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Degrowth-Sommerschule & Klimacamp 2015


Die Degrowth-Summerschule 2015 fand gemeinsam mit dem Klimacamp im Rheinland statt. Das Rheinland ist eines der größten Braunkohle-Abbaugebiete und die größte CO2-Quelle in Europa. Um gegen klimaschädliche Industrie und Ressourcenausbeutung zu protestieren, kamen hier verschiedene Bewegungen zusammen, um sich für Alternativen und eine soziale Transformation einzusetzen. Ein Video von Raute Film.

Degrowth Summer School & Climate Camp 2015 von Marc Menningmann bei Vimeo.

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Save people - not planes!

Capture d e%cc%81cran 2020 04 26 a%cc%80 11.48.06

By: Tone Smith

The aviation industry has avoided regulation, taxation and climate responsibility for years. Now they ask for public bail-outs. Here's why they shouldn't get it and how you can contribute. The problem of aviation Aviation is one of the fastest growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The sector is already responsible for 5-8% of global climate impact, but is still planning for a doubl...


Book review: ‘Degrowth/Postwachstum’. A German introduction to Degrowth

Capture d e%cc%81cran 2020 01 23 a%cc%80 14.46.26

By: Gerrit Stegehuis

Last summer, Matthias Schmelzer and Andrea Vetter, both from the Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie in Leipzig, published the book ‘Degrowth/Postwachstum’. With this book, they provide the first introduction to degrowth in German. For lack of a good German translation of ‘degrowth’ they use ‘Postwachstum’ more or less as a synonym. First they describe how our societies came to depend on growth, and they...


Growth and Destruction

By: Nnimmo Bassey

By Nnimmo Bassey The industrial mode of food production is known to greatly contribute to global warming through such means as the large-scale land use changes, deforestation and the use of chemical fertilisers. Industrial agriculture promotes monoculture, erodes biodiversity and treats agricultural produce as mere commodities and for speculation. it continues to be single-mindedly supported b...