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Showing 100 items

Scientific paper • 2012


Different economies in harmony with life today: from practices to social changes

By: Antonia De Vita

From the text: 3. The objectives of the research project were: - to identify the educational and participatory processes, self-training and training processes that currently exist in emerging economies; - to find out what entities are represented or self-represented in communities that have put into practice emerging economic practices; - to identify any possible impact or repercussions (eco...

Scientific paper • 2012


Agriculture and human ecology: the value of the territory

By: Carlo Modonesi, Monica Oldani, Celestino Panizza

Introduction: The achievements in life sciences of the last 50 years have widely deepened knowledge and the possibility of intervention on the foundations of living nature. However, such undeniable achievements, by focusing primarily on structural aspects of biological organization, have not shed much light on other characteristics of living creatures, such as historical and ecological ones. Th...

Scientific paper • 2012


Indaba Network: supporting and connecting youth engaged in actions of social change through a dedicated g-local network

By: Eduardo Missoni, Alice Russel

Abstract: The economic crisis the world is living through shows us the ineffectiveness of the capitalist development model and of the current financial systems. The real economy is superseded by an ephemeral one which increases inequalities between and within countries, while at the same time emphasizing the need for new social and economic frameworks that are open, inclusive, just, and environ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Medical students for Degrowth

By: Cecilia Ferrari

Introduction: Unlike other sciences, e.g. IT or Physics, whose experts’ high level of specialization is regarded as the major key to success, Medicine actually maintains the prerogative of a traditional knowledge, in which a deep understanding is reachable only with practice in at least several of its branches. Besides, since it affects the whole of life of people devoting to it, Medicine is al...

Scientific paper • 2012


Family relationship: a way to Equity, Ecology and Sustainability

By: Isabella Landi

Introduction: From private to political: The premise of my contribution is the pedagogical attention to the educative and care work, a constant of my public and private life. For more than twenty years I've professionally taken care of minors and their families, starting from the kinder garden and continuing with adolescents and young adults, in particular those with the risk of delinquency and...

• 2012


Reifezeiten - Zur Bedeutung der Zeit in Bildung, Politik und politischer Bildung

By: Michael Görtler, Fritz Reheis

Der Zeitdruck steigt, auch in Schulen und Parlamenten. Das beklagen Viele. Ist diese Klage berechtigt? Dient das Bemühen um Zeit-ersparnis im Kontext von Bildung und Politik tatsächlich den Zielen, die dabei erreicht werden sollen? Wie groß sind die Risiken der Beschleunigung hinsichtlich der Qualität der Ergebnisse, nämlich der Formung der individuellen Persönlichkeit des Menschen wie des poli...

Scientific paper • 2012


Educatiom and happines - Education signifies providing tools. But tools for what?

By: Francesco Mele

From the text: The possible answers are virtually infinite. Here I’d like to suggest one that may appear simplistic: education signifies providing tools to make people live better. True, this means that any argument based only on quantity is instantly incomplete: the idea that education is a matter of accumulating notions and skills (“the more I know the better I’ll be”) risks being inadequate,...

Scientific paper • 2012


Toward a new sustainable Degrowth: An integrated educational programme for the improvement of traditional earth construction in Emdibir-Gurage-Ethopia

By: Mauro Bertagnin

From the text: . . . Earthen architecture is the most original expression of the human ability to create an appropriate built environment with limited resources and the most sustainable and locally available material”. For these reasons earthen architecture can be considered the most appropriate solution for the housing in a perspective of “prosperity without growth”. . . . Contribution to t...

Educational paper • 2012

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Wachstum ohne Ende

By: Martin Eiermann

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Themenblätter im Unterricht Nr. 92 bpb: Wachstum ist der Treibstoff unserer Wirtschaft. Löhne, Renten, Investitionen, Staatsausgaben – alles hängt von unserer Fähigkeit ab, immer mehr zu produzieren und zu konsumieren. Doch was tun, wenn Wachstum teuer wird und Ressourcen zur Neige gehen?

Interview • 2012


A Future for Education

By: Extraenvironmentalist, Michael M'Gonigle

[ Michael M'Gonigle // A Future for Education ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Michael M'Gonigle made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Michael M'Gonigle is talking about education, also university education and how it is economised. He is criticising that university is like a training ground for professionals while it shou...

Scientific paper • 2012


Compassionate Communities: A Breeding Ground for Innovation

By: Judy Nagy

Abstract: At the root of it all, what does the degrowth movement ask of us – the individual? In simple terms, it asks us to care about each other as living, breathing beings and to care about our habitat, Planet Earth, and then to act accordingly. It asks us to shift from a mentality of acquiring to one of sharing, or from selfishness to compassion, or even from worrying about one’s self to wor...

• 2011


Wissenschaft für nachhaltige Entwicklung! - Multiperspektivische Beiträge zu einer verantwortungsbewussten Wissenschaft

By: Moritz A. Drupp, Simon Meisch, Felix Roosen-Runge, Alejandro Esguerra, Lena Keul, Johannes Geibel

Wissenschaft für nachhaltige Entwicklung! - Dieser Ausruf soll Zweifaches bedeuten: Mit Bezug auf das normative Leitbild der nachhaltigen Entwicklung werden die Wissenschaften in die Pflicht genommen und aufgefordert, sich gemäß den Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung auszurichten. Zugleich drückt dieser Ausruf aus, dass die Wissenschaften selbst aktiv ihre Verantwortung wahrnehmen...

• 2011


Lernen in Beziehung - Zum Verhältnis von Subjektivität und Relationalität in Lernprozessen

By: Tobias Künkler

Was man unter Lernen versteht, hängt eng mit der Vorstellung vom lernenden Subjekt zusammen. Tobias Künkler untersucht den herrschenden Lerndiskurs, der u.a. von neurowissenschaftlichen und konstruktivistischen Ansätzen geprägt ist, auf den Zusammenhang von Subjekt- und Lernverständnis – und zeigt, dass die bedeutsame Rolle der ›Anderen‹ für das Lernen bislang nicht genügend berücksichtigt wurd...

• 2010


Lernen lassen - Abenteuer Bildung

By: br, eins

Was bedeutet heute eigentlich Bildung? Brauchen wir wirklich nur mehr Geld, um besser zu werden? Besser worin? Im Anhäufen von Lehrstoff? Im Repetieren von Formeln? Im Aneinanderreihen von Leistungsnachweisen oder im Trainieren von Fertigkeiten, die vielleicht schon morgen gar keiner mehr braucht? Bildung hat etwas damit zu tun, wie wir die Welt begreifen. Sie beginnt nach der Geburt, und sie ...

Presentation • 2010

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Sustainable Communities of Practice and Ecovillages as Mediaton Tools for Degrowth Process

By: Mildred Gustack Delambre

Poster by Mildred Gustack Delambre at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Sustainable Communities of Practice and Ecovillages as Mediaton Tools for Degrowth Process".

Presentation • 2010

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The DegrowthPedia Initiative - a new collaborative platform for information and education about degrowth

By: Francois Diaz Maurin

Poster by Francois Diaz Maurin at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "The DegrowthPedia Initiative - a new collaborative platform for information and education about degrowth".

Presentation • 2010


Placing Metal Sensitivity as a pedagogic necessity for social movements

By: Sebastiao Rodrigues

Transcription of an poster session by Sebastiao Rodrigues at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Placing Metal Sensitivity as a pedagogic necessity for social movements".

Presentation • 2010


Sustainable Communities of Practice and Eco villages as mediation tool for degrowth process

By: Mildred Gustack Delambre

Transcription of an poster session by Mildred Gustack Delambre at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Sustainable Communities of Practice and Eco villages as mediation tool for degrowth process".

Report • 2010


Schooling the world

By: Carol Black, Jim Hurst

schoolingtheworld.org: If you wanted to change an ancient culture in a generation, how would you do it? - You would change the way it educates its children. The U.S. Government knew this in the 19th century when it forced Native American children into government boarding schools. Today, volunteers build schools in traditional societies around the world, convinced that school is the only way to...

Educational paper • 2002


Rethinking Globalization – Teaching for Justice in an unjust world

By: Bill Bigelow, Bob Peterson

This comprehensive 400-page book from Rethinking Schools helps teachers raise critical issues with students in grades 4–12 about the increasing globalization of the world's economies and infrastructures, and the many different impacts this trend has on our planet and those who live here. (The publishers) Introduction ISBN: 9780942961287