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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2016


Postcolonising Degrowth: Refugee protests in Germany, global inequality and Post-Development in the North

By: Daniel Bendix

The slogan “We are here because you destroy our countries” has been voiced by refugee activists in Germany for about twenty years. It acknowledges the connection between colonialism, neocolonialism, ‘development’, and migration. Discussions on the coloniality of development as evident in the Post-Development school have focused on the South and made global inequalities a central framework of a...

• 2016


Decoupling: A Dangerous Fantasy

By: Robert Fletcher

Teaser: Decoupling offers a dangerous neoliberal fantasy that we can overcome environmental limits to indefinite economic growth. From the article: . . . While asserting the necessity of dramatic decoupling for any hope of genuine sustainable development within a growth-dependent economy, in short, UNEP simultaneously admits that: 1) there is virtually no evidence that decoupling works; 2) t...

• 2016


Replik auf "Wirtschaftswachstum aufgeben? Eine Analyse wachstumskritischer Argumente"

By: Corinna Burkhart

Das Konzeptwerk hat eine Replik auf postwachstumskritik.de geschrieben. Die der Webseite entsprechende Studie “Wirtschaftswachstum aufgeben? Eine Analyse wachstumskritischer Argumente” (Funke et al. 2015) fasst die Ergebnisse eines Seminars zusammen, in welchem sich die studentischen Autor_innen kritisch mit dem Konzept Postwachstum auseinandergesetzt haben. Die Autor_innen fragen “Müssen wir W...

Scientific paper • 2016


Biophysical limits of current debates on degrowth and the knowledge economy

By: Jesus Ramos-Martin

Keywords: Degrowth, knowledge, sustainability, complexity, societal metabolism

• 2016

Image Text

Degrowth - is it time for a new kind of economics?

By: Ruby Russell

From the text: At the Cyclonomia bike kitchen in Budapest, all tools and equipment are communally owned. The around 300 members drop in to the basement workshop to not only fix up their rides, but also to build them - cargo bikes in particular. It's part of an experiment in "new ways of re-localizing the economy," says co-founder Adrien Despoisse. Re-localization, Despoisse explains, is about...

• 2016


Ecommony: Living Alternatives to "There is no Alternative"

By: Friederike Habermann

According to German columnist Georg Diez, the violation of democratic processes in the wake of the financial crisis in 2007/2008 was an epochal break comparable to the great depression and the developments thereafter. One reason for the increase in racism and rise of the radical right, he writes, is also the helplessness of the left faced with the increasing numbers of people who feel abandon...

• 2016


Adultum – A Critical Narrative at the End of Growth and a Name for the Coming Age

By: Prof. Dr. Josef Senft

Degrowth is usually translated into German as "Postwachstum" (post growth) or "Wachstumsrücknahme" (reversing growth), but it can also be translated as “ausgewachsen” (grown up). This captures two aspects: on the one hand the end of growth and on the other hand the entry into a stage of maturity, namely adulthood. Adults are expected to show increased maturity and responsibility for themselves ...

• 2016


Degrowth als radikale Strategie – und offene Fragen

By: Ulrich Brand

Ein Bericht von der Degrowth Konferenz 2016 in Budapest von Ulrich Brand. Er geht auf verschiedene Veranstaltungen ein und kontextualisiert die Konferenz im lokalen und bewegungspolitischen Kontext.

Scientific paper • 2016


Consistency and Stability Analysis of Models of a Monetary Growth Imperative

By: Oliver Richters, Andreas Siemoneit

Keywords: Ecological Macroeconomics, Zero Growth, Growth Imperative, Monetary Economy

Scientific paper • 2016


Transitions towards degrowth and sustainable welfare: Carbon emission reduction and wealth and income distribution in France, the US and China

By: Hubert Buch-Hansen, Annika Pissin, Erin Kennedy

Chapter in the Book: Sustainability and the Political Economy of Welfare Edited by Max Koch, Oksana Mont

• 2016


Einen großen Schritt weiter auf dem Weg zur Utopie

By: Christiane Kliemann

Die UTOPIKON ist jetzt vorbei und der Beweis ist erbracht: es ist absolut möglich, eine "echte" Konferenz mit Keynotes, Workshops, Verpflegung und allem, was dazugehört, geldfrei, vegan, ökologisch und solidarisch zu organisieren. Gleichzeitig hat die Konferenz auch noch unglaublich viel Spaß gemacht: selber etwas zu erleben, von dem es geheißen hatte, das das ja eigentlich gar nicht geht, ha...

Scientific paper • 2016


On Degrowth in the South: The Case of India

By: Alex Jensen

However much of a growing consensus there may be against continued economic growth in the global north, there is much less clarity about the topic when it comes to the global south. For many critics of northern growth, when it comes to the global south, the 'need' for continued economic growth is often taken as self-evident. Economic growth, it is assumed, is still needed to achieve justice, an...

Presentation • 2016

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How to construct the alternative to capitalism? Discovering the commons in the environmental justice movements

By: Defne Gonenc

Environmental justice movements are taking place at an ever accelerating rate through out the world. Through mobilization of people with diverse societal backgrounds, race, ethnicity, age, gender and income levels, they not only challenge the existing state-society-economy spectrum but also contain important clues about an alternative to capitalism. As crisis vocabulary has become a chronic par...

• 2016


Utopien entwickeln - Podiumsdiskussion

By: Nina Treu, Peter Seyferth, Ana Maria Larrea Maldonado

Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema "Utopien entwickeln" auf der Degrowth-Sommerschule im Rheinland 2016. Mit Nina Treu, Peter Seyferth und Ana Maria Larrea Maldonado. Moderation: Christopher Laumanns. Vor der Podiumsdiskussion gab es einen Impulsvortrag zum Thema. Aus dem Programm: Verschiedene Utopieentwürfe und Transformationsperspektiven werden gehört und diskutiert: Erstens wird Degrowth als ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Money and subjective well-being

By: Max Koch, Filka Sekulova, Filka Sekulova, Christopher Boyce, Martin Fritz

Interest in subjective well-being in public policy has been growing steadily over the last decades arriving at a voluminous and thematically diverse literature. A reoccurring theme for debates is the extent to which short and long-term income growth relates to well-being. Although many studies have shown that income growth at the societal level contributes little, if any, to well-being over tim...

Presentation • 2016

Text Video

Degrowth auf einen Blick für Grundeinkommen-AktivistInnen und -ForscherInnen

By: Matthias Schmelzer

Manuskript und Video: Was ist Degrowth? - Wachstumskritik konkret - Vortrag von Matthias Schmelzer beim Kongress "Bedingungs­loses Grundeinkommen und Degrowth" in Hamburg, Deutschland (19–20. Mai 2016). Degrowth auf einen Blick für Grundeinkommen-AktivistInnen und -ForscherInnen mit Matthias Schmelzer Gliederung des Vortrags: 1. Degrowth - was ist das? 2. Was ist überhaupt Wachstum? U...

Scientific paper • 2016


A Plea for Degrowth

By: Céline Surprenant

Book review of "Olivier Rey, Une question de taille, Stock, 2014, 288 p." From the text: . . . In Une question de taille, Olivier Rey, too, makes disillusioned observations about the progress associated with modernity, post-modernity, indeed hypermodernity. Yet, while his predecessors, such as Günther Anders in The Obsolescence of Man (1956), have highlighted the losses (p. 31) that characte...

Report • 2016


Why the degrowth debate is gaining momentum

By: Nick Meynen

From the text: Reporting from The 5th International Degrowth Conference in Budapest - which continues today and tomorrow - NICK MEYNEN explores the new narrative of ‘sufficiency' being discussed and and asks will it catch on before it's too late?

Scientific paper • 2016


More degrowth, less capitalism – What can critical geography tell us about their relationship?

By: Felix Wilmsen

In the degrowth literature, the question to what extent opposition to the growth paradigm may interfere with capitalism is often avoided, arguing that a potential degrowth society will eventually develop from practice and should not be pre-defined. Without contradicting this view, one has to recognise that alternatives to the status quo will unlikely emerge from out of nowhere, but will have to...

Scientific paper • 2016


Local struggles for socio-environmental justice and democracy: the role of enlightened resistance

By: Jérôme Pelenc

This paper analyses a particularly strong social mobilization against a mega-jail project that is planned to be built in Haren (Brussels’ region, Belgium) on a 20-ha natural site that provides a large array of ecosystem services to local inhabitants but also to the city of Brussels. The actors involved in the resistance are diverse (local inhabitants, local NGOs, ZADistes who occupied the site,...