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Towards a Globally Just Berlin– Transforming the City Together


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24/7 – BER Conference

Towards a Globally Just Berlin– Transforming the City Together

Friday, September 20, 2024, 9 AM – 8 PM at Berlin Global Village

24/7 – For years, BER and its members have been working together on the vision of One World City Berlin: a globally just, anti-racist, and sustainable city. We are guided by the question of how to collectively transform our city. With this in mind, we are committed to a development policy that aims to dismantle global injustices shaped by racism, capitalism, patriarchy, and colonialism, in collaboration with actors in the city.

We would like to invite you to join us in discussing strategies to transfor the city and gathering inspiration from good examples and alliances from practice. Our goal is to consider global justice and to strengthen grassroots democracy, decolonization, fair economy, and partnerships between the Global North and the Global South in urban society.

The aim of the conference is to create spaces for discussion and networking, exchange ideas for political practice, strengthen alliances and share knowledge through two discussion panels as well as a variety of workshop formats.

More information here.

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