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Feminisms and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA) Newly Launched


Feminism rocks


We are happy to announce a follow up to our roundtable about feminism(s) and degrowth at the Degrowth Conference in Budapest 2016. Sharing many common points, feminisms and degrowth have the potential to build an alliance which promotes mutual enrichment. One intersection is the criticism of the dominant socio-economic mode. By criticising the centrality of productive performance and by further shifting attention to the conditions of reproduction and regeneration of the community, the hidden dimensions of the economy are challenged.

Both movements, feminisms and degrowth, develop a critique of the forms of extreme individualism, competition and violence promoted by economic liberalism and focus on the appreciation of the relational and cooperative dimension.

The Feminisms and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA) is a network, currently in form of a mailing list, to unfold the common potentials of the two movements and to foster their alliance. Its main objectives are to exchange information, keep in touch and push for a FaDA agenda. This initiative aims to encourage the reflection of differences, contradictions and limits and to explore and deepen convergences, potentials and strategies of the alliance between feminisms and degrowth.

Can degrowth be coherent without being feminist?

Moreover and by linking to the conference, it should be discussed to what extent any degrowth proposal can be coherent if it is not feminist unto itself; and to what extent should feminisms integrate a degrowth critique. Here you can see the conference interventions by Bengi Akbulut and Marco Deriu on YouTube

In order to bring into shape and concretize the already great interest in FaDa, we would like to encourage you to participate in this very brief survey. It will help to have a clearer picture on how to proceed. Thanks a lot for your contribution!

Please share and invite other interested people. You/they can subscribe by sending an email to fada-subscribe@lists.riseup.net . (You can unsubscribe at any time by sending an email to fada-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net.)

All the best,

Jolanda Iserlohn and Federico Demaria, Research &Degrowth

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