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Blog • 28.04.2014

Getting to Postgrowth: The Transformative Power of Mind- and Paradigm Shifts

Before an individual chooses to act, he or she requires a story or mindset to make sense of what the situation is about. Acting rationally in this sense means to act with reason, in congruence with one’s worldview and the individual interpretation of the “rules of the game.” Individual mindsets, however, are not fixed [...]

Blog • 04.04.2014

More than 600 contributions from all over the world!

On 14 March the last submission period closed for contributions to the conference. After a first quick review it was already clear that all expectations were far exceeded: more than 350 scientific papers were received from a broad range of disciplines such as economics, psychology, geography and urban planning. Further 260 proposals for practice-based activities were submitted by various civil-...

Blog • 21.02.2014

Only few days left for submissions!

We would like to remind you that the deadline for the submission of scientific papers and civil society contributions for the Fourth International Degrowth-Conference is 28th of February 2014. The conference will be held in Leipzig from the 2nd to 6th of September 2014 with the strategic goal to bring forward the degrowth movement. In order [...]

Blog • 14.02.2014

"The dollar is approaching its collapse, which will force a reconfiguration of our systems of money, finance and banking"

Interview with Ole Bjerg Ole Bjerg is associate professor at the Copenhagen Business School. He writes for the ephemera Journal and is one of the organizers of the conference "Organizing for the post-growth economy". He gave us a short interview for the Stream towards Degrowth.   Imagine we're living in the future, say in the year 2030, in a time of well-being. Humanity enjoys a good life ...

Blog • 14.02.2014

“Economic degrowth had to be coupled with political democracy”

Interview with Christine Bauhardt Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt is professor for Gender and Globalization at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Her main research interests are society-nature-relations and gender relations, feminist critique of the economy as well as migration and urban development. She took the time to answer our questions for the interview-series of the Stream towards Degro...

Blog • 14.02.2014

The Stream towards Degrowth is flowing!

The Stream towards Degrowth has begun to flow! Political, scientific and artistic institutions and initiatives as well as individuals are all part of the current of a growth-sceptic public. We started the stream on the 27th of November in Jena, Germany. Now we're looking forward to gathering reports, debates and points of views - in order to show the problems of the fixation on growth and to pr...