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• 2018
By: Robert Fletcher, Asunción Blanco-Romero, Macià Blázquez-Salom, Ivan Murray
Introduction: “Touristification” of cities is increasingly met by discontent of local communities deprived of their places: overtourism is a real issue and we must face the challenge of rethinking and remaking one of the world’s biggest industries. The time has come to start talking seriously about how to bring tourism and degrowth together
Scientific paper • 2018
By: Ted Trainer
Abstract: A sustainable and just world cannot be achieved without enormous structural and cultural change. The argument presented below is that when our situation is understood in terms of resource and ecological limits, it is evident firstly that getting rid of capitalism is not sufficient. A satisfactory alternative society cannot be highly industrialised or centralised, and it must involve ...
• 2017
By: Aaron Robertson
Blog article about Detroit and its possible development in the future
Scientific paper • 2017
By: Helen Jarvis
Keywords: association, degrowth, intention, sharing, social phenomenology, togetherness
• 2017
By: Marula Tsagkari
From the article: . . . In the Chinese language the word crisis is represented by two symbols. The first means danger and, the second, opportunity. It is true that economic crises are complex phenomena, and a form of exogenous shock in the society. On the other hand, they are also an opportunity to challenge the current way of thinking and they can open a door to a profound change. As some sup...
Scientific paper • 2017
By: Stephan Hankammer, Robin Kleer
Keywords: Degrowth; Collaborative value creation; Technology
Scientific paper • 2017
By: Emma McGuirk
Keywords: timebank, community currency, activism, degrowth, New Zealand
Scientific paper • 2017
By: Amy Cox Hall
Key Words: De-growth, neo-monasticism, emerging church, millennial generation, Christianity, sharing economy
Scientific paper • 2017
By: Joshua Lockyer
Key words: commons, degrowth, ecovillages, intentional communities, participatory action research, transition discourses
Scientific paper • 2017
By: Robin M. LeBlanc
Keywords: degrowth, public space, urban planning, architecture, political ecology
• 2017
By: Raul Zelik
Teaser: Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der Menschheit leben wir in einem echten Weltsystem: dem Kapitalismus. Er ist dabei, sich zu Tode zu siegen. Der Ausstieg aus der heißlaufenden Maschine Kapitalismus stellt eine gewaltige Herausforderung dar. Auf der Suche nach gesellschaftlichen Alternativen kommen wir um die Frage nach dem Gemeineigentum nicht herum.
Scientific paper • 2016
By: Anitra Nelson
Presentation by Anitra Nelson Even for many radical adherents of degrowth, money is a common-sense — not simply capitalist — tool, so alternative currencies and banks abound. This paper argues against this common-sense logic, as follows. The most direct and efficient form of degrowth requires as-local-as-is-feasible production focusing on people’s basic needs, implying that future distribution...
Scientific paper • 2016
By: Pierre Tosi
«Are contemporary homo sapiens necessarily a homo faber as well? Can inspiration for a new narrative be found in the cultural past?» Interesting suggestions about this were given by Hannah Arendt, above all in her "The Human Condition" (1958). The Jewish philosopher thought that the contemporary commingling of "homo faber" (maker of handworks and instruments) and "homo laborans" (producer of h...
Scientific paper • 2016
By: Claudio Cattaneo, Francois Schneider, Anitra Nelson, Anitra Nelson, Natasha Verco
Communal eco-housing and households offer degrowth strategies and prefigure necessary change. Living in collective housing means sharing goods and services, eco-efficiencies and politico-cultural experience of commons forms of governance. Scholars active in eco-collective housing (squats, housing commons and co-living) in various European, Oceanic and USA sites talk about: creating sustainable...
Scientific paper • 2016
By: Mark H Burton
I am part of a small collective that is promoting an alternative socio-economic approach to the society-economy-environment nexus in "post-industrial" Greater Manchester, England. I will describe the approach we have taken which is to promote alternative thinking via publication, networking, and working in alliances with actors from a variety of sectors. I will reflect on what we have learned f...
Scientific paper • 2016
The Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) concept was born in the 1980s in the United States and has been expanded throughout the world. CSA is a “concept describing a community-based organization of producers and consumers. The consumers agree to provide direct support to the local growers who will produce their food. The growers agree to do their best to provide a sufficient quantity and qual...
Scientific paper • 2016
By: Stella Veciana
The primary question of this analysis relates to specific key issues fostering actual and potential synergies between the degrowth and the ecovillage movement. As analysis frame, first some distinctive perspectives around de-growth are introduced on the basis of interviews with experts of the Global South and the Global North. More than reinforcing the criticism of growth societies and conceivi...
Scientific paper • 2016
MDF is a federation of 25 associations (“Clubs”) and 29 informal groups, spread in Italy both in urban and rural areas. MDF deems it is crucial to establish local roots, providing all interested people with the possibility to meet each other, discuss and work together for developing, practising and promoting a new cultural paradigm. The MDF local clubs are intended as means to achieve this obj...
Scientific paper • 2016
By: Melinda Mihály
Neoliberal regional development policies are not just environmentally unsustainable, but are also producing uneven regions (Harvey 2011, Smith 2008). The case of Hungary seems to confirm this. Regional disparities in Hungary has been growing in the postsocialist transition period and our accession to the EU has not improved this situation either (Tímár 2007). In the same time there is a tenden...
Scientific paper • 2016
By: Barbara Muraca
Herausgeber_innen: Die Postwachstumsdebatte ist geprägt von sehr unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen auf die Rolle und den Umgang mit Technik. Einerseits halten ein Teil der Befürworter des Postwachstums das technowissenschaftliche Paradigma für einen Teil des Problems und stellten sich eine künftige Postwachstumsgesellschaft jenseits der Technik vor, während sie gleichzeitig den weltweit zu beobacht...