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Showing 86 items

Interview • 2014


Die Opfer der Sparprogramme: Naturzerstörung und Privatisierung von Gemeingütern / Proteste gegen die Goldmine in Skouries

By: Giorgos Chondros

Nach der Kürzung der Löhne und Renten, der Zerstörung von Arbeiterrechten wie Kollektivverträgen findet nun die dritte Phase der Sparprogramme in Griechenland statt: Die Privatisierung von Gemeingütern wie Flughäfen, Häfen, der Bahn, Krankenhäusern oder Schulen. Dabei werde auch der Natur- und Landschaftsschutz ausgehebelt, so Giorgos Chondros von der Linkspartei Syriza. So plane die Regierung,...

Scientific paper • 2014


Wie Unternehmen ihr Naturkapital ökonomisch erfassen - Bestandsaufnahme und Handlungsempfehlungen

By: Tobias Hartmann

Die Publikation des Global Nature Fund (GNF) wurde im Rahmen des Projektes "Ökonomische Bewertung von Naturkapital aus unternehmerischer Perspektive – Ein Instrument zur Internalisierung betrieblicher Umweltauswirkungen" erstellt. Das Umweltbundesamt (UBA) und das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB) fördern das Vorhaben. Die Studie soll Unternehmen über ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Naturbewusstsein 2013. Bevölkerungsumfrage zu Natur und biologischer Vielfalt

By: Jonna Küchler-Krischun, Christiane Schell, Karl-Heinz Erdmann, Andreas Wilhelm Mues

Die dritte bundesweite Befragung zum Naturbewusstsein in Deutschland durch BMUB/BfN wurde Ende 2013 durchgeführt. Sie beruht auf den neuesten Aussagen einer repräsentativen Stichprobe von 2.007 Personen aus der deutschsprachigen Wohnbevölkerung ab 18 Jahren, die alle soziodemographischen Lagen berücksichtigt und Menschen aus allen Regionen Deutschlands einbezieht. Die aktuelle Studie 2013 li...

Position paper • 2014


Ökonomisierung von Natur, Raum, Körper

By: Christa Wichterich, Sybille Bauriedl

Feministische Perspektiven auf sozialökologische Transformationen. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Die folgenden Ausführungen sind ein Beitrag aus herrschaftskritischer feministischer Sicht zu einer Debatte, die gegenwärtig in der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung und anderen linken Kreisen meist unter dem Stichwort der «sozialökologischen Transformation» geführt wird. Hintergrund ist eine Vielfachkrise des ...

Position paper • 2014


Economic Valuation of Nature

By: Jutta Kill

The Price to Pay for Conservation? A critical exploration Rosa Luxemburg Foundation: 'Nature is destroyed because it’s invisible to politicians and business', advocates of economic valuation say. The implicit assumption: Create a ‘nature that capital can see’ and the loss of biodiversity will be stopped. But it isn’t that simple! Possibly far-reaching changes in perception and subtle change...

Presentation • 2014


The new economy of nature – tendencies of valuation and financialization

By: Camila Moreno, Alexandra Strickner, Bernd Hansjürgens, Barbara Unmüßig

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Bernd Hansjürgens, Barbara Unmüßig, Camila Moreno Facilitation: Alexandra Strickner From the conference programme: Different strategies have been developed to address the “multiple crises”. One of them is the intensified financialization of natu...

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Redefining Value

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Redefining Value at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Primacy of needs WHAT? > Primacy of self-determined human fundamental needs for all (e.g. Max-Neef's human scale development approach: subsistance, protection, affection, understanding, participation, leisure, creation, identity and freedom). > Counscious human responsabil...

Position paper • 2014


An Economy of Permanence and Rethinking Value

By: Rajni Bakshi

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Redefining Value.

Scientific paper • 2014


Environmental philosophy

By: Michele Raspanti

Abstract: The central point of this paper is to stress how much our vision of man and of his rule in the world can influence our behavior towards nature (and also towards other men, but this problem is not discussed here). Here are analysed three philosophies: dominion, which is linked to growth, coordination, linked to sustainable development and cooperation, linked to degrowth philosophy. Eac...

Scientific paper • 2014


Reflections on ‘society’ and ‘space’ in the degrowth debate

By: Dorothee Quade

society-space relations, geography

Scientific paper • 2014


Societal Relations with Nature and Mental Infrastructures - A critical glance from Buen Vivir and Theravāda-Buddhism

By: Christoph Maria Sanders

Mental infrastructures; Societal relations with nature; Nature-culture-dualism; Buen Vivir; Theravāda-Buddhism

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and payments for ecosystem services: highlighting the tensions

By: Rodrigo Silva

(De)commodification of nature; Society-nature relations; Planetary boundaries and environmental justice

Scientific paper • 2014


How should degrowth address the issue of “planetary boundaries”?

By: Tone Smith-Spash

planetary boundaries, intrinsic value, democratic decision-making, objective knowledge, critical realism

Scientific paper • 2014


(Re)Productivity in a Perspective of Material Feminism

By: Carla Wember, Suse Brettin

Abstract: In order to strive towards a more sustainable society, it is important to reconsider the relationships between culture (thus economy) and nature which implies questioning powerful dichotomization and hierarchization that are structuring western societies. The idea of nature as a mere resource for the exploits of mankind has led to crisis-laden phenomena as well as the naturalized conc...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Emanuele Leonardi

Abstract: The paper aims at constructively criticize Degrowth's reliance on the physical limits to growth as a discursive tool to undermine the growth-oriented attitude of mainstream economics. By recuperating the critique of political economy, the paper investigates the shift in the value/nature relationship which has occurred since the environmental crisis has emerged as a political problem. ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and the domination of nature

By: Arianna Ferrari

Abstract: Despite the fact that degrowth theorists offer different analyses of the concept of nature, they share the belief that it is necessary to overcome the idea of a strict divide between subject (the human being) and object (the environment). They challenge the belief in technological progress as providing solutions to any problem, promote a social, fair and ecological perspective and typ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Socioecological Dynamics of Resurgent Forests: Lessons for Degrowth

By: Christine Biermann, Becky Mansfield

Abstract: This paper considers resurgent, or regrowing, forests, asking: What dynamics drive forest re-growth? How do economic changes articulate with ecological processes, and to what ends? Drawing on research in Appalachian Ohio, we add to critiques of forest transition theory, which states that after decades if not centuries of forest loss, countries begin to experience increases in forest c...

Scientific paper • 2014


Post-Extracivism and De-Growth: Two Sides of the Same Perspective?

By: Alberto Acosta

growth, extractivism, economy, nature, sustainability

Art contribution • 2014


Give back

By: Degrowth Conference 2014

In the run-up to the conference monthly videos were published on the conference homepage, dealing with different aspects of degrowth.

• 2013


Neue Ökonomie der Natur: Eine kritische Einführung

By: Thomas Fatheuer

Ob Klimawandel oder Naturzerstörung – die Lösung dieser Probleme könnte in einer ökonomischen „Wertschätzung“ der Natur und ihrer Dienstleistungen liegen. Doch kann die Natur tatsächlich besser geschützt werden, wenn das, was sie in existentieller Weise für den Menschen leistet, in Euro und Dollar ausgedrückt wird? Die Publikation Neue Ökonomie der Natur von Thomas Fatheuer (2. Auflage) biet...