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Showing 106 items

• 2015

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Schneller und besser die Welt retten?! Mit welchen Mustern reproduzieren wir die Wachstumslogik?

By: Lara Kirch, Melanie Hernandez Sanchez

Dokumentation eines Kurses der Degrowth Sommerschule 2015 "Degrowth konkret: Klimagerechtigkeit" Titel des Kurses: Schneller und besser die Welt retten?! Mit welchen Mustern reproduzieren wir die Wachstumslogik? Kursbeschreibung aus dem Programm: Wir bieten einen Raum, in dem die Teilnehmer*innen ihre eigenen, tief verinnerlichten Wachstumslogiken reflektieren und sich in ihren Bemühungen, ei...

• 2014


A Degrowth Project: « And What If We No Longer Had To Work? »

By: Vincent Liegey

From the text: In order to move beyond a productivist vision of life, we have to question the notion of work itself, which, for the most part, serves to sustain a system of profound inequality. We need to break from “sacrosanct economic growth”, “abandoning work-based ways of thinking, putting the economy and our obsession with the bottom line back where they belong, rejecting the view that eve...

Art contribution • 2014


The Waiting Room | The Degrowth Performance Project

By: Peter Stamer, Diego Agullò, Clément Layes, Dmitry Paranyushkin, Fräulein Bernd, Lukas Bugiel, friendly fire, Sylvia Kadur, Maix Mayer, Anna Pescke, Angelika Waniek, Laris Hemken, Beide Messies

[gallery link="file" columns="6" ids="105195,105196,105197,105198,105199,105200,105201,105202,105204,105205,105206,105207,105208,105209,105210,105211,105212,105213,105214,105215,105216"] Performance-project by and with Peter Stamer, Diego Agullò, Clément Layes, Dmitry Paranyushkin, Fräulein Bernd, Lukas Bugiel, friendly fire, Sylvia Kadur, Maix Mayer, Anna Pescke, Angelika Waniek, Laris Hem...

• 2014


The No-Nonsense Guide to Degrowth and Sustainability

By: Wayne Ellwood

Abstract: The world’s addiction to economic growth continues with barely any recognition that this is a problem. Indeed, in a Western world currently dominated by austerity measures and ducking in and out of recession, growth is seen even by progressives as the only possible solution for our economic and social woes. This No-Nonsense Guide looks deeper into the idea of economic growth – to tra...

Presentation • 2014


Scenarios for a post-growth economy

By: Niko Paech, Clive Spash

Scientific lecture at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Presentations by Niko Paech and Clive Spash. Niko Paech: An Introduction to Post-growth Economies Clive Spash: A Future Social Ecological Economy: Reality-Transformation-Utopia Discussion with Niko Paech and Clive Spash

Presentation • 2014


How growth enters our imaginaries and how we may get rid of it

By: Hartmut Rosa, Laura Bazzicalupo

Scientific lecture at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Presentations by Laura Bazzicalupo and Hartmut Rosa. Laura Bazzicalupo: Ambivalence of dispositifs of subjectivation in the biocapitalist imaginary Hartmut Rosa: Striving for growth, yearning for degrowth? Resonance as a solution to the good-life problem

• 2014


Suffizienz vs. Gegenkultur

By: Harald Welzer, Uwe Schneidewind, Anja Humburg

Diskussionsveranstaltung auf der 4. Internationalen Degrowth Konferenz für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit in Leipzig im Jahr 2014. Sprecher: Harald Welzer, Uwe Schneidewind Moderation: Anja Humburg Aus dem Konferenz Programm: Die deutsche Postwachstumsdebatte ist eng verknüpft mit der dritten Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie: Suffizenz. Doch während manche Autoren auf die e...

Position paper • 2014


How to produce for degrowth? Rediscovering manual skills and peasantry

By: Sylvain Fischer

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Technology and Production.

Position paper • 2014


Education and/or Transformation?

By: Susanne Brehm

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Learning for degrowth.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Learning for degrowth

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Learning for degrowth at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Contents – What to learn for Degrowth? > Learning should be more focused on skills an competences and less on theoretical knowledge. > Important skills to be strengthened in education are: critical thinking, creativity, self-consciousness, (non-violent) communication, ...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Antonio S. Vélez R.

myth, ontology, axiology

Scientific paper • 2014


Creating ruptures in actual representations to support the design of sufficient and convivial way of lives

By: Marion Real, Benjamin Tyl, Iban Lizarralde

strong sustainability, user behaviors, eco-ideation, learning and open environments

Scientific paper • 2014


Societal Relations with Nature and Mental Infrastructures - A critical glance from Buen Vivir and Theravāda-Buddhism

By: Christoph Maria Sanders

Mental infrastructures; Societal relations with nature; Nature-culture-dualism; Buen Vivir; Theravāda-Buddhism

Scientific paper • 2014


Halbwertszeiten - Psychoanalytische Überlegungen zu „blinder Wachstumsabhängigkeit“ anhand der psychodynamischen Historie und mentalen Präsenz von Atomenergie

By: Angela Mauss-Hanke

Abstract: Es versteht sich von selbst, daß Gier nichts ist, was wir mühsam erlernen müssen. Sozialpsychologische Studien zeigen: wo es viel zu holen gibt, wird viel geholt – unabhängig davon, ob das langfristig klug ist oder nicht oder anderen schadet oder nicht. Diesem Impuls nicht nachzugehen, also Verzicht zu leisten, ist genau das: eine menschliche Kultur-Leistung, die uns etwas abfordert, ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Education for Sustainable Consumption through Mindfulness Training

By: Laura Stanszus

Abstract: Education for Sustainable Development, Attitude-behavior-gap, Mindfulness, Individual transformation, Self-reflection Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is considered one of the main drivers of sustainability transformation strategies worldwide. Despite numerous efforts to forward ESD, its practical relevance remains low, as exemplified in the consumption related education an...

Scientific paper • 2014


The significance of everyday life, values and meaning for a more social and ecological society: a life world perspective

By: Johannes Timaeus

Abstract: Everyday life and meaning represent two crucial aspects to understand the challenges society is facing towards its transition to a more sustainable future, beyond unrestrained growth. Schütz’ life world theory provides a theoretical framework that takes everyday life and meaning into focus. According to life world theory everyday life is enabled by everyday assumptions, i.e. the categ...

Scientific paper • 2014


From Consumerism to Wellbeing: Towards a Cultural Transition?

By: Philip Vergragt, Halina Szejnwald Brown

Abstract: Since the end of WWII the USA has transformed itself into a consumer society, with consumerism as a dominant lifestyle. It is a very stable complex system, which emerged through concerted efforts of the manufacturing sector, government policies, and organized labor. The ecological cost of this transformation has been high. Fundamental shifts need to take place in how people satisfy th...

Scientific paper • 2014


Democratic values as a debatable legitimation of growth

By: Tobias Vogel

growth legitimation by democracic values, comparison of status, unequality, cultural enforcement of growth, consumption

Scientific paper • 2014


Swap, share, experience: the transformative potential of socio-ecological forms of practice

By: Jenny Lay, Till Westermayer

Abstract: Regarding strategies for transformation, we examine the transformative potential of socio-ecological projects. "Pioneers of change", i.e. innovative projects that do not stay in niches but shift the play of powers, encourage the degrowth transformation. When and how do such "forms of practice" become powerful instruments of transformation? Following practice theory, we understand prac...

Scientific paper • 2014


Dual Development and the denial of social requirements by logics of Growth and Degrowth ("Special Session: Social Inequality and Degrowth")

By: Stefanie Huertgen

Abstract: I argue that a coincidence of growing profits and growing consumption / wages cannot be presumed any longer. Even if many participants of the Degrowth-Debate do so, the equation of economic Growth of enterprises and consumptive Growth of the population (at least in the Global North) is in itself bound to imaginations coming from the postwar (“fordist”) period and the class-compromise ...