuti: Indigenous Perspectives and Degrowth".

Presentation • 2010


The movement for social technology in Latin-America

By: Ricardo T. Neder, Hernan Thomas

Poster and transcription of an poster session by Ricardo T. Neder and Hernan Thomas at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "The movement for social technology in Latin-America".

Presentation • 2010


Development alternatives from the South. A Ghanaian rural development example

By: Gaia Calligaris

Poster and transcription of an poster session by Gaia Calligaris at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Development alternatives from the South. A Ghanaian rural development example". Poster en francais

• 2010


Degrowth as a strategy for the sustainable management of economic development

By: Harris Topalides

Transcription of an poster session by Harris Topalides at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Degrowth as a strategy for the sustainable management of economic development".

Scientific paper • 2010


Recommendations for a socio-ethical and sustainable approach to the industrial design

By: André Lucca

Transcription of an poster session by André Lucca at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Recommendations for a socio-ethical and sustainable approach to the industrial design".

Presentation • 2010


Social capital, capacity and carrying capacity: exploring basics of ‘socially sustainable economic degrowth’

By: Volker Mauerhofer

Poster and transcription of an poster session by Volker Mauerhofer at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Social capital, capacity and carrying capacity: exploring basics of ‘socially sustainable economic degrowth’".

Presentation • 2010


Promoting Traditional Knowledge Systems. Are current international policies on Intellectual Property Rights consistent with socially sustainable economic degrowth?

By: Joana Dias

Transcription of an poster session by Joana Dias at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Promoting Traditional Knowledge Systems. Are current international policies on Intellectual Property Rights consistent with socially sustainable economic degrowth?".

Presentation • 2010

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Functional Economy: A New Way for a "Sustainable Degrowth?"

By: Jacques Lauriol

Presentation by Jacques Lauriol at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Beyond Sustainable Development: Sustainable Degrowth towards a Steady-State".

Presentation • 2010

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Pathways to sustainable Development: Co-optimizing Economic Welfare, Employment, and Environment

By: Nicholas A. Ashford

Presentation by Nicholas A. Ashford at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Beyond Sustainable Development: Sustainable Degrowth towards a Steady-State".

• 2010


Sociology and de growth: visions of social change, entropy and evolution in a way down era

By: Ernest Garcia

Presentation and transcription of an oral Session by Ernest Garcia at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Beyond Sustainable Development: Sustainable Degrowth towards a Steady-State". Abstract: In the last few years, different sources point to a same message: industrial civilization has entered an...

• 2010


Nano.Gen.Tech. - wie wollen wir leben

By: Le Monde Diplomatique

Gentechnik sichert die Welternährung, Soldaten steuern Kampfdrohnen per Mausclick, Hightech-Beschichtungen liefern Energie, Nano-Roboter bekämpfen Krebs, das Worldwide Web beantwortet alle Fragen. Noch was? Peter Glaser, Georg Klein, Constanze Kurz, Hartmut Rosa, Agnes Sinai u.a. berichten aus den Laboratorien der neuen Welt. (Beschreibung der Herausgeber) Inhaltsverzeichnis ISBN: 978...