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Showing 37 items

Scientific paper • 2014


The National Welfare Index as a potential instrument for the transition towards a Degrowth society?

By: Hans Diefenbacher, Dorothee Rodenhäuser

Abstract: The debate on indicators ‚beyond GDP’ has considerably regained momentum in the last years. However, a majority of current indicator proposals rather seeks to complement traditional economic indicators in order to support “green” growth. Very few are directed to support a degrowth strategy, while a significant share of proposals remains ambiguous about growth. The National Welfare Ind...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Conservation-Extraction Conundrum: The commodification of nature across vertical boundaries

By: Timothy Norris

private conservation, Peru, extraction, property institutions, de-growth

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and payments for ecosystem services: highlighting the tensions

By: Rodrigo Silva

(De)commodification of nature; Society-nature relations; Planetary boundaries and environmental justice

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Emanuele Leonardi

Abstract: The paper aims at constructively criticize Degrowth's reliance on the physical limits to growth as a discursive tool to undermine the growth-oriented attitude of mainstream economics. By recuperating the critique of political economy, the paper investigates the shift in the value/nature relationship which has occurred since the environmental crisis has emerged as a political problem. ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Limits to substitution between ecosystem services and manufactured goods and intergenerational decision-making

By: Moritz A. Drupp

Limited substitutability, ecosystem services, subsistence, dual discounting, sustainable development, project evaluation

Scientific paper • 2014


Money and Freedom in the view of Polanyis Great Transformation: Decommodification by constituting alternative monetary institutions

By: Josué Manuel Quintana Diaz

Money as institution, monetary constitution, growth imperative, Transitions Initiatives, decommodification

Scientific paper • 2014


Money and Freedom in the view of Polanyis Great Transformation: Decommodification by constituting alternative monetary systems

By: Josué Manuel Quintana Diaz

Monetary system, monetary constitution, growth imperative, Transitions Initiatives, decommodification

Scientific paper • 2014


Towards a re-evaluation of the land sparing vs. land sharing debate from the perspective of peasant farming systems

By: A. Cristina de la Vega-Leinert

Abstract: Worldwide agricultural land is a scarce and degraded resource, while the commoditisation of natural resources spatially decouples the environmental and societal impacts of production, trade and consumption. Sustainability, increasingly an explicit political and social desirable norm, seeks to reverse Nature'S degradation, while fostering human well-being in a fairer society. An often ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Commodity frontiers and degrowth

By: Marta Conde, Mariana Walter

Abstract: ‘Commodity frontiers’ are a result of the increasing social metabolism of industrialised economies that is pushing the search for raw materials into new lands. This expansion is creating social and environmental degradation at these frontiers and fostering socio-environmental conflicts. We review the concept of ‘commodity frontiers’ analyzing its roots through Jason Moore’s theory (20...

Scientific paper • 2014


From commodity to commons: analysis of experimentation of collective appropriation of agricultural lands

By: Elsa Costanzo

Abstract: We propose an institutional analysis, based on a field research, of an emergent French initiative called Terre de Liens (TdL) that intends to take out agricultural lands from the speculative market, contributes to their de-commodification and governs them as a commons. We will wonder to what extent TdL may turn agricultural lands into a commons, following Elinor Ostrom’s definition. W...

Scientific paper • 2014


Post-Extracivism and De-Growth: Two Sides of the Same Perspective?

By: Alberto Acosta

growth, extractivism, economy, nature, sustainability

Position paper • 2013


Big Business Emissions Trading

By: Ulrich Brand, Jutta Kill, Michael Müller, Ulla Lötzer, Michael Popp

Against the Financialization of Nature. Policy Paper 02/2013 Rosa Luxemburg Foundation: The work of the commission of the German Parliament (Bundestag) on “Growth, Prosperity, Quality of Life – Paths toward a sustainable economy and social progress in the social marketplace” concluded in mid-April. One of the commission’s five project groups was titled “growth, resource consumption, and tech...

Scientific paper • 2013


The Politics of “Flexibilisation” and youth unemployment in Portugal

By: Manuel Gonçalves Gil

Keywords: Portugal, Youth Unemployment, Labour, Labour Market Reforms, Labour Market Flexibilisation, Employability, Precarity, Precariat, Polanyi, Commodification

Scientific paper • 2013


Social enterprises and non-market capitals: a path to degrowth?

By: Nadia Johanisova, Tim Crabtree, Eva Franková

Social enterprise; Degrowth; Non-market capitals; Sectoral models; Sustainability

Scientific paper • 2012


Why the lock-in of financialisation could further delay a low carbon and just transition beyond the growth paradigm

By: Antonio Tricarico, Elena Gerebizza

Introduction: We live in a time of finance capitalism, when trading money, risk and associated products is more profitable and outpaces trading goods and services for capital accumulation. That is in short what people often refer to as “financialisation” of the economy. This has huge implications for where capital is invested and the everyday exposure of people to capital markets, as more and m...

Scientific paper • 2012


Payments for Ecosystem Services: versus or with degrowth?

By: Francesco Marangon, Stefania Troiano

Keywords: Payment for Ecosystem Services, ecosystem services, landscape, degrowth

Scientific paper • 2012


The Priced versus the Priceless

By: Derek Rasmussen

From the text: I was listening to CBC, the national Canadian radio service, several years ago when the interviewer, Michael Enright, began chatting with a fellow named Alouitious from Newfoundland. Alouitious had a farm which was within the city limits of the capital, St John’s; so the first question that Enright asked him was, “How does it feel to be living such an old-fashioned way of life in...