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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Land-grabbing procedures and social resistance in the European continent. The case of Chalkidiki (Greece) movement against gold mining.

By: Konstantinos Petrakos

Abstract: Subject of this research are the transformations of space due to the operation of mining activities in the territorial unity of the North East (NE) Chalkidiki. The changes occurring in the field of application of the extractive development model, are investigated. The procedures of changes in social relations of mining activities in the territorial unity of the North East (N.E.) Chalk...

Scientific paper • 2014


The social construction of green and social inclusive technological discourses in the Global South: evidence from India and Bangladesh

By: Mario Pansera

Abstract: The process of technological innovation is widely considered to be crucial to enable human development and to guarantee environmental sustainability. However, the process of development in the so-called Global South has delivered controversial outcomes in terms of social and environmental sustainability. Does this setting present new forms of sustainable futures or is it rather absorb...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Iron Cage of the Elites: Time Consuming Efforts to Stay on Top

By: Hartmut Rosa

Abstract: From a traditional leftist perspective centered on class-struggle, things are easy: The capitalist economy produces winners and losers. The rich, the winners, gain wealth, time and freedom, while the losers have to sell their time and their autonomy and remain poor at that. With respect to time, the difference is portrayed as the difference between those who can command over their tim...

Scientific paper • 2014


Equity and emissions. How are household emissions distributed, what are their drivers and what are possible implications for future climate mitigation?

By: Jonas Pohlmann, Nils Ohlendorf

Abstract: This paper analyses the distribution of CO2 emissions over households in Germany, identifies their socio-economic drivers and discusses the policy implications. On the basis of an environmentally extended input output model, the CO2 intensities for consumption-based emissions from different categories are calculated and allocated to the expenditure data of a representative survey of 4...

Position paper • 2014


Das konvivialistische Manifest

By: Les Convivialistes

Übersetzung des 2013 in Frankreich erschienenen und von 40 frazösischsprachigen Wissenschaftler_innen und Intellektuellen initiierte »Manifeste Convivialiste«

• 2014


On the entirety of degrowth: definitions, meanings and proposals

By: aboutsource

By Filka Sekulova and Francois Schneider One might say that the term degrowth provides few new insights. At first sight the concept seems identical with the calls of the Radical Ecology Movement from the Seventies, supplanted by the Meadows report to the Club of Rome on ‘The limits to growth’. Yet, unlike terms such as […]

Scientific paper • 2014


From “The Limits to Growth” to “Degrowth”: Discourses of Critique of Growth in the Crises of the 1970s and 2008

By: Maria Markantonatou

Abstract: The presentation examines two discourses of growth critique that arose during the crisis of the Keynesian growth model in the 1970s and during the current economic crisis respectively. It analyzes in particular how these discourses deal with questions of labor, population and society in the context of the two crises. Compared are the debates surrounding the publication of The Limits t...

Scientific paper • 2014


Growth model, developmentalism and way forwards for degrowth in Bangladesh

By: Arup Rahee

Abstract: Bangladesh has been a successful laboratory case for hegemonic growth model development practices by the developmentalist forces and their native allies and failed the people for their quest for affluence and a collective better life. Growth model has been a tool for sustaining poverty through hegemonic social and cultural institutions and practices. Based on Bangladesh experience and...

Scientific paper • 2014


Economic growth and socio-ecological struggles in Bolivia

By: Isabella Radhuber

Abstract: Bolivia registers internationally sensational economic growth rates. From 1998 to 2005 the Gross National Product increased by 2.9%, from 2006 to 2009 by 5%, and in 2013 by an estimated 6.5%. Though economic growth is linked to new socio-political measures, economic growth also – as is the main argument of my contribution – goes along with severe socio-ecological implications for the ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Reflections on ‘society’ and ‘space’ in the degrowth debate

By: Dorothee Quade

society-space relations, geography

Scientific paper • 2014


The distribution and drivers of CO2 emissions on a consumption basis and implications for a degrowth economy – the case of Germany

By: Jonas Pohlmann, Nils Ohlendorf

Abstract: This paper analyses the distribution of CO2 emissions over households in Germany, identifies their socio-economic drivers and discusses the policy implications. On the basis of an environmentally extended input output model, the CO2 intensities for consumption-based emissions from different categories are calculated and allocated to the expenditure data of a representative survey of 4...

• 2014


Das ASA-Programm sucht Projektvorschläge zum Thema Degrowth

By: aboutsource

ASA ist ein entwicklungspolitisches Lern- und Qualifizierungsprogramm, das seit über 50 Jahren junge engagierte Menschen darin unterstützt, unsere global vernetzte Welt  nachhaltig und verantwortungsvoll mitzugestalten. Aktuell ist das Programm auf der Suche nach geeigneten Projekten für den ASA-Zyklus 2015 und möchte hierbei verstärkt Projekte aus dem Bereich Degrowth und/oder Urban Gardening ...

Position paper • 2014


Education and/or Transformation?

By: Susanne Brehm

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Learning for degrowth.

Scientific paper • 2014


Ethical reasons for animal liberation

By: Friederike Schmitz

Abstract: Every year, humans kill 66 billion nonhuman land animals and more than a trillion aquatic individuals for the purpose of consumption. Countless other nonhuman animals are tortured in laboratories or exploited for human clothing, leisure, sports, or work. The immense suffering of animals contrasts with a general neglect of the issue in left and green movements, and theory. In this pape...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth, Commons and Convivial Technology

By: Victor Petit

Abstract: For many people, the way of degrowth supposes to leave the urban lifestyle. Instead, we would like to show that it is possible (and more realistic) to understand the degrowth in an industrial context. For this, we will follow two objectives. The first one is to answer to the critics of the concept of degrowth, through the current reflections on the so-called commons ; the second is to...

Scientific paper • 2014


Cooperative Labor Beyond Growth

By: Jukka Peltokoski

Abstract: Economic growth in capitalism is structurally tied to the organization of labour as wage work. In capitalism an employee produces surplus for an employer to fulfill the economic anticipation invested in the firm. This 'growth imperative' is built inside the form of wage work. In the contemporary era of permanent economic and ecological crisis, the capitalistic growth has to be questio...

Scientific paper • 2014


Swap, share, experience: the transformative potential of socio-ecological forms of practice

By: Jenny Lay, Till Westermayer

Abstract: Regarding strategies for transformation, we examine the transformative potential of socio-ecological projects. "Pioneers of change", i.e. innovative projects that do not stay in niches but shift the play of powers, encourage the degrowth transformation. When and how do such "forms of practice" become powerful instruments of transformation? Following practice theory, we understand prac...

Interview • 2014

Image Text

Aufbruchtage - Beweglich, demokratisch und global ... Maggie Klingler-Lauer im Gespräch

By: Maggie Klingler-Lauer, Schattenblick

Interview mit Maggie Klingler-Lauer im Rahmen der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig. Aus dem Interview: . . . Auf der Degrowth-Konferenz an der Universität Leipzig wurde zum Themenstrang "Mobilität und Verkehr" in zwei Workshops und einem nachfolgenden Panel diskutiert. In einem der beiden Workshops erörterte Maggie Klingler-Lauer zusammen mit Bernhard Knierim (Netzwerk solidarische Mobilität...

Scientific paper • 2014


Financial Crisis and degrowth. The problems of financing public economies, taking care of the commons, local currencies

By: Maurizio Ruzzene

Abstract: The current financial crises involve economic growth and its monetary institutions from many points of view, requiring widespread institutional changes. This paper will mainly focus on the structural problems that arise when financing Public Economies and Care Activities (PE&CA) in the tertiary age, of post growth or Actual de-growth. For many reasons PE&CA cannot systematical...

Scientific paper • 2014


Starting to Move on Campus: Connected Activities to join Forces

By: Gilles Renout

Abstract: The key ideas of "ActivCampus" are the following: a) It picks up two sorts of CRISIS many members of the University are suffering from: First, a leak of "sense" in what, why and how they are doing their work and how the University is organizing the cooperation between individuals and groups. Secondly, corporeal diseases and imbalances due to working structures that are not healthy for...