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Showing 2 items

Scientific paper • 2023

The practical feasibility of working time reduction: Do we have sufficient data?

By: Miklós Antal, Bence Lukács

Working time reduction may be one of the great achievements of the 21st century, potentially delivering environmental, social, and economic benefits. However, implementation at the level of organizations is not straightforward. Reliable data on working hours are needed to track changes, so the limited availability or poor quality of data may prevent certain types of reductions. Here we explore ...

Scientific paper • 2022

The reduction of working time: definitions and measurement methods

By: Miklós Antal, Bence Lukács

Working time reduction (WTR) is a promising policy to enhance well-being in rich countries and an important topic in discourses on a new social vision. Numerous small-scale WTR trials are either underway or planned in various contexts. Properly measuring changes in working time is necessary to evaluate these trials, but challenges abound. Traditional definitions and measurement methods may not ...