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Licheni Festival - Queer Ecology and Degrowth


Capture d e%cc%81cran 2024 07 02 a%cc%80 12.11.45

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Solidarity statement with Black Lives Matter

Demonstration 5267931 1920

By: The Degrowth Vienna Conference organizing team

We, organizers and participants at the Degrowth Vienna 2020 conference demand equity and justice. We stand in solidarity with the people in the United States challenging white supremacist culture and with related global struggles. As activists, academics, artists, and practitioners we aim together to put an end to systemic oppression and structural racism; as again has been recently revealed by...


Strategies for a degrowth transformation: How useful are historical analogies?

Capture d e%cc%81cran 2019 10 09 a%cc%80 11.29.12

By: Giuseppe Feola

Degrowth scholars and activists often turn to past cases of social or socioecological transformation for inspiration to inform transformative action in the present. Yet, there has so far been insufficient awareness of the bias that comes with using any historical analogy. The insights provided by historical analogies are limited, but can fruitfully complement analyses of the present and future-...


Deep Ecology: System Change with Head, Heart and Hand

Spider s web

By: Christiane Kliemann

Every day we are bombarded with frightening news. But how do we personally feel about them and how can we deal with them as society as a whole? Which future do I actually want for myself, for the world and for my children? And how are my personal feelings and motivations connected to the larger picture? What frightens me, what makes me angry and how can I transform these feelings into a source ...