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Showing 131 items

• 2013


The Village Against the World

By: Dan Hancox

The publisher: One hundred kilometres from Seville lies the small village of Marinaleda, which for the last thirty-five years has been the centre of a tireless struggle to create a living utopia. This unique community drew British author Dan Hancox to Spain, and here for the first time he recounts the fascinating story of villagers who expropriated the land owned by wealthy aristocrats and have...

Scientific paper • 2013


The Impacts of Spatial Planning on Degrowth

By: Petra Wächter

degrowth; spatial planning; settlement structures

Scientific paper • 2012


Different economies in harmony with life today: from practices to social changes

By: Antonia De Vita

From the text: 3. The objectives of the research project were: - to identify the educational and participatory processes, self-training and training processes that currently exist in emerging economies; - to find out what entities are represented or self-represented in communities that have put into practice emerging economic practices; - to identify any possible impact or repercussions (eco...

Scientific paper • 2012


Relocation and social federalist against the relocation nationalist

By: Thierry Brugvin

From the introduction: Regulatory policy can develop relocated to reduce the carbon footprint and ecological footprint and various pollutants. Regulation relocated, also promotes economic and political autonomy, locality, region or country. Local economic development, social and environmental, must take into account the cultural identity, autonomy and basic needs according Preiswerk. Developme...

Scientific paper • 2012


Abhängigkeit vom Wirtschaftswachstum als Hindernis für eine Politik innerhalb der limits to growth

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Irmi Seidl

Herausgeberinnen: Die Grenzen des Wachstums von Meadows et al.(1972) holen uns nach 40 Jahren ein. Doch inzwischen hat das Wirtschaftswachstum die Funktionsweisen vieler gesellschaftlicher Systeme durchdrungen und diese wachstumsabhängig gemacht. Ziel muss es sein, diese Abhängigkeit aufzulösen und Perspektiven für eine Postwachstumsgesellschaft zu entwickeln.

Scientific paper • 2012


Eco‐communities in Greece

By: Aggelos Varvarousis

Abstract: This article deals with the relationship between eco-communities and the proposal for sustainable degrowth. Through the study of two different eco-communities located in Greece, namely the eco-community of Gavdos Island and the one of Giourtsa in Pilion, the article hopes to contribute to the discussion regarding the transition from growth society, which, according to a significant nu...

Scientific paper • 2012


Ecovillages, a social alternative

By: Alfredo Camozzi, Amy Kabat

Introduction: The term “Ecovillage” has had great fortune since it was coined during the convention of sustainable communities held in Denmark, 1991, by the Gaia Foundation. Thanks to the support of important ecological and alternative experiences like that of Findhorn in Scotland, The Farm in the United States, Chrystal Water in Australia, and others, the Global Ecovillage Network(GEN) was for...

Scientific paper • 2012


Indaba Network: supporting and connecting youth engaged in actions of social change through a dedicated g-local network

By: Eduardo Missoni, Alice Russel

Abstract: The economic crisis the world is living through shows us the ineffectiveness of the capitalist development model and of the current financial systems. The real economy is superseded by an ephemeral one which increases inequalities between and within countries, while at the same time emphasizing the need for new social and economic frameworks that are open, inclusive, just, and environ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Forme, saperi e valori dell’economia solidale. Un possibile percorso di transizione verso il distretto di economia solidale.

By: Ferruccio Nilia, Saverio Senni, Paolo Tomasin, Giuseppe Rizzardo

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available in Italian

Report • 2012


Nutzen statt Besitzen - Auf dem Weg zu einer ressourcenschonenden Konsumkultur

By: Kristin Leismann, Martina Schmitt, Holger Rohn, Carolin Baedeker

Es gibt einen neuen Trend, der nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern weltweit Einzug hält: Gemeinschaftlicher Konsum heißt er und umfasst so unterschiedliche Praktiken wie Wohnungstausch, Kleidertauschparties, Autogemeinschaften, Gemeinschaftsgärten, Tauschringe für Werkzeuge, Drucker oder DVDs und vieles andere mehr. Das Time Magazin hat diese neue Konsumform sogar zu einer der zehn großen Ideen e...

Scientific paper • 2012


Experiences of supportive co-housing communities in “Mondo di Comunità e Famiglia” Association

By: Luigi Giario

From the text: We search for a new lifestyle because we know that living in a communitarian environment which values diversity brings serenity. A fulfilled person is a resource for the entire society. We can say to each other “I can be a resource but I need you to make it happen”. On these bases, the first experiences of housing communities and territorial communities were born. Territory can b...

Scientific paper • 2012


Saving by Sharing – Collective Housing for Sustainable Lifestyles in the Swedish Context

By: Dick Urban Vestbro

Keywords: cohousing, house design, lifestyle, collaborative consumption, neighbourly cooperation

Scientific paper • 2012


Depopulation and Public Spaces: The Case Study of Lisbon

By: Francisca Machado Lima

Keywords: Demographic Change, Urban Public Spaces, Wildscapes, Tradicional City

Scientific paper • 2012


Re-inventing the future: the relevant thought of Danilo Dolci

By: Marta Garimberti, Letizia Montalbano

From the text: Since 1952, at Partinico, a village in Western Sicily, Danilo Dolci had worked together with the local community and had focused on the issue of the individual accountability. Dolci and his team of collaborators put into practise democratic and non-violent ways of living and fight. Survival standards needed to be reached, but these must be achieved by developing collective partic...

Interview • 2012


Observing Our Species

By: Extraenvironmentalist, David Suzuki

[ David Suzuki // Observing Our Species ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with David Suzuki made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. What would an Alien think about humans judging from our suicidal behaviour? David Suzuki talks about interconnectedness and how it is overseen. Also calls for an understanding of humanity as being one...

Scientific paper • 2012


Compassionate Communities: A Breeding Ground for Innovation

By: Judy Nagy

Abstract: At the root of it all, what does the degrowth movement ask of us – the individual? In simple terms, it asks us to care about each other as living, breathing beings and to care about our habitat, Planet Earth, and then to act accordingly. It asks us to shift from a mentality of acquiring to one of sharing, or from selfishness to compassion, or even from worrying about one’s self to wor...

• 2012


Sacred Economics with Charles Eisenstein - A Short Film

By: Ian MacKenzie, Charles Eisenstein

Licensed Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial. Note: Subtitles are also available in other languages. Short Video in which the author Charles Eisenstein explains his concept of 'Sacred Economics'. Topics in the video are: Money, what it is, what it does and where it comes from, alienation and community, gift economy, some growth critique and more. About the Book "Sacred Economi...

• 2012


The Wealth of the Commons

By: Silke Helfrich, David Bollier (Ed.)

Collection of 73 essays that describe the potential of the commons in conceptualizing and building a better future.

• 2011

Image Text

Stricken im Weltraum und die globalen Krisen – der lokale Ansatz der Transition-Town-Bewegung

By: Rahel Schweickert, Claudia Spiller, Maren Streibel, Andreas Teuchert

Protokoll des Workshops "Stricken im Weltraum und die globalen Krisen – der lokale Ansatz der Transition-Town-Bewegung" auf dem Attac-Kongress "Jenseits des Wachstums?!" in Berlin 2011. Aus dem Programm: Nach einem kurzem Input zur Transition-Town-Bewegung und der Kiezwandler in SO36 geht es um die Frage: In welchem Zusammenhang stehen Peak-Oil, Postwachstum und globale Krisen mit dem A...

Scientific paper • 2011


Sacred Economics

By: Charles Eisenstein

About the Book "Sacred Economics", from the book's webpage: Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth. Today, these trends have reached their extreme - but in the wake of their collapse, we may find gr...