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Showing 80 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Education for Life and the Free Learning Communities for Life

By: Claudia Gómez Portugal

Abstract: The great challenge of our time is to build and nurture sustainable communities, the environmental, social and existential crisis, among others, increasingly evident the unsustainable of the development model. Address this systemic crisis involves recognizing the need to create new structures and forms of organization. Its necessary a new education to generate a genuine change, mainly...

Scientific paper • 2014


Starting to Move on Campus: Connected Activities to join Forces

By: Gilles Renout

Abstract: The key ideas of "ActivCampus" are the following: a) It picks up two sorts of CRISIS many members of the University are suffering from: First, a leak of "sense" in what, why and how they are doing their work and how the University is organizing the cooperation between individuals and groups. Secondly, corporeal diseases and imbalances due to working structures that are not healthy for...

Scientific paper • 2014


Financial Crisis and degrowth. The problems of financing public economies, taking care of the commons, local currencies

By: Maurizio Ruzzene

Abstract: The current financial crises involve economic growth and its monetary institutions from many points of view, requiring widespread institutional changes. This paper will mainly focus on the structural problems that arise when financing Public Economies and Care Activities (PE&CA) in the tertiary age, of post growth or Actual de-growth. For many reasons PE&CA cannot systematical...

Scientific paper • 2014


The End of 'Education': Learning from Home Education

By: Leslie Safran

Abstract: Many families turn to home education neighbourhood groups for support, resources and guidance. This paper will briefly outline the context of home education in the UK and US, describe three different types of home education neighbourhood group as communities of practice (Wenger, 1998), and examine how the members of these communities learn through participation in such groups. It will...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Ricardo Orzi

Abstract: The present work tries to recognize the importance of social-complementary currency systems for the sustainability of a social and ecological economy. The official currency and the current monetary systems promote an approach of perpetual growth, the predominance of the relation of competition in opposition to cooperation, and a mechanistic paradigm of society like a sum of individual...

Scientific paper • 2014


Systems of Finance in Transition

By: Silke Oetsch

Abstract: In this contribution I try to develop a typology of „progressive“ and „conformist“ systems of finance in projects of transition aiming at providing a set of criteria for civil society projects and preventing the political exploitation of progressive movements by conformist forces. By progressive I mean projects that promote the logic of provisioning, whereas conformist indicate those ...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Helena Jeronimo

Abstract: Waste reveals a great deal about values and how we live, the economy that produces it, and our notions of development. An economy driven by the compulsion to make and consume have formed a world in which the lifetime of “durable” products tends to be shortened to that of “consumables,” while nonrenewable natural resource stocks are consumed like renewable production flows. This paper ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Reconsidering the transition role of education

By: Mònica Serlavós

degrowth, education, transition, values

Scientific paper • 2014


Principles for Institutional Design of Future Degrowth Eco-sustainable Societies

By: Richard Westra

Abstract: The “end of growth” still leaves questions for the design of future sustainable societies. The argument of this paper is that economic choices for the new societies are not unlimited and forms of economy cannot simply be conjured up ex nihilo. Anthropologist David Graeber, economic historian Karl Polanyi and political economist Karl Marx each have produced typologies of possible types...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ecologically Dangerous Patriotism

By: Mark Lindley, Jan Otto Andersson

Abstract: A traditional, persistently mercantilist tendency of nation states has prevented them from cooperating sufficiently on macro-ecological problems of unprecedented urgency in the 21st century. The strength of this tendency is due historically to the fact that nation states, and the kind of patriotism which they engender, emerged together with internationally competitive capitalism. We p...

Scientific paper • 2014


The big sticks against degrowth - on the necessity of reembedding in order to make degrowth attainanble

By: Ernst Hollander

Abstract: 40 years ago it was harder to opt out of 'the growth society', in the US than in Sweden. At home I expected good education disregarding income. Since then Sweden has been 'normalised'. In Polanyian terms – disembedded. The same forces applies mutatis mutandis to nation states. One factor is the arrangements for international flows of finance. An illustration is the rising ratio of glo...

Scientific paper • 2014


Theoretical considerations on growth imperatives in a monetary economy

By: Oliver Richters, Ferdin, Wenzlaff, Christian Kimmich

Abstract: If an ongoing growth is considered impossible or undesirable, the growth dependence of man-made structures such as social security systems have to be carefully revised. In the post-growth debate, the monetary system based on credit money combined with positive interest rates is often criticized and accused of causing a growth imperative. The contribution refutes this oversimplified in...

Scientific paper • 2014


Business, postgrowth – theses and recommendations

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Jana Gebauer

Abstract: Businesses are not only driving contemporary ideas of progressive economic growth. They are also driven by them as they often perceive an economic and societal pressure to permanently grow in size. At the same time, many companies face stagnant or shrinking markets, resource scarcities, crises or far-reaching demographic trends. Academic and political debates on limits to growth and p...

Scientific paper • 2014


Time use in an Alternative Degrowth Society

By: Wolfgang Fellner

Abstract: A time use perspective in economics has to recognise that time is more than an input to commodities, produced by households. Time is not money! If anything, time is life. How we spend our time provides us with skills as well as information. It determines the formation of habits and preferences. The activities we pursue with great motivation and enthusiasm, be it paid work or any other...

Scientific paper • 2014


Cultural Recovery Plan though architectural and urban elements: relations between Lorca and Leipzig

By: María Ybarra Enguix

Immaterial Heritage, urban planning, identity, collective memory, know-how

Scientific paper • 2014


Peoples Sustainability Treaties: A Platform for a Common Narrative, Agenda and Movement

By: Uchita de Zoysa

Abstract: Given the inequities and unsustainability of the present model of development, the world needs profound transformations in the fundamental values and organizing principles of society. The challenge is to recognize the legitimacy of the global polity as an outer layer of the nested system of affiliation that reaches across regions and places, and to build the processes of democratic gl...

Scientific paper • 2014


Agency is not enough: obstacles to back-to-the-land and agri-food downscaling

By: Rita Calvario

Back-to-the-land, agri-food downscaling, degrowth transition

Scientific paper • 2014


BRAINPOoL: Lessons from the Beyond GDP world for degrowth

By: Saamah Abdallah

Abstract: BRAINPOoL was a 2.5 year project funded by the EU FP7 funding stream to understand and explore the barriers to the use of Beyond GDP indicators in policy-making, and to identify opportunities to accelerate that use. The project involved a broad range of activities including a review of Beyond GDP initiatives, interviews with Beyond GDP indicator developers and the policy-makers and po...

Report • 2013



By: Erwin Wagenhofer

alphabet-film.com: . . . Denn neuerdings weht an den Schulen ein rauer Wind. „Leistung“ als Fetisch der Wettbewerbsgesellschaft ist weltweit zum unerbittlichen Maß aller Dinge geworden. Doch die einseitige Ausrichtung auf technokratische Lernziele und auf die fehlerfreie Wiedergabe isolierter Wissensinhalte lässt genau jene spielerische Kreativität verkümmern, die uns helfen könnte, ohne Angst ...

Scientific paper • 2013


From fragmentation towards universalism: Filling the institutional vacuum of dealing with sovereign debt

By: Katarina Sehm Patomäki

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: From the paper: The euro, a result of the political project to consolidate peace in Europe, has now created new divisions between the peoples it was meant to unite. Countries with surpluses in their trade balances rule over the economic policies of those with deficits: and the decision-making ...