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Showing 427 items

• 2016


Degrowth Audiobook

By: Robert Orzanna

This is a collaborative podcast project to create an audio book version of the book “Degrowth: A vocabulary for a new era” for various languages. English Deutsch Espanol Francais

Presentation • 2016


SAT_10h // Polanyi historical lessons

By: Gareth Dale, Mladen Domazet, Vincent Liegey, Alexandra Köves

Keynote speech by Gareth Dale and following panel discussion by Mladen Domazet, Vincent Liegey and Alexandra Köves at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel

Report • 2016


Intellektuelles Minuswachstum

By: Bernhard Schmid

Aus dem Artikel: . . . Einer von Latouches zentralen Ansätzen ist die Kritik an der »Uniformierung der Welt«. Unter diesem Begriff fasst er Tendenzen zur Unterwerfung der Gesellschaft unter Kapitalimperative zusammen, die er jedoch um Aspekte des sogenannten Verlusts kultureller Identitäten ergänzt. Dies macht ihn für Rechtsextreme und Ideologen der naturnotwendigen Ungleichheit wie Alain de Be...

Report • 2016


Angst vor den Kommunisten

By: Leonie Sontheimer

Bericht von der Degrowth Konferenz in Budapest in 2016. Aus dem Text: . . . Die eindimensionale Orientierung am Wirtschaftswachstum, welche Degrowth kritisiert, hat sich mit der Globalisierung in den letzten 50 Jahren in nahezu allen Ländern dieser Welt breit gemacht. Gerade die ehemaligen Satellitenstaaten der Sowjetunion wie Ungarn hätten diesem Narrativ viele Jahre aufgesessen, meint Zolt...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - The Realities and Contradictions of the Growth Economy and Challenges for a Social Ecological Transformation

By: Clive Spah

Keynote session by Clive Spash. Clive covers growth and its contradictions and challenges for degrowth and social ecological transformation. Facilitator: Filka Sekulova

• 2016


Zwei Seiten einer Medaille

By: Christiane Kliemann

Herausgeber_innen: Was kann die Degrowth-Bewegung von anderen sozialen Bewegungen lernen? Was können diese wiederum voneinander und von Degrowth lernen? Und wie können alle besser zusammenarbeiten? In dem Multimediaprojekt »Degrowth in Bewegung(en)« gehen Vertreter von Initiativen diesen Fragen nach. Christiane Kliemann untersucht den möglichen Beitrag der Ökodorf-Bewegung.

Educational paper • 2016


Endlich Wachstum!

By: FairBindung, Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie

Endlich Wachstum: Die Vereine Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie und Fairbindung e.V. haben gemeinsam mit dem Webportal „Endlich Wachstum! Bildungsmaterialien für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation" eine umfassende Methodensammlung aus über 100 Methoden veröffentlicht. Die Methoden regen auf vielfältige Weise dazu an sich mit Bedingungen unseres derzeitigen Wirtschaftens sowie möglichen Alternative...

Scientific paper • 2016


De-[Constructing] Growth

By: Nicholas A. Ashford

Keywords: degrowth; sustainable consumption; sustainable production; inequality; sustainability; employment

Report • 2016


Degrowth: a “bomb-word” comes of age

By: Rajni Bakshi

Report from the degrowth conference in Budapest 2016 from an Indian perspective. From the text: A decade after the term ‘degrowth’ was first deployed by a small group of European academics, it draws unconventional thinkers, not mainstream policy makers. The recent Degrowth Conference in Budapest made perpetual growth, not degrowth, seem utopian.

• 2016

Text Video

Debate: Is “Degrowth” the Way to Reduce Greenhouse Gases?

By: Peter Victor, Sharmini Peries, Robert Pollin, Yves Smith

A video and transcript of a discussion between Peter Victor in a degrowth position and Robert Pollin for in a green growth position. The video is made with therealnews.com and took place in the context of a recent report from the World Resource Institute, accoring to which 21 countries have managed to reduce carbon emissions while growing their gross domestic product.

Position paper • 2016


Degrowth, eine Alternative zum Wachstum

By: Matthias Schmelzer

Teaser: Manche Ökonomen haben eingesehen: Die Wirtschaft kann nicht immer weiter wachsen. Ihre Schlagworte sind Degrowth und Postwachstumsgesellschaft. Eine Gegenrede zu Rainer Hank. Der Artikel auf den sich diese Gegenrede bezieht ist hier zufinden.

Scientific paper • 2016


Contemplative practices to support Degrowth and stem the tide of de-Indigenization

By: Derek Rasmussen

My presentation seeks to weave my 20 years of work with Nunavut Inuit with my meditation teaching among non-Indigenous Euro-Canadians. ‘The Great Transformation’ of market relations compelled a great transformation of learning: disembedding and extracting it from communities and converting it into a scarce new substance called Education. Education is hydroponic cultural transmission for uproot...

Scientific paper • 2016


Growth Critique in the 1970s Crisis and Today: Malthusianism, Social Mechanics, and Labor Discipline

By: Maria Markantonatou

Abstract: This article examines the perspective on labor in two critiques of “growth” as elaborated in the context of two capitalist crises: the Keynesian model of industrial development in the 1970s, and the neoliberal finance capitalist growth model of today. A landmark event for the first critique was the publication of the “Limits to Growth” report, and for the second the emergence of the “...

Presentation • 2016


Capitalism and (de)growth

By: Susan Paulson, Jennifer Hinton, Daniel O`Neill, György Pataki

The discussion of the plenary "Capitalism and (de)growth" is outlining the key degrowth challenges, such as the internal contradictions of capitalism, exiting growth and comparing the transition experiences and potentials in the parts of the world where they originate from. Speaker: Jennifer Hinton, Daniel O`Neill, Susan Paulson Facilitator: György Pataki 31/08/2016, Degrowth Confer...

Scientific paper • 2016


Policies for a Post-Growth Economy

By: Samuel Alexander

From the introduction: This paper provides a summary case for why there are, in fact, limits to growth, and outlines a range of bold policy interventions that would be required to produce a stable and flourishing post-growth economy. The analysis draws on and attempts to develop a rich array of thinking from literatures including ecological economics, eco-socialism, degrowth, and sustainable co...

Report • 2016


Grünes Wachstum im Wandel

By: Stefanie Gerold

Ein Bereicht von einer Podiumsdiskussion am 23. Februar 2016 in Wien, bei der Vertreter*innen der Initiativen Wachstum im Wandel, Degrowth und Gutes Leben für alle über die Rolle des Wachstums – oder vielmehr dessen Abwesenheit –, Lebensqualität und globale Gerechtigkeit diskutieren. Alle 3 Strömungen werden kurz vorgestellt und dann an hand folgender Fragen verglichen: Wie erreicht der Wand...

Scientific paper • 2016


Rethinking Degrowth with Diverse Economies (Panel 2)

By: Phedeas Stephanides, Ana Inés Heras, Tuomo Alhojärvi, Tuomo Alhojärvi, Bronwen Morgan

As there seems to be no alternative to the capitalist status-quo, the task of overcoming capitalism through degrowth appears daunting. How, then, might we escape this impasse and build an emancipatory narrative? This two-part session brings together researchers affiliated with the international Community Economies Research Network (CERN) to start this dialogue. Analyses inspired by locally gene...

• 2016


Burning Ice #9 - Paul De Grauwe & Federico Demaria

By: Federico Demaria, Paul De Grauwe

Video of a panel discussion with Federico Demaria. Kaaitheater: We live in an era of stubborn economic growth. For decades, the consequences have been impoverishment, rising inequalities and socio-ecological disasters. How can we ‘degrow’, in an economy that aims for ‘better’ instead of ‘more and faster’? Oikos presents the Dutch translation of "Degrowth", the standard work on this topic. Pr...

Report • 2016


Degrowth und schrumpfende Logik

By: Alexander Nabert

Der Autor beschreibt und kritisiert rechte Strömungen, die sich für eine Postwachstumswirtschaft einsetzen. Er fordert eine stärkere Abgrenzung linker Postwachstums Stimmen von diesen rechten Diskursen. Jungle World Nr. 6, 11. Februar 2016 Weitere Artikel zum Thema in der Jungel World: > Böses Wachstum > Intellektuelles Minuswachstum > Antikapitalistische Querfront

Presentation • 2016


What are the merits of economic contraction, is degrowth the way forward? The pros and cons of economic growth

By: Piet Depuydt, Geert Gielens, Marius de Geus, Brent Bleys

At 19:30 on Tuesday the 19th April, deBuren held a debate which looked at the primacy of economic growth and it and degrowth’s relative merits. About the debate: In the last few years, the financial crisis and climate change have led more and more people to question the primacy of economic growth. Proponents of degrowth advocate a totally different sort of economics and a complete ch...