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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Cultural Recovery Plan though architectural and urban elements: relations between Lorca and Leipzig

By: María Ybarra Enguix

Immaterial Heritage, urban planning, identity, collective memory, know-how

Scientific paper • 2014


Political Ecology and Degrowth

By: Michalis Theodoropoulos

Political Ecology; Degrowth; Crisis Exit Strategy; Green movement

Scientific paper • 2014


Detroit after bankruptcy: A case of degrowth machine politics

By: Seth Schindler

austerity urbanism, degrowth, Detroit, growth coalitions, municipal bankruptcy, neoliberalism

Scientific paper • 2014


Energy use in the Spanish Agri-food System (1960-2010). On possible courses for economic degrowth

By: Juan Infante-Amate, Eduardo Aguilera, Manuel González de Molina

Abstract: The main purpose of this work is to quantify energy consumption in the agri-food chain in Spain. The years 1960, 1985 and 2010 are analysed, giving an overview of the important changes that have occurred in the sector. Consumption of different forms of energy is estimated (final, primary, distinguishing between direct and indirect consumption and between renewables and non-renewables)...

Scientific paper • 2014


Blue growth strategy of the EU – a real chance for a sustainable use of the seas?

By: Ralf Döring

Abstract: The aim of the paper is to show that the Blue Growth strategy of the European Union again ignores the fact that ongoing increase in economic activity is not possible while decreasing negative impacts on ecosystems and preserving the natural environment. The strategy again is not defining ways to cope with limits to resource availability, the necessity to reduce negative external effec...

Scientific paper • 2014


Technology Assessment and Degrowth: how can they come together?

By: Julia Hahn

Abstract: TA with its strong focus on technological development and what it means for our society can offer helpful insights for degrowth regarding the strong connections between technological development and economic growth as well as problem-oriented approaches. Participatory TA for example aims at incorporating the values and experiences of lay people into the decisions on and designs of tec...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Thassio de Araújo, Cássio Aquino, Lina Raquel Marinho

Abstract: This paper presents a theoretical study in Psychology on the subject of time in contemporary capitalist societies and in a hypothetical degrowth society. Considering that the contemporary lifestyle and the acceleration of time (and the lack of time itself) have led to dissatisfactions and even to diseases, this study question what changes in the structure of social time could possibly...

Scientific paper • 2014


A dialogue with feminisms: Mining, social movements and horizons of transformation

By: Mar Daza

Abstract: A new cycle of colonial expansion for the massive extraction of common goods is currently restructuring the relationship between humanity and nature, and thus the relationship between market, autonomous societies and State as well as the relations between global North and South and gender relations. This reality issues a complicated challenge to social movements seeking transformation...

Scientific paper • 2014


Alternative economic practices in the rural Catalonia

By: Emma Soy Massoni, Joana Conill, Diego Varga, Josep Pintó

Abstract: The present study describes alternative economy practices that are being developed in rural areas by individuals who live on the margins, in whole or in significant part, of the capitalist economic behavior patterns, and live according to rules and values that they have built. The observations were performed in a group of rural farmers living in the region of Alt Empordà (Girona, Cata...

Scientific paper • 2014


Peoples Sustainability Treaties: A Platform for a Common Narrative, Agenda and Movement

By: Uchita de Zoysa

Abstract: Given the inequities and unsustainability of the present model of development, the world needs profound transformations in the fundamental values and organizing principles of society. The challenge is to recognize the legitimacy of the global polity as an outer layer of the nested system of affiliation that reaches across regions and places, and to build the processes of democratic gl...

Scientific paper • 2014


Radical Ecological Democracy: A South Asian Quest for a Sustainable and Equitable Future

By: Ashish Kothari

Abstract: The impressive growth seen in the last two decades of ‘globalisation’ in countries like India has been predatory of nature and of already marginalised people. There are clear signs of ecological unsustainability and increasing inequities. A number of resistance movements are questioning the model of development and growth that they have been subjected to. Urgent steps are needed to fo...

Scientific paper • 2014


Accountability, Democracy, and Post-growth: Civil Society Rethinking Political Economy and Finance.

By: Lorenzo Fioramonti

Economic crisis, civil society, social change, accountability, degrowth

Presentation • 2014


Cultural Agency – potentials and limits of current civic movements

By: Friederike Habermann, Leonidas Martin, Michael Narberhaus, Luise Tremel

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Leonidas Martin, Michael Narberhaus, Friederike Habermann Facilitation: Luise Tremel From the conference programme: New forms of living, working, protesting as well as new economic and democratic practices develop form inside society and form „p...

Scientific paper • 2014


Dimensions in sufficiency behavior

By: Laura Henn

Abstract: Sufficiency is a strategy that aims at a collectively reduced consumption of goods and services with the aim to respect the ecological boundaries. The realization of the strategy lies within the individual sphere albeit structural and and other contextual factors are important to facilitate sufficiency. Thus, a psychological approach was chosen to investigate the properties of a suffi...

Scientific paper • 2014


Societal transformations: Objects, driving forces and potential to govern them

By: Lisa Graaf, Holger Bär, Klaus Jacob

Abstract: Many participants in the German political discourse have emphasized the need for a comprehensive transformation of the political system, the economy and society to meet the challenges of sustainable development. However, the scope, the speed and the means that are necessary to initiate and to advance such processes, is subject to controversial debate. Against this background, this pap...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and the domination of nature

By: Arianna Ferrari

Abstract: Despite the fact that degrowth theorists offer different analyses of the concept of nature, they share the belief that it is necessary to overcome the idea of a strict divide between subject (the human being) and object (the environment). They challenge the belief in technological progress as providing solutions to any problem, promote a social, fair and ecological perspective and typ...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Resource Cap Coalition - Advocating for policy tools, which set limits to unsustainable consumption and production

By: Veronika Kiss

Abstract: The Resource Cap Coalition - Advocating for policy tools, which set limits to unsustainable consumption and production Special Session: Respecting planetary boundaries while enhancing the well-being of all Today we face growing global competition over resources and price increase, which hits the poorest the most mainly in impoverished countries, but also in the rich. Policy efforts ad...

Scientific paper • 2014


Attitudes towards technology: dominant technological optimism and challenges for the degrowth alternative

By: Christian Kerschner, Melf-Hinrich Ehlers

Abstract: The way our society sees and relates itself to technology is crucial for the debate on economic degrowth. Latouche and others have recognized this and propose, a highly critical if not pessimist attitude. A position which goes back to Georgescu-Roegen but more importantly to Ivan Illich and those authors which describe technological systems as autonomous social systems; most prominent...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Analysis of Libertarian Municipalism

By: Cagri Eryilmaz

Abstract: The aim of this paper to analyze political proposal of social ecology that Murray Bookchin and Janet Biehl’s studies are reviewed. Social Ecology, developed by Murray Bookchin provides a coherent and radical critique of environmentalism as a discourse of capitalism. The solution of ecological crisis cannot be granted by environmental actions, projects and campaigns, green production &...