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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2016


Challenges in the transition towards sustainable development in Bulgaria

By: Aneliya Paneva

Challenges in the transition towards sustainable development in Bulgaria Abstract: An understanding of the causes for changes of ecosystems at the local and national level is essential for initiating learning processes and for designing interventions to reduce adverse environmental impacts. However, transition economies have not been studied much in this context. Taking Bulgaria as a case stud...

Scientific paper • 2016


Closing plenary

By: Mladen Domazet, Vincent Liegey, Szandra Koves

A short summary of conference will be provided by a group of people who closely followed the discussions at the conference, outlining the main open challenges for the future, both for degrowth research and action. A space for reflection, proposals, feedback from participants. This media entry was a contribution to the special session „Closing plenary“ at the 5th International Degrowth Conferen...

Scientific paper • 2016


Assessment of the potential of Renewable Energy Sources Cooperatives (RESCoops) in Spain towards Sustainable Degrowth

By: Iñigo Capellán Pérez

The transition to renewable energies is at the heart of the Sustainable Degrowth (SD) proposals due to its potential to relocalize and democratize the energy generation in a sustainable way. In this paper, we review the development and current situation of RESCoops in Spain, assessing their strengths, barriers and opportunities as a means towards SD. This is an interesting case study since, unl...

Scientific paper • 2016


Can technologies help to reduce the physical and human degradation in transition towards a degrowth society?

By: Patty L'Abbate

This article outlines the role that technology has to play in order to enable human beings to move towards a degrowth society. Against the background of the problems we face today, the authors E.E. Schumacher, N.Georgescu-Roegen and others have been re-examined. This work also explains the concepts of entropy and emergy and the “fourth” principle of thermodynamics revised in the light of the th...

Scientific paper • 2016


Are there limits to growth?

By: Ulrich Brand, Barbara Muraca, Christoph Goerg, Christoph Goerg

Has the planet reached its carrying and absorbing capacity? And do we face natural boundaries which objectively exist that limit human activities in any general way? According to the study of the Club of Rome, published in 1972 under the title “Limits to growth”, that stage was already approached 40 years ago. Today in the era of climate change, biodiversity loss and other ecological problems,...

Scientific paper • 2016


Between revolution and reform

By: Jan C. Zoellick

Degrowth is a conglomerate of several streams of thought offering a variety of sometimes conflicting positions (Demaria et al., 2013). Some of these tensions smoulder inexplicitly below the surface of celebrated diversity. This proposal explicates the tension between conservative and reformist approaches on the one hand and revolutionary approaches driving for fundamental change on the other ha...

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth and social security

By: Denis Bayon, Fabrice Flipo

In the current economic debacle, we inherit a treasure from the past class struggles of treasure : the institutions of social security (health, pension, unemployment, family). In France, we celebrate seventy years of the 4 October 1945 order for the creation of a coordinated network of funds and the Act of 22 May 1946 establishing the principle of the extension of social security to all of the ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Can citizen energy become a new paradigm in the context of the ecological transition in Romandy?

By: Monica Serlavos

Current environmental and socioeconomic challenges request fundamental changes at the heart of our societies. How these transformations will take place and towards which direction(s) still remains something to be imagined and co-constructed. Departing from the biophysical limits, but not only, of the dependence of our systems on fossil fuels to satisfy our needs, a transition to an alternative ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Between the enlarged scope of neoliberalism and the socialism that mutates: The sustainability dilemma in China’s overheated market for ‘fictitious commodities’

By: Xiaorui (Rae) Wang

Although everyone agrees to the idea of sustainability, this unanimous good intention has difficulties to turn into action. From the perspective of anthropological economics, the reason could be put into a rather simple way: To make economic activities sustainable, humans need to accept some serious trade-offs; and that is where it hurts. Nowadays, the whole world seems to have found itself in ...

• 2016


THUR_16:30h // WORK Out of the Box!

By: Green European Foundation

Event "Work out of the box!" at the Degrowth Week, organized by the green european foundation. Part of the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Event is about sustainable work for all in a post-growth society. What means working beyond the job? What do we value as work? How do we value it? Degrowth 2016 - Engli...

Presentation • 2016


WED_9.30h // Clive Spash - Science and uncommon thinking

By: Clive Spash

Recorded keynote speech at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2016. Speaker: Clive Spash Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth and techno-business model innovation: The case of Riversimple

By: PeterWells

Automobility Degrowth Small scale Corporate governance Car industry Technological innovation

Scientific paper • 2016


Climate, labour and nationalism – Polish uneasy transition towards a carbon-free and just society

By: Iwona Bojadzijewa

Viewed from the energy production perspective, the transition from “socialist” PRL (People’s Republic of Poland) to capitalist/neoliberal Poland hasn’t been significant. Both political formations underline/d their devotion to coal as primary source of energy and guarantor of country’s energy sovereignty. Today more than 80% of electricity is produced by coal burning. Despite major brakes regard...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - Back to the future: a debate among socialists at the dawn of industrialism

By: Hatice Çıvgın

Presentation by Hatice Çıvgın The beginning of the 19th century is considered as the dawn of industrialism, economics and socialism. When J. B. Say proposed the concept of industrialism, Charles Fourier, the father of socialism, immediately challenged the term. Similarly, Simond de Sismondi was another thinker who contested the concept. Later, however, in this era, industrialism became the mai...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - The Realities and Contradictions of the Growth Economy and Challenges for a Social Ecological Transformation

By: Clive Spah

Keynote session by Clive Spash. Clive covers growth and its contradictions and challenges for degrowth and social ecological transformation. Facilitator: Filka Sekulova

• 2016


Is Sustainability Only for the Privileged?

By: Lucie Bardos

On the Need for Collaboration Between Social Movements and Activisms. The article sheds the light on the fact that most of the people engaged in the international transition town movement are white educated middle class. It concludes that the integration of other perspectives through a facilitated "opening-up process" would make the transition town movement more inclusive. Published on Degro...

• 2016


The Great Deceleration

By: Alex Jensen

From the text: . . . One incontrovertible conclusion of all this, it seems to me, is that it is precisely the increasing scale of economic activity – of ‘the economy’ – that is the heart of the multiple interlocking crises that beset societies and the earth today. The relentlessly expansionist logic of the system is inimical to life, to the world, even to genuine well-being. If we wish to inste...

• 2016


Interview: „Wir brauchen Widerstand – sonst wird uns der Klimawandel die Perspektive für ein gutes Leben für alle nehmen.“

By: Christopher Laumanns

Vom 19. bis 23. August 2016 findet die 2. Degrowth-Sommerschule auf dem Klimacamp im Rheinland statt. Unter dem Motto „Skills for System Change“ wird es mit einem vielfältigen Programm um gelebte Alternativen zum aktuellen Wirtschaftssystem gehen. Nachdem die Sommerschule zu Ende gegangen ist, beginnt auf dem Klimacamp das „Aktionslabor“, das vom 24.-29. August geht. Was es damit auf sich hat u...

Scientific paper • 2016


Rethinking Climate and Energy Policies

By: Tilman Santarius, Hans Jakob Walnum, Carlo Aall, Reinhard Madlener, Karen Turner, Johannes Buhl, José Acosta, Debalina Chakravarty, Joyashree Roy, Anja Peters, Elisabeth Dütschke, Martin Soland, Christine Suffolk, Wouter Poortinga, Petter Næss, C. Michael Hall, Kyrre Groven, Hans Jakob Walnum, Anders S.G. Andrae, Jørgen Nørgård, Jin Xue

The publisher about the book: This book calls for rethinking current climate, energy and sustainability policy-making by presenting new insights into the rebound phenomenon; i.e., the driving forces, mechanisms and extent of rebound effects and potential means of mitigating them. It pursues an innovative and novel approach to the political and scientific rebound discourse and hence, supplements...

Scientific paper • 2016


A practice approach to the institutionalization of economic degrowth

By: Maria Joutsenvirta

Degrowth; Institutionalization; Practice theory; Power; Economic alternatives