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Grundeinkommen und Degrowth – Wie passt das zusammen?

By: Ronald Blaschke


"Es gibt nicht „die“ Grundeinkommensbewegung, wie es auch nicht „das“ Grundeinkommenskonzept gibt. Es gibt auch nicht „die“ Degrowth-Bewegung wie es auch nicht „das“ Degrowth-Konzept gibt. Aber es gibt in beiden Bewegungen übereinstimmende bzw. ähnliche Ansätze, die fruchtbar für ein gemeinsames politisches Engagement gemacht werden können." Artikel aus dem Degrowth-Blog auf degrowth.de, erschienen im Februar 2016

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Ronald Blaschke

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Maximum limits on income and wealth? A degrowth perspective

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By: Hubert Buch-Hansen, Max Koch

Against the background of a looming ecological collapse and extreme socio-economic inequality, growth-critical scholars and activists debate various eco-social policies that can facilitate transitions towards genuinely environmentally sustainable and socially equitable societies. Such policies include work sharing, time-banks, job guarantees, complementary currencies and minimum income schemes....


On the entirety of degrowth: definitions, meanings and proposals


By Filka Sekulova and Francois Schneider One might say that the term degrowth provides few new insights. At first sight the concept seems identical with the calls of the Radical Ecology Movement from the Seventies, supplanted by the Meadows report to the Club of Rome on ‘The limits to growth’. Yet, unlike terms such as [...]


Degrowth Downunder: A Movement Gathering Momentum

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Australia’s two-speed economy, in which those engaged in mineral extraction flourish while the rest flounder, seems to have only one direction: up. Not that people really stop to think why. Most Australians, if you asked them, would stare blankly if you mentioned degrowth, or crack a joke about how it’s tantamount to devolution. It seems [...]