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Showing 116 items

Scientific paper • 2020

Beyond the veil of money: Boundaries as constitutive elements of complementary currencies

By: Rolf F.H. Schroeder

This article sheds new light on the development of complementary currencies. Based on a comprehensive survey of the literature, the study questions conventional interpretations of these social innovations. The article challenges the view that money is the only feature that complementary currencies have in common. The author argues that in addition to the ways in which connectivity takes place, ...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Effective Strategies towards the Good Life for All within planetary boundaries

By: Dirk Holemans, Andreas Novy

Workshop Based on a thesis paper inspired by Polanyi´s reflections on “freedom in a complex society” the workshop discusses effective strategies for a Good Life for All within planetary boundaries. The thesis paper proposes three new pillars for more effective strategies: (1) acknowledging the importance of a strong state that enables public-civic partnerships, (2) overcoming the focus on ni...

Presentation • 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Structure, Action and Change: A Bourdieusian Perspective on the Preconditions for a Degrowth transition

By: Max Koch

Presentation [part of the standard session "Theories of Transformation"] A deprioritization of economic growth in policy making in the rich countries will need to be part of a global effort to re-embed economy and society into planetary boundaries. However, societal support for a degrowth transition remains for the time being moderate, and it is not well understood as yet why this is the cas...

Art contribution • 2020


Life within Planetary Boundaries, Down to Earth (Part 1)

By: Maja Lindström

Original title: Leva inom planetgränserna, Ett jordat liv. The film is based on interviews with author and journalist David Jonstad and agronomist and research leader Johanna Björklund, who guides us away from the utopia of eco-modernism: that with new technology we could live on as today, but in a sustainable way. Together they explain how we can "democratize survival" through sharing the l...

Art contribution • 2020


Life within Planetary Boundaries, Agroforestry (Part 2)

By: Maja Lindström

Original title: Leva inom planetgränserna del 2, Agroforestry How can we meet our basic human needs, while improving the health of the ecosystems that we are part of? In this part 2 of the film, some of Sweden's and England's leading pioneers in Agroforestry explain how we, through our food production, can play a key role in healing ecosystems, creating food security, new jobs and an improved ...

Scientific paper • 2019


Disarray in global governance and climate change chaos

By: George Martine, Jose Eustaquio Alves

Scientists warn that human activity in the Anthropocene is causing the transgression of several planetary boundaries. The population/environment/development equation has become insoluble. This paper reviews the trajectory of climate change and discusses the shortcomings of ongoing efforts to address it. It analyzes the current crisis in global governance, fostered by widespread disenchantment w...

• 2018


A humanidade já ultrapassou os limites da resiliência do Planeta

By: José Eustáquio Diniz Alves

A apresentação “Os limites da resiliência do Planeta e o decrescimento demoeconômico”, exposta e debatida no XXI Encontro Nacional de Estudos Populacionais, da ABEP, ocorrido em 25 de setembro de 2018, teve como base uma tese, uma antítese e uma síntese, como mostrado a seguir: Tese: O crescimento demoeconômico no Antropoceno (últimos 250 anos) possibilitou uma grande acumulação de capital e...

• 2018


Qual é o número ideal de humanos sobre a Terra?

By: José Eustáquio Diniz Alves

Muitas pessoas, recorrentemente, perguntam qual é o número ideal de humanos sobre a Terra?Contudo, em geral, a maioria fica frustrada ao saber que não existe um número mágico como resposta. Globalmente, o número ideal de humanos depende de vários condicionantes econômicos e éticos. O primeiro condicionante econômico é o padrão de vida. O número de pessoas que a Terra pode sustentar depende do m...

Scientific paper • 2018


Decrescimento. Uma perspectiva de esquerda sobre as crises socioambientais (I)

By: Luiz Marques

Do autor: "Este é o primeiro de uma série de seis artigos sobre as crises socioambientais contemporâneas e suas possíveis soluções ou mitigações numa perspectiva de decrescimento administrado. Essa perspectiva afigura-se hoje como a mais consequente, talvez a única efetiva para uma sociedade viável."  

• 2018


Degrowth: Für eine planetarische Grenzen respektierende solidarische Politik

By: Max Koch

"Versuche, das Wachstum des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) von Umweltindikatoren wie den ökologischen Fußabdrücken von Produktion und Konsumtion sowie Treibhausgasemissionen absolut und auf globalem Niveau zu entkoppeln, sind bis dato gescheitert (Jackson 2017). Das auf Wirtschaftswachstum setzende, energie- und stoffintensive westliche Wohlstandsmodell lässt sich nicht auf den Rest der Erde übert...

• 2018


Is Degrowth the Only Way to Save the World?

By: Ronald Bailey

Introduction: Unless us folks in rich countries drastically reduce our material living standards and distribute most of what we have to people living in poor countries, the world will come to an end. Or at least that's the stark conclusion of a study published earlier this month in the journal Nature Sustainability. The researchers who wrote it, led by the Leeds University ecological economist ...

• 2018


Why economic 'degrowth' is an ethical imperative

By: Carina Millstone

Edited excerpt from "Frugal Value: Designing Business for a Crowded Planet" by Carina Millstone

• 2018


Are de defining economic sucess all wrong?

By: Kevin Charles Fleming

A new study asks: Can countries meet citizens' needs without over-consuming resources?

• 2018


Doughnut Economics

By: Kate Raworth

Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist Economics is broken, and the planet is paying the price. Unforeseen financial crises. Extreme wealth inequality. Relentless pressure on the environment. Can we go on like this? Is there an alternative? In Doughnut Economics, Oxford academic Kate Raworth lays out the seven deadly mistakes of economics and offers a radical re-envision...

• 2017


Gouverner la décroissance - Politiques de l'anthropocène III

By: Dir. Agnès Sinaï, Mathilde Szuba

La décroissance peut-elle devenir un modèle politique alternatif et réaliste ? Face au risque d'effondrement qui pèse sur nos sociétés industrielles, cet ouvrage défend de nouvelles voies fondées sur la tempérance et le ralentissement : instauration d'un revenu de transition écologique, adossement de la création monétaire aux limites de la planète, rationnement équitable des énergies fossile...

• 2017


CO2-Budget ist nur mit Systemwandel einzuhalten

By: Manfred Ecker

Einführung: 2015 hat Österreich bei der UN-Klimakonferenz in Paris ein begrenztes CO2-Budget zugeteilt bekommen. Das bedeutet, Österreich darf „nur“ noch 880 Millionen Tonnen Kohlendioxid (CO2) emittieren. Dem hat die Regierung zugestimmt, aber Vizekanzler Mitterlehner hat auch durchblicken lassen, dass die Regierung nie vorhatte, dieses verbindliche Klimaziel von Paris auch einzuhalten. Zwe...

• 2017


Entscheidung im „Anthropozän“: Profite oder Zukunft?

By: Redaktion von linkswende.org

Einführung: Über der modernen Zivilisation schwebt das Henkersbeil und der Henker heißt Kapitalismus. Die Erde ist in eine neue erdgeschichtliche Epoche eingetreten. Als Bezeichnung wird sich wahrscheinlich das Zeitalter „Anthropozän“ durchsetzen. Damit will die Wissenschaft deutlich machen, dass menschliche Einflüsse dafür verantwortlich sind, dass wir die zivilisationsfreundliche Epoche des ...

Report • 2017


Degrowth Is Coming

By: Edgardo Civallero

Introduction: The planet´s biophysical limits exist, manifest in its ability tu supply ressources to and absorb wastes from human activity. This way, exponential growth within finite limits result in overshooting the biosphere capacity to sustain our activities, and places humanity on a collision course with biophysical reality.

Interview • 2017


Our addiction to economic growth is killing us

By: Jason Hickel

Description by BBC Newsnight: In this Viewsnight, anthropologist Jason Hickel asks if economic growth really makes our lives better. He is the author of The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions.