For the third year in a row, the Degrowth Summer School is being held on the Climate Camp in the Rhineland. It runs from the 18th to 23rd of August. Just 10 days before the start of the Summer School the foundation „Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung Nordrhein-Westfalen“ has cancelled our funding. The reason they‘ve given us: The Summer School takes place too close to actions of civil disobedience in the Rhineland. Now we‘re suddenly missing 46.000 Euros of our budget. To pay for our bills, we want to raise more than 10.000 euros in the next days – or more! That‘s why we‘re asking for your support in this difficult situation. Our account for donations: Reason for payment: „Save the Summer School“ Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie e.V. IBAN: DE72 43060967 1137208801 BIC: GENODEM1GLS More information about the Summer School can be found here. Here's the Summer School's video: To find out what will be going on in the Rhineland apart from the Summer School, watch the Climate Camp's video:
Degrowth advocates for a general slowdown and large emissions reductions, minus the pandemic and social distress. The coronavirus (covid-19) has caused upheaval across the world, deaths of the most vulnerable, closed borders, financial market crashes, curfews and controls on group gatherings, and many more devastating effects. Despite observations that pollution and emissions have red...
How migration relates to the imperial mode of living, degrowth and new internationalism We are currently facing the most severe migration crisis in history. But this is only one dimension of a broader civilizational crisis. Thus, anti-racist movements should not focus solely on issues of human mobility rights, but also build new paths of solidarity with societies in the geopolitical Global Sou...
The 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity will take place in Malmö 21-25 August 2018, with Dialogues in turbulent times as its overarching theme. More information about the conference is available at In the spirit of the previous conferences, the organizing committee is inviting three types of contributions: - academic ...