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Showing 104 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Reaching the boundaries of the blue planet: dwindling stocks, disappearing communities and the failure of solutions within the neoliberal paradigm

By: Maria Hadjimichael

Abstract: Facing the current crisis The increasing consumption of today's affluent society and its continuous demand for seafood has pushed the boundaries of the ocean to provide for it. It is now believed that global exploitation limits have been reached and that recovery of depleted stocks must become a cornerstone of fisheries management. National, regional and international bodies have come ...

Scientific paper • 2014


The garbage crisis , environmental migrants and ecological justice in Campania (Southern Italy)

By: Romina Amicolo

Abstract: The garbage crisis in Campania, a region of the Southern Italy, is an example of human – made enviromental degradation, which determined a sudden drop in the health condition of local inhabitants, with a considerable increase in the number of deaths caused by cancer, respiratory illnesses, and also genetic malformations. Since the mid-1990s the Italian government declared the state of...

Scientific paper • 2014


Saving (on) Water. Living in EcoSan Communities

By: Birke Dorothea Otto

Abstract: This case study explores how decentralised sewage infrastructures (also referred to as Ecological Sanitation) change the city. These low and high-tech eco-innovations in several urban building communities in Germany save water by recycling and reusing waste water and were installed as a critique of resource depletion and the wastefulness of urban life. This presentation focuses on two...

Scientific paper • 2014


Contours of Environmental and Water Justice; anti dams movements and resistance challenging politics and imaginaries

By: Daniela Del Bene

dams, environmental justice, political ecology, social movements, energy

Scientific paper • 2014


The environmental crisis and the animal industry–an ecofeminist perspective

By: Livia Boscardin

Degrowth, ecofeminism, environmental crisis, animal liberation

Scientific paper • 2014


Sumak Kawsay and Degrowth: Towards new struggles against extractive development

By: Diego Andreucci, Lucia Gallardo

Abstract: The crisis of capitalism affects all spheres of social reproduction; it is an integral crisis of the current "civilization paradigm". Contemporary anti-capitalist politics must therefore struggle for a thoroughly distinct society and imaginary. In this paper, we critically evaluate two narratives which in recent years have put forward demands for a radically alternative paradigm, name...

Scientific paper • 2013


Are the Central East European Countries Pollution Havens?

By: Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Martina Vidovic, Anca M. Voicu

Pollution Haven Hypothesis, Porter hypothesis, European Union, Trade Flows

Scientific paper • 2012


A European Citizens’ Initiative for implementation of The human right to water and sanitation in European law.

By: Jerry van den Berge

Summary: The United Nations have recognised the universal human right to water and sanitation on 28 July 2010, through Resolution 64/292. In this resolution the UN acknowledged that clean drinking water and sanitation are key factors to the accomplishment of all human rights. The Resolution calls upon States and international organisations to provide financial resources, help in capacity-buildi...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Valley that accepts to drown but not to die – Environmental and social (in)justice along the Narmada River (Central India)

By: Daniela Del Bene

From the text: This paper is being written as a non-violent struggle is occuring in the Narmada Valley in Central India, where hundreds of villages face the threat of being flooded by the reservoir waters of the Omkareshwar Dam. More than 10 activists have been staying in the Narmada waters over the past ten days with water up to their necks. They are shouting slogans like “We will fight, we wi...

• 2012



By: Tadzio Müller, Michael T. Klare, Marcel Hänggi, Uwe Witt, Christa Wichterich, Ewa Charkiewicz, Lucio Cuenca Berger, Melina Laboucan-Massimo, Ercan Ayboga, Olaf Bernau, Ursula Schönberger, Hannah Schuster, Selana Tzschiesche, Michelle Wenderlich, Sokari Ekine, Uli Brand, Jörn Krüger, Dieter Klein, Hardy Feldmann, Dagmar Enkelmann, Luismi Uharte, Bodo Ramelow, Andrea Ypsilanti, Rainer Land, Mario Neukirch, Jan Latza, Alberto Acosta, Peter Schmidt, The Free Association

Zeitschrift «Luxemburg» 01/2012 Die ausgerufene „Energiewende“ setzt auf Grünen Kapitalismus. Wie die Dampf- und Webmaschinen für den Beginn der industriellen Revolution standen, wie Taylorisierung und Fließband die technische Basis für den Fordismus und die IT-Revolution für die Globalisierung bereitstellte, soll die globale Energiewende die Grundlage für einen ökologischen Umbau der Produ...

Scientific paper • 2012


The risk perception regarding a gold mining project in Romania

By: Cosmina-Maria Berindei

Abstract: This paper aims to present the results of an anthropological research regarding the risk perception in the case of the Roșia Montana gold mining project. The methods that were used are specific in the qualitative research and were aimed at the most controversial project of post-communist Romania. The scope of the project is to exploit the gold in open mining using the cyanide in the t...

Report • 2012


Kritik der grünen Ökonomie - Impulse für eine sozial und ökologisch gerechte Zukunft

By: Wolfgang Sachs, Barbara Unmüßig, Thomas Fatheuer

HBS: Die erste UN-Konferenz zu Umwelt und Entwicklung, die 1992 in Rio de Janeiro stattfand, galt einst als umweltpolitischer Meilenstein. Doch eine echte Trendumkehr für eine soziale und ökologisch tragfähige Zukunft hat sie nicht eingeleitet. Seither haben sich alle wichtigen globalen ökologischen Trends zum Schlechteren und nicht zum Besseren gewendet. Politik und Wirtschaft lassen sich bis ...

Report • 2011


Globaler Klimaschutz: Klappe, die Siebzehnte

By: Tadzio Müller

Von der ewigen Wiederkehr des Gleichen (Versagens). Standpunkte 39/2011 von Tadzio Müller Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Im südafrikanischen Durban trifft sich vom 28. November bis zum 10. Dezember zum 17. Mal die Vertragsstaatenkonferenz der UN-Klimarahmenkonvention, kurz als COP17 bezeichnet. Selbstgesetztes Ziel des Gipfels ist es, den globalen Klimaschutz auch nach dem Ende der ersten Phase de...

Presentation • 2011

Image Text

Our planet is threatened by a wrong belief in a wrongly formulated growth

By: Roefie Hueting

attac: Introductory Course by Roefie Hueting. Environmental functions are defined as the possible uses of the non-human-made physical surroundings. Environmental sustainability is defined as a dynamic equilibrium by which vital environmental functions remain available for future generations. Environmentally sustainable national income (eSNI) is defined as the maximum attainable production l...

• 2011



By: Werner Rätz, Matthias Schmelzer, Barbara Muraca, Tanja von Egan-Krieger, Alexis Passadakis, Andrea Vetter (Hrsg.)

Ökologische Gerechtigkeit. Soziale Rechte. Gutes Leben. Reader zum Kongress "Jenseits des Wachstums!?"

Interview • 2010


Degrowth and Civil Society Organisations

By: Leida Rijnhout

Short-interview with Leida Rijnhout from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona.

Presentation • 2010

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Calculating the ecological debt for a private company in the North; an explorative study with conflicting results

By: Nick Meynen, Léa Sébastien

Poster by Nick Meynen and Léa Sébastien from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title “Calculating the ecological debt for a private company in the North; an explorative study with conflicting results".

Presentation • 2010

Image Text

Degrowth – What Can We Learn from Cuba?

By: Karen Bell

Poster by Karen Bell at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Degrowth – What Can We Learn from Cuba?".

Presentation • 2010


Who should pay for climate? Emissions, resources and technological transfers in a two-economy model

By: Emanuele Campiglio

Transcription of an poster session by Emanuele Campiglio at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Who should pay for climate? Emissions, resources and technological transfers in a two-economy model".

Presentation • 2010


Qamiri: What lessons can be learnt from indigenous peoples?

By: Francesca Chianese, Jampel Dell’Angelo

Poster and Transcription of an poster session by Francesca Chianese and Jampel Dell’Angelo at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Qamiri: What lessons can be learnt from indigenous peoples?".