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Showing 52 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Reinforcing resilience and self-reliance of communities in degrowth: The case study of the renewable energy workshop of 'Nea Guinea'

By: Kostas Latoufis

Abstract: The case study of the renewable energy workshop of the 'Nea Guinea' non-profit organization in Athens, Greece, is presented an example of how communities can practice paths towards degrowth though open source renewable energy technologies, convivial and experimental ways of learning and thus providing more resilient futures for the social networks in which they participate. The main t...

Scientific paper • 2014


Convivial and Emancipatory Technologies – suitable conceptions for Technology in a Degrowth Society?

By: Andrea Vetter, Bettina Barthel

Abstract: A degrowth society, like all human societies that ever existed, will need technology. But which conceptual frameworks could be suitable to denote such a “degrowth technology”? We look at two different proposals: first the idea of “Convivial Technologies”, coined in the 1970ies by the dissident thinker Ivan Illich and recently newly adapted in the “manifest for conviviality” written by...

Scientific paper • 2014


Commoning in the new society

By: Gustavo Esteva, Irene Ragazzini

Posdevelopment, radical democracy, postindustrial socety, convivial reconstruction

Scientific paper • 2014


Money and Freedom in the view of Polanyis Great Transformation: Decommodification by constituting alternative monetary institutions

By: Josué Manuel Quintana Diaz

Money as institution, monetary constitution, growth imperative, Transitions Initiatives, decommodification

Scientific paper • 2014


Convivial Conservation: Degrowth and the quest of overcoming Capitalist Conservation

By: Bram Büscher

Abstract: A growing body of literature is exploring the intertwined histories and current dynamics of global capitalism and global conservation. One of the major arguments in this literature is that the development of global conservation is directly related to the development of global capitalism, and thus to capitalism’s sine-qua-non, economic growth. This paper reviews these intertwined histo...

• 2014

Think Like a Commoner

By: David Bollier

From the book's webpage: The biggest “tragedy of the commons” is the misconception that commons are failures — relics from another era rendered unnecessary by the Market and State. Think Like a Commoner dispels such prejudices by explaining the rich history and promising future of the commons — an ageless paradigm of cooperation and fairness that is re-making our world. With graceful prose and...

Position paper • 2014


Das konvivialistische Manifest

By: Les Convivialistes

Übersetzung des 2013 in Frankreich erschienenen und von 40 frazösischsprachigen Wissenschaftler_innen und Intellektuellen initiierte »Manifeste Convivialiste«

• 2014


Glücksökonomie: Wer teilt, hat mehr vom Leben

By: Annette Jensen, Ute Scheub

Verlag: "Forscher sind sich einig: Lebensfreude hängt immer weniger von Geld und Besitz ab. Wichtig für persönliche Glücksgefühle sind soziale Fähigkeiten wie Kooperieren, Teilen oder sich für andere einsetzen - und sie finden immer öfter Eingang in unsere Arbeitswelt und Gesellschaft. Erfolgreiche Unternehmer, die bevorzugt Alleinerziehende beschäftigen oder sich selbst weniger Gehalt ausbezah...

Position paper • 2013


Manifeste Convivialiste

By: Les Convivialistes

From the English book: "A different kind of world is not just possible; it is a crucial and urgent necessity. But where do we start when it comes to envisaging the shape it should take and working out how to bring it about? The Convivialist Manifesto seeks to highlight the similarities between the many initiatives already engaged in building that world and to draw out the common political philo...

Scientific paper • 2012


Compassionate Communities: A Breeding Ground for Innovation

By: Judy Nagy

Abstract: At the root of it all, what does the degrowth movement ask of us – the individual? In simple terms, it asks us to care about each other as living, breathing beings and to care about our habitat, Planet Earth, and then to act accordingly. It asks us to shift from a mentality of acquiring to one of sharing, or from selfishness to compassion, or even from worrying about one’s self to wor...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Parallel World: Substituting Physical Capi tal with Social Capital and Human Capital?

By: Chiung Ting CHANG

growth model, human capital, low income country, social capital

• 2009


Klimakriege. Wofür im 21. Jahrhundert getötet wird

By: Harald Welzer

Der Verlag: Kampf um Trinkwasser, Massengewalt, ethnische „Säuberungen, Bürgerkriege und endlose Flüchtlingsströme bestimmen schon jetzt die Gegenwart. Die heutigen Konflikte drehen sich nicht mehr um Ideologie und Systemkonkurrenz, sondern um Klassen-, Glaubens- und vor allem Ressourcenfragen. Der Autor plädiert für ein neues Denken und zeigt, was jetzt getan werden müsste, um Menschheitskatas...