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How to celebrate the 2020 Global Degrowth Day

By: Ana Poças


50 ways to take a break printable

On June 6th we will once more celebrate the Global Degrowth Day (GDD). On this day, like last year, we want to show that there are alternatives to the capitalist growth society and that a good life for all is possible! This time of multiple crisis can be overwhelming, but it is also a crucial moment to re-think how we live and how societies are organized. Degrowth is a powerful tool to examine the origins of the several crises we face. It is time to demand and build new roots for a new future, built around values of solidarity, justice, care, wellbeing and sufficiency. Despite coronavirus, there are Global Degrowth Day events planned around the world. See a full list here. Many of these Global Degrowth Day events will be livestreamed, but some will be live, face-to-face, with the appropriate measures for social distancing.

Online events

June 3rd

(in English), Degrowth & the Covid19 economic slow down: where to from here? (New Economy Network, Australia), https://www.facebook.com/events/689091215224517/

June 6th

in Spanish:   in English:   in English/Hungarian: reflection and suggestions for GDD in Finnish: Online discussion with four keynote talks on mental health, consumption, economics and self-sufficiency in Italian: Online discussion, Dialogue for Degrowth: pandemics and environmental sustainability in Greek: online information about local farmers on Agroecopolis.org in Portuguese: degrowth concepts introduced on instagram page @terrapreta.agroecologia in Polish: online sessions to be announced here in German: Multiple languages: online meeting rooms for conviviality.

In-person events

June 6th

Germany:   Italy:   Portugal:   Netherlands: the Hague, Planting for Degrowth - Distributing Bee Seeds

July 23rd

Zambia: Friday for trees, Fridays for Future Zambia
These are some of the currently planned events. If you still want to plan something, here are some tips and instructions. For up to date information check the map and the list. In case you use social media, you can share pics and posts on degrowth under #GlobalDegrowthDay, or share on our FB page. If you'd rather take a break, we recommend checking out this beautiful illustration by Karen Horneffer-Ginter.

About the author

Ana Poças

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