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Showing 494 items

Report • 2016

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Plurale Ökonomik

By: Jonathan Barth, Christoph Gran, Tanja von Egan-Krieger

Dies ist ein Beitrag zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en), in dem es um die Plurale Ökonomik geht. Info zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en): Degrowth ist nicht nur ein neues Label für eine Diskussion über Alternativen oder eine akademische Debatte, sondern auch eine im Entstehen begriffene soziale Bewegung. Trotz vieler Überschneidungen mit anderen sozialen Bewegungen gibt es sowohl bei di...

• 2016


Just enough is plenty: Thoreau's alternative economics

By: Samuel Alexander

This text provides a deep but accessible introduction to the life and ideas of one of the simple living movement's greatest pioneers - Henry David Thoreau.

• 2016


Höher, schneller, weiter

By: Matthias Schmelzer

Aus dem Artikel: Wirtschaftswachstum gab es nicht immer. Wie konnte es also zur mächtigsten Rechtfertigungsideologie des Kapitalismus werden? . . . Wirtschaftswachstum erscheint so selbstverständlich, dass leicht vergessen wird, dass nicht nur die Realität ökonomischer Expansion, sondern auch Wachstumsdiskurse erstaunlich neue Phänomene sind. Relevante Wachstumsraten gab es erst seit der kap...

• 2016


Degrowth - Handbuch für eine neue Ära

By: Federico Demaria, Giacomo D'Alisa

Wenn unsere Worte nicht ausreichen, um zu sagen, was gesagt werden muss, ist es an der Zeit für neue Begriffe. Weltweit hinterfragt eine wachsende Zahl von Wissenschaftlern und Aktivistinnen das dominierende Wirtschaftsmodell kritisch und stellt der von Politik und Wirtschaft verkündeten Alternativlosigkeit neuartige Konzepte entgegen, die die Postwachstumsdebatte prägen. Unter dem Leitbegriff ...

Position paper • 2016


Replik auf "Wirtschaftswachstum aufgeben? Eine Analyse wachstumskritischer Argumente"

By: Nina Treu, Elena Hofferberth

Einleitung: In ihrer Studie "Wirtschaftswachstum aufgeben? Eine Analyse wachstumskritischer Argumente" (Funke et al. 2015) veröffentlicht eine studentische Gruppe die Ergebnisse eines Seminars, in welchem sich die Autor_innen kritisch mit dem Konzept Postwachstum auseinandergesetzt haben. Die Autor_innen fragen "Müssen wir Wirtschaftswachstum aufgeben? Wollen wir dies? Und können wir es überhau...

Scientific paper • 2016


The Hegemony of Growth - The OECD and the Making of the Economic Growth Paradigm

By: Matthias Schmelzer

German summary by the author, published on VÖÖ.de: Die Dominanz des Wachstumsgebots ist kaum zu übersehen. Es erscheint auf den Titelseiten der Zeitungen, spielt eine Schlüsselrolle in ökonomischen Analysen, und durchzieht politische Debatten, sowohl über Ländergrenzen als auch das politische Spektrum hinweg. Diese Priorität des Wirtschaftswachstums – die der Umwelthistoriker John McNeill...

Scientific paper • 2016


The Realities and Contradictions of the Growth Economy and Challenges for a Social Ecological Transformation

By: Clive Spash

Clive will cover growth and its contradictions and challenges for degrowth and social ecological transformation. Facilitator: Filka Sekulova This media entry was a contribution to the special session „The Realities and Contradictions of the Growth Economy and Challenges for a Social Ecological Transformation“ at the 5th International Degrowth Conference in Budapest in 2016.

Scientific paper • 2016


Are we there yet?

By: Jana Gebauer

The SOLIKON 2015 was a Berlin-based international congress on solidarity economy and social-ecological transformation. From Sept 5 to Sept 13, it gathered 1.400 people under the slogan “We know other ways!” Activists, practitioners, multipliers and individual participants discussed a variety of approaches, visions, examples and possible lines of convergence of an alternative economy for social-...

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth: Consume less. Share more.

By: Rajni Bakshi

From the publication: . . . But this looming crisis is also an opportunity to expand our imagination and open new vistas. For India, therefore, “re-growth” might be a more meaningful descriptor than the “degrowth” scenario being articulated by West European academics and activists. Its essence would be similar to what Mahatma Gandhi called “sarvodaya” — or an equitable and ecologically and soci...

Scientific paper • 2016


Do Mature Economies Grow Exponentially?

By: Steffen Lange, Peter Pütz, Thomas Kopp

Keywords: Gross Domestic Product Per Capita, exponential growth, linear growth, time series analysis.

Scientific paper • 2016


Science and degrowth

By: Fabrice Flipo

Political prayers lie on the growth’s comeback to ensure financial incomes to be given out. That for science is seen by many essentially as a tool to provide techniques able to raise productivity, whatever the environmental or social consequences. For those reasons, and especially since the second half of the 20th century, public policy and investment have allowed unprecedented technical develo...

Scientific paper • 2016


Prospects of an unconditional basic income in a degrowth economy

By: Thomas Frisius

It is already evident that current present-day industrial nations can offer a basic income without risking the collapse of the economy. Even the supply with an unconditional basic income (UBI) is imaginable. However, it is not obvious whether an UBI sufficing for more than the subsistence consumption can be realized in a degrowth economy. A simple mathematical model is applied to estimate the f...

Scientific paper • 2016


Rethinking Degrowth with Diverse Economies (Panel 1)

By: Phedeas Stephanides, Esra Erdem, Esra Erdem, Bianca Elzenbaumer Fabio Franz, Ana Inés Heras, Lise Skou

Rethinking Degrowth with Diverse Economies (Panel 1): Narratives and visions of actually-existing degrowth praxis As there seems to be no alternative to the capitalist status-quo, the task of overcoming capitalism through degrowth appears daunting. This implicates that degrowth concepts become confined to either pre-capitalist cultures or a future society. How, then, might we escape this stult...

Scientific paper • 2016


Intervening at the regional level

By: Mark H Burton

I am part of a small collective that is promoting an alternative socio-economic approach to the society-economy-environment nexus in "post-industrial" Greater Manchester, England. I will describe the approach we have taken which is to promote alternative thinking via publication, networking, and working in alliances with actors from a variety of sectors. I will reflect on what we have learned f...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - Between the enlarged scope of neoliberalism and the socialism that mutates: The sustainability dilemma in China’s overheated market for ‘fictitious commodities’

By: Xiaorui (Rae) Wang

Presentation by Xiaorui (Rae) Wang Basing on Polanyi’s (cf. 2002 [1944], 1957) insights that are particularly pertinent to the arguments that have centred ecological economics, this paper sets out to investigate the Chinese context within which this kind of trade-offs have been made. The findings indicate that, the so called “socialist market economy” in China implies above all the State’s s...

Scientific paper • 2016


Understanding capitalism. Marx meets degrowth

By: Elke Pirgmaier

This paper is a theoretical contribution to the economics of degrowth. It is motivated by the fact that degrowth proponents attack capitalism for its drive for accumulation which relates to a range of socio-ecological crises. The emphasis on growth translates rather quickly into the development of concrete degrowth proposals. While the activist spirit is admirable, a profound understanding of t...

Scientific paper • 2016


The degrowth side of post-development (and vice versa)

By: Tzekou Eirini-Erifyli, Gritzas Giorgos

The degrowth side of post-development (and vice versa) Although it's been over 20 years since the first edition of "Development Dictionary" (Sachs, 1992), which marks the beginning of the debate on the end of the era of development and the transition to the age of post-development, and about 15 years since the emergence of the degrowth discourse as an activist slogan (Demaria et al, 2013), and...

Scientific paper • 2016


Strategies for degrowth in a Nordic context

By: Karin Bradley, Erika Öhlund, Alexander Paulsson, Tuuli Hirvilammi, Paavo Järvensivu

This session explores strategies for futures beyond growth in the context of the Nordic welfare states, reflecting a growing public interest, and ongoing academic research projects that critically examine current growth paradigms. Degrowth has been described as not primarily driven by the government, but rather evolving through grassroots movements. Nordic models of a strong welfare s...

Scientific paper • 2016


Secular stagnation, new normal, and growth criticism

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Seidl

In 2013, L. Summer brought back the discussion of secular stagnation which has first been introduced by Hansen and Keynes (late 1930s). Summer argues that presently western economies may be facing a such a stagnation (long term stagnation) triggered by the financial crisis and enhanced by decreasing population, shrinking investments and productivity gains, excess of saving, insufficient demand....

Interview • 2016


"Man braucht eine positive Krise"

By: Athanasios Karathanassis, Peter Nowak

Aus dem Interview: . . . Was wäre für Sie der Maßstab für einen Gipfelerfolg gewesen? Eine wirklich historische Wende hin zu einer »Dekarbonisierung« wäre etwas anderes gewesen: das verbindliche Abschalten von Kohlekraftwerken, das sofortige Bereitstellen der erforderlichen finanziellen Mittel für den Aufbau regenerativer Energiequellen, die ersetzend und nicht ergänzend zu fossilen eingesetz...