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Showing 49 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Learning for and in a Degrowing Society

By: Christiane Richard-Elsner

Learning, own experiences, neurobiology, neighbourhood

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Lina Raquel Marinho, Edna Chernicharo

Abstract: This essay intends to discuss a new concept of subject and subjectivity considering the experience in the past at Vienna on the Free Clinic psychoanalyses practices and treatments, by Sigmund Freud, considering the concepts, debates and discussions on the actor-net theory theme and science and at least but not last considering the so called Degrowth Movement and its whole arena of deb...

Scientific paper • 2014


Halbwertszeiten - Psychoanalytische Überlegungen zu „blinder Wachstumsabhängigkeit“ anhand der psychodynamischen Historie und mentalen Präsenz von Atomenergie

By: Angela Mauss-Hanke

Abstract: Es versteht sich von selbst, daß Gier nichts ist, was wir mühsam erlernen müssen. Sozialpsychologische Studien zeigen: wo es viel zu holen gibt, wird viel geholt – unabhängig davon, ob das langfristig klug ist oder nicht oder anderen schadet oder nicht. Diesem Impuls nicht nachzugehen, also Verzicht zu leisten, ist genau das: eine menschliche Kultur-Leistung, die uns etwas abfordert, ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Going beyond efficiency: including altruistic motives in behavioral models for sustainability transitions to address suffiency

By: Niko Schäpke, Felix Rauschmayer

Abstract: Sustainability transitions require altered individual behaviors. Policies aiming to make people change their consumption behavior are designed according to efficiency, consistency, and sufficiency principles. Taking into account shortcomings of the first two principles, this paper specifically addresses the sufficiency principle. Sufficiency policies are not very popular due to the fe...

Scientific paper • 2014


Dimensions in sufficiency behavior

By: Laura Henn

Abstract: Sufficiency is a strategy that aims at a collectively reduced consumption of goods and services with the aim to respect the ecological boundaries. The realization of the strategy lies within the individual sphere albeit structural and and other contextual factors are important to facilitate sufficiency. Thus, a psychological approach was chosen to investigate the properties of a suffi...

Scientific paper • 2014


Teaching literature, teaching change – How dystopias can initiate and support value-based education

By: Christian Hoiß

Abstract: Based on Immanuel Kant’s call for Enlightenment the paper on hand relates his theses to the current behavior of mankind and demands from today’s educational representatives to act against “laziness and cowardice” among students and society as a whole. This goes along with a new focus on values which cannot primarily be built through argumentation and reasoning but according to sociolo...

Scientific paper • 2014


Towards a Theory of Psychological Rebound Effects

By: Tilman Santarius

Abstract: Research on rebound effects at the consumer level until today has been almost exclusively limited to the realm of economic sciences. Accordingly explanations of how rebound effects arise are restricted to economic theories, namely to income and substitution effects. This article analyzes rebound effects through the lenses of various social and behavioral science theories. The article ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ensuring equitable access to energy in the context of a cap

By: Beth Stratford

Abstract: Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs) is a economy-wide framework designed to shift social norms surrounding energy behaviour and to guarantee equitable access to energy in the context of either a deliberate or involuntary energy descent. This presentation will explore the likely distributional impact, public acceptability and behaviour change potential of the TEQs scheme. While claims in rel...

Scientific paper • 2014


THANCS – a process to address tensions that emerge in/with a transition towards sustainable development

By: Ines Omann, Felix Rauschmayer

ustainability transition, needs, tensions, sustainable lifestyles, quality of life

Scientific paper • 2014


How degrowth can improve life quality: Using NonViolent Communication

By: Felix Rauschmayer

sustainability transition, needs, NonViolent Communication, sustainable lifestyles, quality of life

Scientific paper • 2014


Body-Scale: Somaticity, Degrowth, and the Revival of Place

By: Kris Forkasiewicz

Abstract: The paper deals with the following questions: —How the "full-bodied" quality of lived meaning diminishes for the anthropoi with the growth of institutions and infrastructures beyond its somatic grasp —How, accordingly, lived experience is impoverished and flattened —How with growth, what is commonly imagination, rather than being the celebrated paragon of human nature, constitutes a r...

Scientific paper • 2014


Time use in an Alternative Degrowth Society

By: Wolfgang Fellner

Abstract: A time use perspective in economics has to recognise that time is more than an input to commodities, produced by households. Time is not money! If anything, time is life. How we spend our time provides us with skills as well as information. It determines the formation of habits and preferences. The activities we pursue with great motivation and enthusiasm, be it paid work or any other...

Scientific paper • 2014


Saving Money – Breaking Profit? Ride-Sharing Practices in Inter-City Transport

By: Alexa Faerber

Abstract: This contribution examines how the infrastrucutre and ticketing of inter-city railway transport leads to entrepreneurial practices of ride-sharing and asks if this twofold practice (it allows saving money and gaining money) also contains the potential of articulating economic visions of degrowth. The background for these new forms of transportation-entrepreneurialism is the ongoing pr...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Thassio de Araújo, Cássio Aquino, Lina Raquel Marinho

Abstract: This paper presents a theoretical study in Psychology on the subject of time in contemporary capitalist societies and in a hypothetical degrowth society. Considering that the contemporary lifestyle and the acceleration of time (and the lack of time itself) have led to dissatisfactions and even to diseases, this study question what changes in the structure of social time could possibly...

Scientific paper • 2014


Human Scale Development – the case of energy cooperatives.

By: Salina Centgraf

Abstract: Energy cooperatives (EC) are an increasingly important player for the transformation processes of current energy systems towards sustainability and decentralization in Germany. In 2012 approximately 750 EC existed which mostly produce wind and solar energy. The democratic organisation of EC, related to the source of their financial assets, makes them a special actor for creating publi...

Scientific paper • 2014


Defamiliarizing experiences in a center for degrowth

By: Corinna Burkhart

norms, normality, practical defamiliarization, cross-normality experience, change

Scientific paper • 2014


Socio-Cultural Construction of Reality and Ecological Overshoot

By: Sebastian Brand

Abstract: Current social and cultural constructions of reality are a co-cause of ecological overshoot, i.e. the way we think and perceive the world’s ecosystems and their resources is a major reason why we as a species exceed the ecological limits to growth. These socio-cultural "Ways of Worldmaking" (Goodman) are therefore a major obstacle for a more ecological economy and a more sustainable s...

Scientific paper • 2014


Sharing is the new owning – subjectivities of the maker culture

By: Karin Bradley

Abstract: In recent years what is termed “the sharing economy” has grown, i.e. sharing and swapping of tools, clothes, spaces and services. Sharing practices are indeed not new but have been reinvented in contemporary contexts characterized by economic decline and/or environmental concerns, often facilitated through the use of digital technologies. This paper deals with the rationales of peer-t...

Scientific paper • 2013


Who says what is absurd? A case study on being(s) in an alternative normality

By: Corinna Burkhart

normality, norms, practical defamiliarization, degrowth, cross-normality experience, change

• 2012

Video Other

Décroissance Montréal/Montreal Degrowth - Audree Juteau & Andrea Hawkes

By: Geoffrey Garver, Audree Juteau, Andrea Hawkes

Décroissance Montréal/Montreal Degrowth - Audree Juteau & Andrea Hawkes - 14 mai/May 2012 from Geoffrey Garver on Vimeo. Dance performance at the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal in 2012. The topic of the performance is "taking position".