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Showing 3581 items

• 2016


Degrowth in the Mexican Art Biennial: Opportunities and Paradoxes

By: Sofia Avila

In October 2016, the FEMSA Foundation launched the XII Biennial of visual arts in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. For the first time in its 22 years of existence, this internationally well-known biennial has included a parallel curatorial program to articulate diverse pieces into a single discourse: The poetics of degrowth. How to live better with less?  This novel project enhances new critica...

Scientific paper • 2016


Growth and Over-accumulation in Advanced Capitalism: Some Critical Reflections on the Political Economy and Ecological Economics of Degrowth

By: Eric Pineault

Abstract: The paper aims to deepen our understanding of advanced capitalism's drivers of growth by drawing on some theoretical insights from radical political economy and ecological economics. Through an institutional analysis of the structure of advanced capitalism as a monetary production economy, it is possible to propose a theory of accumulation that explains the tight coupling of overprodu...

• 2016

Text Image

movum - Heft 11: Umwelt und Migration

By: Dieter Janecek, Martin Held, Barbara Dieckmann, Konrad Otto, Malte Hentschke, Hartmut Ihne, Michael Müller, Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Hermann Joesf Hack, Benjamin von Brackel, Susanne Schwarz, Jörg Staude, Ulrich Witte, Oliver Grob, Joachim Wille

Heft 11 des Magazins movum zum Thema Umwelt und Migration Kurzbeschreibung: Migration nimmt weltweit zu, vor allem umweltbedingte Migration in Entwicklungsländern: Etwa 60 Millionen Menschen befinden sich weltweit auf der Flucht. Das Heft als PDF Die Infografik als PDF

Scientific paper • 2016


Empowering Radical Development Alternatives

By: Ashish Kothari

Conventional power equations are being challenged in innovative ways by communities in India and elsewhere. While the power elites prod countries like India into the ever-tightening embrace of global capital, it is becoming clearer by the day that neither do the poor and marginalized benefit, nor is a globalized model of development ecologically sustainable. In the middle of the multiple crises...

Scientific paper • 2016


Back to the future: a debate among socialists at the dawn of industrialism

By: Hatice Çıvgın

The beginning of the 19th century is considered as the dawn of industrialism, economics and socialism. When J. B. Say proposed the concept of industrialism, Charles Fourier, the father of socialism, immediately challenged the term. Similarly, Simond de Sismondi was another thinker who contested the concept. Later, however, in this era, industrialism became the mainstream ideology of both the so...

• 2016


Die Ökodorf Bewegung - bei Degrowth in Bewegung(en)

By: Corinna Burkhart

DiB Teaser – Die Ökodorf Bewegung from Raute Film on Vimeo. Wie steht die Ökodorf Bewegung im Verhältnis zu Degrowth? Was kann die Degrowth-Bewegung von den Erfahrungen der Ökodörfer lernen? Und was können andere soziale Bewegungen wiederum voneinander sowie von Degrowth-Ideen und -Praktiken lernen? Antworten auf diese und andere Fragen gibt es bei Degrowth in

• 2016


Räume schaffen zum Erproben einer anderen Wirklichkeit

By: Christiane Kliemann

Eindrücke von der Degrowth Sommerschule und dem Klimacamp im Rheinland Zum zweiten Mal ist jetzt die Degrowth Sommerschule auf dem Klimacamp im Rheinland zuende gegangen mit ca. 800-900 Teilnehmenden auf dem Camp. Während es letztes Jahr  vor allem um Klimagerechtigkeit ging und darum, die Degrowth- und Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung zusammenzubringen, ist dieses Jahr daraus eine solide Partnersch...

Scientific paper • 2016


Metamorphosis I: A study of Degrowth, investigating conceptual sustainability in theory and transformative potential in practice

By: J.E. Vetter

keywords: Degrowth, Sustainability, Anthropocentrism, Ecocentrism, Triple-Bottom Line, Whole-Systems, Transformation, System's Change, Transition Management, Ecovillages, Ecovillage, Tamera, Damanhur

Scientific paper • 2016


Growth, degrowth, and the challenge of artificial superintelligence

By: Salvador Pueyo

Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Singularity; Limits to growth; Ecological economics; Evolutionary economics; Futures studies

• 2016


Time for degrowth: to save the planet, we must shrink the economy

By: Jason Hickel

From the text: . . . SDG 8 calls for improving “global resource efficiency” and “decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation”. Unfortunately, there are no signs that this is possible at anything near the necessary pace. Global material extraction and consumption grew by 94% between 1980 and 2010, accelerating in the last decade to reach as high as 70 billion tonnes per year. And i...

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth as a territorial-landscape project

By: Serge Latouche

Keywords: Autonomy, Common Goods, Degrowth, Deindustrialization, Reterritorialization

Scientific paper • 2016


Alternative Food Economies and Transformative Politics in Times of Crisis: Insights from the Basque Country and Greece

By: Giorgos Kallis, Rita Calvário

Abstract Why and how do alternative economies emerge, how do they develop and what is their contribution, if any, to transformative politics? Alternative economies proliferate in the countries worse hit by economic crisis and austerity, such as Spain or Greece. Yet the existing literature is stuck in a counter-productive division between celebration and critique. We move beyond this division ap...

• 2016


Ecommony - UmCARE zum Miteinander

By: Friederike Habermann

Prinzipien für ein neues Wirtschaftssystem zu (er-)finden ist keine reine Frage der Theorie, denn solche Prinzipien zeichnen sich bereits in den praktischen Ansätzen anderen Wirtschaftens, bei sozialen Bewegungen, in technischen Entwicklungen und nicht zuletzt im Alltag von immer mehr Menschen ab. Wesentlich in all dem ist der Begriff ›Commons‹. Damit wird Eigentum, das auf Ausschluss beruht, d...

• 2016


Green Growth - Ideology, Political Economy and the Alternatives

By: Gareth Dale, Manu V. Mathai, Jose Puppim de Oliveira

The discourse of “green growth” has recently gained ground in environmental governance deliberations and policy proposals. It is presented as a fresh and innovative agenda centered on the deployment of engineering sophistication, managerial acumen, and market mechanisms to redress the environmental and social derelictions of the existing development model. But the green growth project is deeply...

• 2016


A Future Beyond Growth - Towards a steady state economy

By: Haydn Washington, Paul Twomey (editors)

Edited by Haydn Washington, Paul Twomey The publisher about the book: There is a fundamental denial at the centre of why we have an environmental crisis – a denial that ignores that endless physical growth on a finite planet is impossible. Nature provides the ecosystem services that support our civilisation, thus making humanity unavoidably dependent upon it. However, society continues to ig...

• 2016


Synergies between Degrowth and the Global Ecovillage Network

By: Stella Veciana

One of the most controversially discussed key tracks during the 5th International Degrowth Conference 2016 in Budapest was “Degrowth and other social movements”. Can degrowth be considered a movement? Does degrowth embrace all kinds of movements struggling for a sustainable future? On one hand, the notion of “degrowth movement(s)” was rigorously criticized for fragmenting the political struggle...

• 2016


Undoing the Ideology of Growth: Hegemony, Path Dependencies and Power in the History of the Growth Paradigm

By: Matthias Schmelzer

"Degrowth aims at undoing growth. Undoing growth both at the level of social structures and social imaginaries. Although the focus is very often on the latter, i.e. the “decolonization of imaginaries” as put by Serge Latouche, the degrowth perspective still seems to lack a comprehensive understanding of the role of ideology, the path dependencies and the power that shape these imaginations. (.....

• 2016


Corbynomics: let’s be sceptical about the growth rhetoric

By: eljubilado

From the text: . . . The above suggestions make it clear that an economic policy can be generated from a degrowth perspective without being labelled as such (which might be too scary for some supporters). Although mutually complementary, the proposals should not be taken as a definitive final list. There is a need for them to be refined, modelled and above all debated within the movement and wi...

• 2016


“We need resistance – otherwise climate change will strip us of the perspective of a good life for everyone.“

By: Christopher Laumanns

The 2nd Degrowth Summerschool will take place on the Climate Camp in the Rhineland from the 19th to the 23rd of August 2016. “Skills for System Change“ will be the motto of a diverse programme dealing with alternatives to the current economic system. Right after the Summer School has ended, the Action Lab will take place from the 24th to the 29th of August. Melanie and Milan, who are involved i...

• 2016


Universal Basic Income in India – a promising experience

By: Brototi Roy

"In recent years, the debate around universal basic income has gained much popularity and coverage. The many successful models of basic income, both universal and targeted such as Alaska, Iran and Brazil (Bolsa ) along with an active movement in many European countries to adopt pilot experiments, made researchers and social workers in India enthusiastic to try out similar studies in the country...