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Showing 416 items

• 2017


UBI could increase human well-being and help save the planet

By: Joseph Cederwall

Introduction: Anthropologist Jason Hickel believes basic income could be part of the solution to this problem of the pervasiveness of the growth mentality. He presents UBI as forming part of a strategy of “planned de-growth,” which he believes will “increase human well-being and happiness while reducing our economic footprint.”

Interview • 2017


Radical Ecological Democracy / EnvJustice Vocabulary - Ashish Kothari

By: Ashish Kothari

Ashish Kothari, Kalpavriksh, India, explains the term "Radical Ecological Democracy" and he nourishes the narration with unique examples from India. Youtube-channel EnvJustice Vocabulary

• 2017


Wir Schlafwandler: G-20 Fieberträume, Klimaretter-Halluzinationen und der allzu reale Crashkurs

By: David Goeßmann

Einleitung Ein finsterer Wolfskopf fletscht die Zähne. Im Maul hält er knurrend die Weltkugel wie einen Spielball. Eine weiße Hand im Stile Michelangelos streckt sich nach der bedrohten Erde aus. Daneben stehen die mahnenden Worte: „Globalisierung außer Kontrolle. TRAUT EUCH! Radikal denken, entschlossen handeln – nur so ist die Welt noch zu retten.“ Das ist kein Plakat „linker Randalierer“, d...

• 2017


A Political Party Argues for Degrowth

By: Sergi Saladié

Translation (from Spanish) of an interview with Sergi Saladié, spokesperson for the CUP (Popular Unity List) group, from the website 15-15-15. Degrowth to be discussed in the Catalonian Parliament. An interview with Sergi Saladié, parliamentary member Popular Unity List – Consitituent Call.

• 2017


What happened when Degrowth was discussed in the Catalan Parliament?

By: Antonio Turiel

Introduction: We recently carried a translation of an interview with Sergi Saladié who introduced a debate on degrowth into the Catalan parliament. Catalonia is very much in the news at the moment with the referendum held by the governing coalition and the violent repression by the Spanish State. We do not have a view on this matter, noting that independence has not had a majority following i...

• 2017


Degrowth: the case for a new economic paradigm

By: Riccardo Mastini

Teaser: Unbridled growth appears to be at odds with social well-being and environmental sustainability. How might we develop a model that reduces the imperative for growth while maintaining economic stability?

• 2017


Punk, not cool. Assessing the degrowth debate

By: Emanuele Leonardi

Teaser: Leonardi reviews Giorgos Kallis’ new book “In defense of degrowth”, a volume that provides activists and academics alike with a detailed map of the degrowth discourse, with its theoretical controversies and opportunities for political alliances to come. The book in the media library

Scientific paper • 2017


The unit of resilience: unbeckoned degrowth and the politics of (post)development in Peru and the Maldives

By: Eric Hirsch

Keywords: resilience, degrowth, climate change, Peru, Maldives

Scientific paper • 2017


A third option for climate policy within potential limits to growth

By: Jeroen van den Bergh

Abstract: Climate change has revived debates around the concept of limits to growth, 45 years after it was first proposed. Many citizens, scientists and politicians fear that stringent climate policy will harm economic growth. Some are anti-growth, whereas others believe green growth is compatible with a transition to a low-carbon economy. As the window to curb warming at 2 °C closes, this deba...

• 2017


Puerto Rico: A Potential Experiment in Degrowth?

By: Erik Assadourian

Introduction: I’m sure that some will criticize the insensitivity of the timing of this essay. How can you talk about Puerto Rico, climate change, and degrowth at this tragic time? But what time is better than now? There are only going to be more disasters and more tragic times ahead. And if after each one we spend billions on rebuilding costly infrastructure, the resulting carbon emissions are...

Scientific paper • 2017


Radical dematerialization and degrowth

By: Giorgos Kallis

Keywords: degrowth, dematerialization, decarbonization

• 2017


Deconstructing the “De-growth” Movement

By: Marc Clauson

Introduction: Tom Rogan in the Washington Examiner wrote a very interesting piece on the new expression of an old idea–”degrowth.” (see http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/the-far-left-has-an-idiotic-new-craze-reduce-economic-growth/article/2631274). He leads with these words: “Even the Soviets sought to maximize economic output. But today’s contemporary far-left are far bolder: they believe that...

Scientific paper • 2017


Assessing the degrowth discourse: A review and analysis of academic degrowth policy proposals

By: Daniel W. O’Neill, Inês Cosme, Rui Santos

Keywords: Degrowth; Policy; Top-down; Bottom-up; Sustainable scale; Fair distribution

• 2017


Das kapitalistische System zerstören, nicht das Klima!

By: Manfred Ecker

Einführung: Wegen der unmittelbaren Bedrohungen durch den Klimawandel kommen zunehmend Wissenschaftler_innen und Umweltaktivist_innen zu demselben radikalen Schluss: es braucht einen Systemwandel um die Zukunft der Menschheit und unserer Umwelt zu retten. Wie weit soll dieser Systemwandel gehen, damit wir die Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen hinter uns lassen können? Dritter von vier T...

• 2017

Text Image

movum - Heft 14: Biodiversität

By: Leif Miller, Ulrike Mehl, Christel Schroeder, Jochen Flasbarth, Susanne Götze, Hannes Jaenike, Michael Müller, Manfred Niekisch, Susanne Schwarz, Joachim Wille, Jörg Staude, Sandra Kirchner

Heft 14 des Magazins movum zum Thema Biodiversität. Kurzbeschreibung: Naturschutz ist kein Luxusthema und darf sich nicht auf Schutzgebiete beschränken. Es geht um die langfristige Sicherung unserer Lebensgrundlagen. Das Heft als PDF Die Infografik als PDF

• 2017


The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin

By: Elliot Hurst

Comment from Elliot Hurst on the novel "The Dispossessed" by Ursula Le Guin. Introduction: It won all the prizes when it came out and is considered a classic. Ursula Le Guin grew up with an anthropologist father. As she puts it ‘Even though I didn’t pay much attention, I heard a lot of interesting, grown-up conversation’. This was one early influence that guided her to creating societies ful...

Interview • 2017


Could a Marshall Plan for the Planet Tackle the Climate Crisis?

By: Kate Aronoff, Kevin Anderson

"Bonn — This week, world leaders are convening along a sleepy stretch of Germany’s Rhine River for COP23, the first UN climate talks to be held since Trump announced he will withdraw United States from the Paris Agreement, the landmark climate deal arrived at in 2015. Yet while the administration’s fossil-fuel boosterism has grabbed headlines about COP23 stateside, the UNFCCC process has mor...

• 2017


In defense of degrowth

By: Giorgos Kallis, Aaron Vansintjan

From the book's web page: The idea of degrowth is contentious, often misunderstood, and (perhaps paradoxically) growing in popularity. In this book, Giorgos Kallis, one of the movement's leading thinkers, presents an accessible, inspiring, and enjoyable defense. The book's chapters—a compilation of his opinion essays, newspaper articles, blog posts, and 'minifestos'—range from topics such as ec...

• 2017


CO2-Budget ist nur mit Systemwandel einzuhalten

By: Manfred Ecker

Einführung: 2015 hat Österreich bei der UN-Klimakonferenz in Paris ein begrenztes CO2-Budget zugeteilt bekommen. Das bedeutet, Österreich darf „nur“ noch 880 Millionen Tonnen Kohlendioxid (CO2) emittieren. Dem hat die Regierung zugestimmt, aber Vizekanzler Mitterlehner hat auch durchblicken lassen, dass die Regierung nie vorhatte, dieses verbindliche Klimaziel von Paris auch einzuhalten. Zwe...

• 2017


The World After GDP - Economics, Politics and International Relations in the Post-Growth Era

By: Lorenzo Fioramonti

GDP is much more than a simple statistic. It has become the overarching benchmark of success and a powerful ordering principle at the heart of the global economy. But the convergence of major economic, social and environmental crises has exposed the flaws of our economic system which values GDP above all else as a measure of prosperity and growth. In this provocative and inspiring new book, ...