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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2016


Receding into sustainability?

By: Anke Schaffartzik, Melanie Pichler

The long-term stability of current capitalist societies is intrinsically dependent on growth in general and on capital accumulation in particular. The reduction or lack of growth in material resource use and economic output which can be observed in some capitalist societies must therefore be understood as the effect of economic and financial crisis and not as evidence for an environmentally and...

• 2016


Von der Postwachstumsgesellschaft zur Suffizienzpolitik

By: Christiane Kliemann

Von Angelika Zahrnt „Postwachstum“ war 2010, als unser Buch Postwachstumsgesellschaft (Seidl, I./Zahrnt, A.) erschien, noch ein völlig unbekannter Begriff. Heute ist Postwachstum zwar in vielen Ländern (erzwungene) Realität, aber diese Situation wird offiziell als vorübergehendes Phänomen eingeschätzt, das mittels der üblichen wachstumsfördernden Maßnahmen überwunden werden soll – mit staatlich...

Interview • 2016


„Der Planet hat Grenzen“

By: Vincent Liegey

Vincent Liegey im Kontext der Degrowth Konferenz 2016 in Budapest im Interview mit der taz. Aus dem Interview: taz: Herr Liegey, Sie koordinieren die 5. internationale Degrowth-Konferenz in Budapest. Was ist „Degrowth“? Vincent Liegey: Degrowth hinterfragt das Dogma des ewigen Wirtschaftswachstums. Der Planet, auf dem wir leben, hat Grenzen, die wir nicht einfach überschreiten können. Die...

• 2016


Willkommen bei der Erdbeerernte! Ihr Mindestlohn beträgt.... - Gewerkschaftliche Organisierung in der migrantischen Landarbeit: ein internationaler Vergleich

By: Sezonieri

"Wir bekommen Lohnzettel, wo alles richtig draufsteht. Der Lohn wird jeden Monat am gleichen Tag auf unser Konto überwiesen. Und wenn wir Überstunden leisten, dann werden die ausbezahlt." Was nach "ganz normalem" Lohnarbeitsverhältnis klingen könnte, ist hart erkämpftes Terrain: Nach wie vor ist die landwirtschaftliche Lohnarbeit eine der prekärsten Branchen. Bezahlung weit unter Kollektivve...

Scientific paper • 2016


The Economy for the Common Good: an approach to alternative company practices in accordance with degrowth?

By: Jasmin Wiefek, Josefa Kny

The Economy for the Common Good (ECG) is a social movement as well as an alternative economic model that views the common good as the purpose of economic activity. Monetary profits are seen as a mere means. Enterprises participating in the ECG compile so-called common good balance sheets, which assess to which extent the company acts according to values, such as ecological sustainability and so...

Report • 2016

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Care Revolution

By: Gabriele Winker, Matthias Neumann

Dies ist ein Beitrag zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en), in dem es um das Netzwerk Care Revolution geht. Info zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en): Degrowth ist nicht nur ein neues Label für eine Diskussion über Alternativen oder eine akademische Debatte, sondern auch eine im Entstehen begriffene soziale Bewegung. Trotz vieler Überschneidungen mit anderen sozialen Bewegungen gibt es sowoh...

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth practices under non-binary gender insight in Barcelona

By: Helena Sanz-Requejo

Recently, Degrowth scholars have started to connect with feminist thought and claims. In particular, building on feminist economics, degrowthers have been studying the unequal distribution of work, like care work, among gender and what this implies to degrowth society envision. However, Degrowth scholarships fall short on the complexity and the plurality of gender relations. Indeed, the existin...

Scientific paper • 2016


The role of community enterprises in rural development

By: Melinda Mihály

Neoliberal regional development policies are not just environmentally unsustainable, but are also producing uneven regions (Harvey 2011, Smith 2008). The case of Hungary seems to confirm this. Regional disparities in Hungary has been growing in the postsocialist transition period and our accession to the EU has not improved this situation either (Tímár 2007). In the same time there is a tenden...

Scientific paper • 2016


The Luxury of not Having to Grow

By: Dr. Ulrike Solmecke

The paper addresses opportunities for degrowth concepts in East Asia and for diffusion pathways of social innovations between Europe and East Asia. Problems of jobless growth, social inequality, a seemingly irreversible trend of growing societal pressure to perform and an alarmingly deteriorating environment have given rise to a wide range of initiatives in East Asia in recent years. They are –...

Scientific paper • 2016


Community based energy use – two examples of individual innovations in the daily energy practice

By: Petra Wächter

Energy as the basis for daily activities on an individual level and for economic activities on a societal level gives fundamental importance. The paper wants to draw the attention on individual innovations in the daily energy practice to reduce energy consumption. Two examples of the field are further explored from a Degrowth perspective: one deals with energy demand related to space by analysi...

Scientific paper • 2016


Radical Alternatives to Unsustainability and Inequality: A Global Perspective

By: Ashish Kothari

Ashish Kothari will build the basis for discussions of the fourth day of the conference, which will focus on building alliances for degrowth. In his speech, he will outline his views on the guiding topics for discussion of that day: -Degrowth and inequality from a global perspective -Lack of real democracy and equity (political and economic) -Positive transformations based on radical political ...

• 2016


Summer School 2016: „give degrowth concepts a reality check“

By: Christiane Kliemann

It´s now the second time that the Degrowth Summer School will take place at the Climate Camp in the Rhineland. While last year´s event was under the banner of climate justice, this year it is called „skills for system change“. We´ve asked Christopher Laumanns from the organizing team about the reasoning behind it and what

Scientific paper • 2016


Is the new 'Different' really different?

By: Judith Kleibs

This presentation deals with the question how to distinguish measures and approaches which fundamentally change the current social logic that is based on an instrumentalistic attitude towards the world from those which maintain this logic and only seem to contribute to a social and ecological just society. For this intent, at first the main characteristics of the instrumentalistic social logic...

• 2016


Synergies between Degrowth and the Global Ecovillage Network

By: Stella Veciana

One of the most controversially discussed key tracks during the 5th International Degrowth Conference 2016 in Budapest was “Degrowth and other social movements”. Can degrowth be considered a movement? Does degrowth embrace all kinds of movements struggling for a sustainable future? On one hand, the notion of “degrowth movement(s)” was rigorously criticized for fragmenting the political struggle...

Scientific paper • 2016


Economic modelling and Degrowth

By: Federico Demaria, Claudio Cattaneo, Simone D'Alessandro, Giovanni Bernardo, Ilaria Perissi

Degrowth calls for a sustainable downscaling of production and consumption, to enhance wellbeing and environmental sustainability. It is important, for the widespread acceptance of this aim, to show how and under which conditions sustainable degrowth can be achieved. In order to gain a broad political legitimacy, the social and environmental effects of no-growth policies need to be shown and c...

Presentation • 2016


How Economism Became Our Religion

By: Richard Norgaard

Publisher: Economism pervades our political discourse even while it is obviously false: growing and globalizing the U.S. economy have not helped the poor, lower taxes have led to collapsing bridges and poorer schools, and reducing regulations have hastened environmental destruction. These and other beliefs, or economism, have been perpetrated in the name of economics and gained credence compara...

• 2016


Radical Ecological Democracy: Some More Reflections from the South on Degrowth

By: Ashish Kothari

From our project "Degrowth in Movement(s)" The multiple crises that humanity is facing are becoming increasingly visible: in the form of disasters related to ecological damage, the stark inequalities between a tiny minority of ultra-rich and the vast numbers of desperately poor, the health epidemics related to both deprivation and affluence, mass refugee migrations in many parts of the world, ...

• 2016


Not Markets Alone but Creativity and Innovation for Development

By: Mateo Pimentel

From the text: As human beings, we are naturally social and creative. The inherent curiosity that drives us to innovate is ultimately a testament to the creative impetus that resides within all of us. And the richness and flexibility of human behavior, including our capacity for cooperation and adaptation, further allow us to envisage and create a world that far outstrips the current economic a...

Report • 2016

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15M – Aus einer autonomen Perspektive

By: Eduard Nus

Dies ist ein Beitrag zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en), in dem es um die 15M Bewegung aus Spanien geht. Info zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en): Degrowth ist nicht nur ein neues Label für eine Diskussion über Alternativen oder eine akademische Debatte, sondern auch eine im Entstehen begriffene soziale Bewegung. Trotz vieler Überschneidungen mit anderen sozialen Bewegungen gibt es sowo...

Scientific paper • 2016


Accumulation by dispossession, urban and regional social movements and the degrowth prespective: the case of Mediterranean

By: Andreea Micu, Phedeas Stephanides, Christy Petropoulou, Charalampos Tsavdaroglou, Sahera Bleibleh

During the last years the Mediterranean region and cities balance between the neoliberal growth and the urban and regional degrowth movements. On the one hand, the urban over-investment that aims to the surplus-value and the fast profit, operates on the principle of accumulation by dispossession and is masked behind the idea of a continues economic growth which is directly related on the global...