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Showing 54 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Let´s share!

By: Charlotte Knorr

Abstract: The Sharing Economy represents a social and also a media phenomenon, which indicates that people are sharing goods of any kind (material and immaterial) on the Internet for further using, distributing, splitting up, giving away or even sell. This phenomenon is currently experiencing in the media a veritable boom, both in the so-called Social Media (Web 2.0) as well as in the press med...

Scientific paper • 2014


Adam Smith's

By: Till Wagner

invisible hand, growth, degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


Principles for Institutional Design of Future Degrowth Eco-sustainable Societies

By: Richard Westra

Abstract: The “end of growth” still leaves questions for the design of future sustainable societies. The argument of this paper is that economic choices for the new societies are not unlimited and forms of economy cannot simply be conjured up ex nihilo. Anthropologist David Graeber, economic historian Karl Polanyi and political economist Karl Marx each have produced typologies of possible types...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ethical Banks – Professional Biography and taking critical distance in ethical Banking and Finance

By: Sarah Lenz

Abstract: The segment of empirical reality chosen for the presentation is dedicated to ethical or sustainable banking. Though rather small still, this segment has been expanding rapidly. Contrary to conventional banking, this segment has constantly been gaining legitimacy since the collapse of global finance. Building on the assumption that institutions do not only depend on the acceptance and ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Money, debt, and the end of the growth imperative

By: Thomas H. Greco

Abstract: The global, interest-based, debt-money system is the primary driver of unsustainable growth, economic inequity, and environmental destruction. Almost all of the money in existence in the world today is created by banks when they make loans. The accrual of interest on these loans over time, causes the amount of debt to always exceed the means for its payment, so new loans must continua...

Scientific paper • 2014


Gross Domestic Problem: The Politics Behind the World's Most Powerful Number

By: Lorenzo Fioramonti

GDP; power; war; markets; economists; globalization

Scientific paper • 2014


Sustainable Finances for Society: The consideration of a Certification Program

By: Blanca Fernandez

Abstract: Sustainable development is an ongoing process based on a set of principles that have to continue to spread throughout all economic activities. Looking at the current economic scenario, the transformation of the financial sector appears crucial. I first define a working definition of sustainable finances. Powerful drivers towards sustainable practices in strong profit-oriented markets ...

Scientific paper • 2014


"Don’t let fashion go to waste". Local Infrastructures Feeding on Textile Waste

By: Heike Derwanz

Abstract: From April 2013 onwards textile giant Hennes & Mauritz launched its “Don’t let fashion go to waste”-campaign and offers its customers to bring their used clothes back for a discount. H&M, known for supplying cheap and fast fashion now also entered the business of disposal of clothing that is a growing market for decades. Alternatives to H&M or the dustbin are already estab...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Stefano Bartolini, Francesco Sarracino, Luigi Bonatti

hyper-consumerism; working time; negative externalities; happiness; growth rebalancing

Scientific paper • 2014


Building a social and ecological economy through a social accounting model of banking

By: Raymond Aitken

Abstract: Building a social and ecological economy imbued with the aspirations of democratic governance and cultural renaissance that the degrowth movement aspires to, requires linguistic precision and rigorous observation of economic phenomenology, to expose and address pernicious monetary fallacies. Words like “growth”, “money” and “debt” need unambiguous requalification. Such elucidation exp...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and Demonetization: On the Limits of a Non-Capitalist Market Economy

By: Andreas Exner

From the text: “This [what degrowth scholars describe] is a non- capitalist market economy model of degrowth, the viability of which shall be discussed further on in three steps. First, I contrast with reciprocity the historical specificity of exchange, markets, and money in the modern sense. Second, I discuss the logical connection between market, money, and capital. Third, I analyze the contr...

• 2013


Die Wachstumsspirale: Geld, Energie und Imagination in der Dynamik des Marktprozesses

By: Hans Christoph Binswanger

Der Verlag: Im Wachstumsprozess weitet sich der wirtschaftliche Kreislauf zu einer Spirale aus, die im Aufstieg einem exponentiellen Pfad folgt. Um den Antrieb und die Möglichkeit zur Verfolgung dieses Wachstumspfads zu erklären, muss die Dynamik des Geldes, der Energie und der menschlichen Imagination deutlicher herausgestellt werden als es in der konventionellen ökonomischen Theorie der Fall ...

Scientific paper • 2013


Arbeit ohne Zwang – Wie wirkt sich ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen auf die Arbeitsmarktsituation aus?

By: Sebastian Levi

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen (bGE) ist ein in jüngerer Vergangenheit immer häufiger diskutierter Reformvorschlag, der unter anderem auf Grund seines vermuteten negativen Einflusses auf die Arbeitsmoral oftmals kritisch bewertet wird. Unter Bezug auf die mikroökonomische Arbeitsangebotsthe...

Scientific paper • 2013


Coordination, Collective Bargaining and Macroeconomic Performance: Re-Analyzing a “hump-shaped“ Relation

By: Frederik Knirsch

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The EU crisis is not overcome yet and the entire system suffers from the persistent macroeconomic imbalances and inequalities. According to the EU growth and convergence strategy “Europe 2020” the EC recommends a set of political reforms concerning national labour markets including adjustments...

Scientific paper • 2013


The failures of European crisis management and its micro and meso level reasons

By: Anita Pelle

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The current European crisis started as the infiltration of the global financial crisis. The real economy was hit badly by the sudden contraction of the financial sector. The European Commission’s recovery plan of 2008, followed by most member states at that time, built on the quick restoration o...

Scientific paper • 2013


Some brief thoughts on state-space and economic crisis

By: Alexander Sohn

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The collapse of Lehmann brothers in September 2008 is generally seen as the starting point of what so far already turns out to be the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. It is generally agreed that the economy at large thus has entered a period which structurally differs from th...

Scientific paper • 2012


Why the lock-in of financialisation could further delay a low carbon and just transition beyond the growth paradigm

By: Antonio Tricarico, Elena Gerebizza

Introduction: We live in a time of finance capitalism, when trading money, risk and associated products is more profitable and outpaces trading goods and services for capital accumulation. That is in short what people often refer to as “financialisation” of the economy. This has huge implications for where capital is invested and the everyday exposure of people to capital markets, as more and m...

Scientific paper • 2012


The economic and financial dimensions of degrowth

By: Damir Tokic

Keywords: Degrowth; Stock market; Deflation; Deleveraging

Scientific paper • 2012


Ecological Economics, Degrowth, and Institutional Change

By: Lisi Krall, Kent A. Klitgaard

Keywords: Degrowth; Ecological economics; Evolutionary economics; Political economy; Economic surplus

Scientific paper • 2012


Economic democracy: A path for the future?

By: Nadia Johanisovaa, Stephan Wolf

Abstract: As opposed to political democracy and its attempts at power control in the public sector, the concentration of economic power, and its antidote, the concept of economic democracy, has received much less attention. In the paper, we first offer a definition of economic democracy as a “a system of checks and balances on economic power and support for the right of citizens to actively par...