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Showing 130 items

Scientific paper • 2016


Engaging with the Plutocene: moving toward degrowth and post-capitalist futures

By: Kristoffer Wilén, Marko Ulvila

In our study, we take a closer look at the ‘Anthropos’ (i.e. the humans) who have caused the processes and changes in the environments, which then have led to the “Anthropocene”. The “Anthropocene” narrative is predominantly presented as something that the entire humankind, the human species, is responsible for. But what happens when you apply a class perspective to the analysis? Hence, we will...

Scientific paper • 2016


From societal stupidity to the future based on wisdom enhancing ties between individuals

By: Olli Tammilehto

The global growth society is rapidly destroying its ecological base and consequently also itself. Crushing one's own foundation is surely a mark of stupidity. The madness in question, however, is of societal quality, not reducible to the properties of individuals. On the contrary, according to many opinion polls individual human beings widely recognize the absurdity of economic growth and the i...

Scientific paper • 2016


Polanyi, historical lessons, future challenges, semiperiphery

By: Gareth Dale

Gareth Dale reflects on how the lessons from history of the semi-periphery can be used for degrowth of tomorrow. Drawing from his understanding of the work of Karl Polanyi, Gareth will try to sketch Polanyi’s answers for the currently open degrowth challenges and issues raised at the conference. This media entry was a contribution to the special session „Polanyi, historical lessons, future ch...

Scientific paper • 2016


Scenarios of energetic and societal transitions: potentials and impacts of a sustainable regional economic system

By: Mathieu Le Dû

In 2012, the NGO Virage-énergie Nord-Pas de Calais started a research project focused on energetic, societal and economic transitions within the Nord-Pas de Calais region in France, in partnership with two academic laboratories: TVES (University of Lille 1 - Science and Technologies) and Ceraps (University of Lille 2 - Health and Law). The aim of this research was to evaluate, using data models...

Scientific paper • 2016


Strategies for degrowth in a Nordic context

By: Karin Bradley, Erika Öhlund, Alexander Paulsson, Tuuli Hirvilammi, Paavo Järvensivu

This session explores strategies for futures beyond growth in the context of the Nordic welfare states, reflecting a growing public interest, and ongoing academic research projects that critically examine current growth paradigms. Degrowth has been described as not primarily driven by the government, but rather evolving through grassroots movements. Nordic models of a strong welfare s...

Scientific paper • 2016


Water, Traditional Cultures and a Degrowth Future

By: Rajni Bakshi

Water, Traditional Cultures and a Degrowth Future: the quest for a steady-state economy By Rajni Bakshi Degrowth as a concept does not sit well in most societies today. But water is a key to fostering new imaginaries and new visions that will be not merely acceptable but inviting. By 2040 an estimated 33 countries, including USA, China and India, will face severe water scarcity. India has a...

• 2016


The Real Utopia

By: Brototi Roy

From the text: . . . According to the definition given by Suvin, degrowth is a utopia because it wishes to repoliticize the debate on socio-ecological transformation to form a society with better institutions, norms and individual relationships. Degrowth also fits with Bloch’s definition of Utopia because it wishes to go beyond the natural march of events today, which is that of the capitalist...

Scientific paper • 2016


Growth, degrowth, and the challenge of artificial superintelligence

By: Salvador Pueyo

Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Singularity; Limits to growth; Ecological economics; Evolutionary economics; Futures studies

Report • 2016


Demain / Tomorrow

By: Mélanie Laurent, Cyril Dion, Bruno Levy

demain-lefilm.com: Showing solutions, telling a feel-good story… this may be the best way to solve the ecological, economical and social crises that our countries are going through. After a special briefing for the journal Nature announced the possible extinction of a part of mankind before the end of the 21st century, Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent, together with a team of four people, carried...

• 2016


Accelerationism… and Degrowth? The Left’s Strange Bedfellows

By: Aaron Vansintjan

Over a year ago I lived in Barcelona, where I was lucky enough to witness a social movement—in large part fuelled by cooperatives, squats, and other autonomous spaces—win the mayoral elections. I had spent the year being involved with a group that studies and advocates ‘degrowth’—the idea that we must downscale production and consumption to have a more equitable society, and that we therefore m...

Scientific paper • 2016


Diverging pathways to overcoming the environmental crisis: A critique of eco-modernism from a technology assessment perspective.

By: Armin Grunwald

Keywords: Eco-modernism; Techno-optimism; Technology assessment; Responsibility ethics; Unintended side effects

Presentation • 2016


Utopien entwickeln - Impulsvortrag

By: Malo Vidal

Impulsvortrag von Malo Vidal zum Thema "Utopien entwickeln" auf der Degrowth-Sommerschule im Rheinland 2016. Im Anschluss an den Impulsvortrag gab es eine Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema. Aus dem Programm: Eine andere Welt ist möglich! Aber welche? Systemwandel, Degrowth, sozial-ökologische Transformation, Anarchie, das gute Leben für alle. Was bedeuten diese Schlagworte für uns? Welches sind d...

• 2016


Utopien entwickeln - Podiumsdiskussion

By: Nina Treu, Peter Seyferth, Ana Maria Larrea Maldonado

Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema "Utopien entwickeln" auf der Degrowth-Sommerschule im Rheinland 2016. Mit Nina Treu, Peter Seyferth und Ana Maria Larrea Maldonado. Moderation: Christopher Laumanns. Vor der Podiumsdiskussion gab es einen Impulsvortrag zum Thema. Aus dem Programm: Verschiedene Utopieentwürfe und Transformationsperspektiven werden gehört und diskutiert: Erstens wird Degrowth als ...

Scientific paper • 2015


'Saving' the city: collective low-budget organizing and urban practice

By: Heike Derwanz, Paula Bialski, Birke Otto, Hans Vollmer (eds.)

This special issue of ephemera maps social practices of collective organizing on a low budget in cities today. ‘"Saving" the city’ expresses the imperative to economize while at the same time harbouring the desire to ‘rescue’ – recollecting an urban civil society via mobilising the public, helping neighbourhoods, creating public spaces, and heterogeneous possibilities of living to cope with tod...

Report • 2015


10 Milliarden - Wie werden wir alle satt?

By: Valentin Thurn

Inhalt: Bis 2050 wird die Weltbevölkerung auf zehn Milliarden Menschen anwachsen. Doch wo soll die Nahrung für alle herkommen? Kann man Fleisch künstlich herstellen? Sind Insekten die neue Proteinquelle? Oder baut jeder bald seine eigene Nahrung an? Regisseur, Bestseller-Autor und Food-Fighter Valentin Thurn sucht weltweit nach Lösungen. Auf der Suche nach einer Antwort auf die Frage, wie w...

• 2015


Bildung in gesellschaftlicher Transformation

By: Helmut Peukert

Jede nachwachsende Generation steht vor der Frage, ob die bestehende Lebensform für sie zukunftsfähig ist. Zugespitzt stellt sich diese Frage angesichts beschleunigter Modernisierung mit ihrer Auflösung bisheriger Deutungs- und Orientierungsmuster. Krisenhafte Entwicklungen nehmen überall überhand bis hin zur Gefährdung des Bestands unseres Globus. Peukert plädiert für einen radikalen Bewusstse...

• 2015


Das Ende der Megamaschine - Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation

By: Fabian Scheidler

Das Ende der Megamaschine legt die Wurzeln der Zerstörungskräfte frei, die heute die menschliche Zukunft infrage stellen. In einer Spurensuche durch fünf Jahrtausende führt das Buch zu den Ursprüngen ökonomischer, militärischer und ideologischer Macht. Der Autor erzählt die Vorgeschichte und Genese des modernen Weltsystems, das Mensch und Natur einer radikalen Ausbeutung unterwirft. Dabei demon...

Presentation • 2015


Bahro - Harich – Havemann

By: Alexander Amberger

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Die Grenzen ungebremsten Wirtschaftswachstums wurden nach 1970 auch von der DDR-Opposition diskutiert. Im Ergebnis entstanden u.a. drei Öko-Utopien, die bei aller Sperrigkeit erstaunlich relevante Fragen aufwerfen: Wolfgang Harichs «Kommunismus ohne Wachstum?» (1975), Rudolf Bahros «Die Alternative» (1977) und Robert Havemanns «Morgen» (1980). (Aufgenommener Vortrag)

Report • 2015


Entschleunigung - Die Welt ist mir zu viel

By: Julia Friedrichs

Untertitel: Und ich selbst bin mir genug. Warum viele Menschen sich heute vor allem für Stressabbau und Handarbeit interessieren – statt für die drängenden Fragen der Gegenwart. Artikel über eine wachsende Entscheunigungs und Achsamkeitsbewegung und woher der Wunsch nach Rückzug, Ruhe und Stabilität kommt. Laut der Autorin durch immer größere Instabilität und Beschleunigung. Im Artikel wird ...

• 2015


An opportunity for “Generation Europe XXI” in (re)claiming public spaces in Europe – Degrowth Perspectives

By: Manon Dervin

From the article: . . . In a world of – and in – crisis, being inspired by Degrowth’ ideas, it would supposed to studying the possible perspectives and the role of the Youth in a decolonization of imaginaries (Serge Latouche)[1] which would push us outside our cultural, religious, historic zone of comfort. How to reinforced links rather than to create goods in a world entered the digital era, d...