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Showing 76 items

Scientific paper • 2015


Work less, do less?

By: Johannes Buhl, José Acosta

Social acceleration, Time use, Working time, Life satisfaction, Mixed methods, Resource use

• 2014


Zeit für Nachhaltigkeit – Zeiten der Transformation - Mit Zeitpolitik gesellschaftliche Veränderungsprozesse steuern

By: Lucia A. Reisch, Sabine Bietz

Schon heute leben Menschen in gesellschaftlichen Nischen den Wandel zu nachhaltigeren Lebensstilen vor. Diese Lebensstile zu fördern und zu verbreiten, ist Aufgabe einer Politik der Transformation. Um effective Politikinstrumente entwickeln zu können, benötigt sie Kenntnis über die Zielvorstellungen, Motive und Verhaltensmuster der handelnden Akteure sowie über die Gestaltung von Transformation...

Report • 2014


Working hours reduction as a part of degrowth agenda

By: Unbekannt, Ganna Gladkykh, Elena Bakhanova

Documentation of the event "Working hours reduction as a part of degrowth agenda" at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. From the conference programme: Participatory modelling: Degrowth paradigm implies significant changes in economy. Economic downscaling will cause an increase in unemployment rates. It will negativel...

• 2014


Alles hat seine Zeit, nur ich hab keine

By: Karlheinz Geißler

Untertitel: Wege in eine neue Zeitkultur Der Verlag: »Immer alles und am besten sofort« lautet das Credo unserer Zeit. Wie sind wir in den Strudel der Zeitverdichtung geraten? Wie sind frühere Generationen mit dem Tempo der Welt umgegangen? Welche Wege führen aus der Dringlichkeitsfalle? Karlheinz A. Geißler liefert Antworten auf diese und weitere Fragen unseres Umgangs mit Zeit. Ein Buch zu...

Presentation • 2014


How growth enters our imaginaries and how we may get rid of it

By: Hartmut Rosa, Laura Bazzicalupo

Scientific lecture at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Presentations by Laura Bazzicalupo and Hartmut Rosa. Laura Bazzicalupo: Ambivalence of dispositifs of subjectivation in the biocapitalist imaginary Hartmut Rosa: Striving for growth, yearning for degrowth? Resonance as a solution to the good-life problem

Position paper • 2014


Degrowth by leisure – step down the upwards escalator!

By: Christer Sanne

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Reproduction and Work.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Reproduction and Work

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Reproduction and Work at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Proposals for Transformation > Reduction in paid working time. > Dissociation of income from work, and work from identity. > Greater recognition of unpaid work (self reproduction, household reproduction, community reproduction). > Strengthening autonomous colle...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Role of Children in a Degrowing Society

By: Christiane Richard-Elsner

Children Play Urban planning Autonomy

Scientific paper • 2014


Alternative currencies and de-growth: average value of labour time as basis for enhancement of interest-free credit systems

By: Maurizio Ruzzene

Abstract: This presentation considers problems and benefits that can follow from linking time currencies to an average social value of labour time. The link to an average social value of labour time (i.e. applying an average hourly wage to a standard time unit) can greatly ex-tend the application of time-based currencies. It can significantly enhance their interest-free long-term credit functio...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Caroline Ruschel

Rule of Law; Law of Time; Transdisciplinarity; Planetary Citizenship

Scientific paper • 2014


Sleep and stillness in a mobile economy

By: Tarja Salmela

Sleep, stillness, ethical and moral agency, critical re-reading, growth-necessity

Scientific paper • 2014


Downshifting – rejecting the growth imperative or internalizing the neoliberal order?

By: Tiina Schmidt, Kristoffer Wilén

Downshifting, Class, Responsible Careers, Meaningful Work, Degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


Transforming the current economic, political and social paradigm through Time Banking

By: Niklas Toivakainen, Ruby van der Wekken

Time Bank, Political Dialogue, Taxation, Solidarity Economy

Scientific paper • 2014


The delusion of decoupling, and policy options for mitigating the rebound effects and the environmental impact.

By: Jorgen Norgard

Abstract: When analyzing environmental problems, it is useful to apply the following simple equation for the environmental impact ‘I’, here representing energy consumption: I = P·A·T, With ‘P’ representing population, ‘A’ affluence per capita, and ‘T’ resource intensity, i.e. energy per affluence ‘A’. All three factors are in the equation coupled to ‘I’, and in general we should avoid using the...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Iron Cage of the Elites: Time Consuming Efforts to Stay on Top

By: Hartmut Rosa

Abstract: From a traditional leftist perspective centered on class-struggle, things are easy: The capitalist economy produces winners and losers. The rich, the winners, gain wealth, time and freedom, while the losers have to sell their time and their autonomy and remain poor at that. With respect to time, the difference is portrayed as the difference between those who can command over their tim...

Scientific paper • 2014


Where do all the hours go? Time use, resource consumption and the dematerialisation of everyday practices

By: Henrike Rau

Abstract: The emergence of carbon-intensive systems of production, distribution and consumption as part of the modernisation process in Europe and beyond coincided with fundamental changes in how people view and use time. Predictions by advocates of modern time management that time-saving technologies will radically reduce working hours and enhance people’s quality of life did not materialise, ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Time use in an Alternative Degrowth Society

By: Wolfgang Fellner

Abstract: A time use perspective in economics has to recognise that time is more than an input to commodities, produced by households. Time is not money! If anything, time is life. How we spend our time provides us with skills as well as information. It determines the formation of habits and preferences. The activities we pursue with great motivation and enthusiasm, be it paid work or any other...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Thassio de Araújo, Cássio Aquino, Lina Raquel Marinho

Abstract: This paper presents a theoretical study in Psychology on the subject of time in contemporary capitalist societies and in a hypothetical degrowth society. Considering that the contemporary lifestyle and the acceleration of time (and the lack of time itself) have led to dissatisfactions and even to diseases, this study question what changes in the structure of social time could possibly...

Scientific paper • 2014


Working Less: Policies for Fairness in the Sharing of Liberated Time

By: Mark Cramer

Abstract: The degrowth vision of working less to enjoy life more is reserved primarily for people who possess certain material or philosophical tools. From Epicurus to anti-consumerism, overworked masses have indirectly subsidized lovers of idle conviviality. Therefore, opposition to wealth inequality should feature a struggle for justice in the realm of leisure time. The idle Thoreau, walking ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Worktime Reduction and Rebound Effects

By: Johannes Buhl

Abstract: Worktime reduction is considered to be essential when it comes to theories and models of de-growing economies. So far, productivity gains are re-invested in favor of economic growth. Consequently, rising opportunity costs of time per growing national income lead to time rebound effects, since time savings become as precious as economic life speeds up. This comes with resource intensiv...