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More than a year ago the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity took place in Leipzig. Now the jubilee video "Metamorphoses" is available with english subtitles:

Metamorphosen [Metamorphoses] from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo.

At the opening of the Degrowth Conference 2014 the sound-artist Pablo Paolo Kilian preformed his piece of music "Metamorphoses“. He was accompanied by Melanie Bleckert, who created the analogous ligh-motive colour-compositions developed by Matthias Strobl, which were projected on the wall of the Audimax at the University of Leipzig.

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Finnish degrowth activism in the run-up to the two 2019 elections

By: the Finnish degrowth network

In the spring of 2019, the Finnish degrowth network (kohtuusliike) undertook an election campaign. The aim of the campaign was to break the silence around degrowth ideas in political discourse. We were also curious to see how much support calls to limit production and consumption could generate within the ‘system’. We wrote a short manifesto outlining policy principles which we c...


COP24: climate protesters must get radical and challenge economic growth

Climate emergency

By: Christine Corlet Walker

At the COP24 conference in Poland, countries are aiming to finalise the implementation plan for the 2015 Paris Agreement. The task has extra gravity in the wake of the recent IPCC report declaring that we have just 12 years to take the action needed to limit global warming to that infamous 1.5ᵒC target. Although the conference itself is open to selected state representatives only, many see t...


No good life in a bad life? – Experiences of degrowth-oriented actors in a growth economy


By Jasmin Wiefek and Bernd Sommer “Wrong life cannot be lived rightly”: This famous dictum by Theodor W. Adorno1 highlights the difficulty of finding a way to individually pursue a good life in a world that is characterised by inequality, exploitation and various forms of domination. However, this question has so far mainly been dealt with [...]