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Showing 20 items

Scientific paper • 2018


The Monetized Economy Versus Care and the Environment: Degrowth Perspectives On Reconciling an Antagonism

By: Corinna Dengler, Birte Strunk

Degrowth, gender inequality, sustainability, work sharing, gender working time equality, caring economy

• 2017


"Gender raus!" 12 Richtigstellungen zu Antifeminismus und Gender-Kritik

By: Franziska Schutzbach

Angriffe gegen Feminismus, gleichgeschlechtliche Lebensweisen und emanzipative Familien- und Lebensmodelle, gegen Gender Studies, Gleichstellungs- und Antidiskriminierungspolitiken werden seit längerem in Zeitungen, Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendungen, Blogs, Artikeln und Büchern kontrovers verhandelt. Dies spiegelt sich auch in vielen Auseinandersetzungen im Alltag, in der Kneipe und auf Veranstalt...

Educational paper • 2017

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Willst du mit mir gehen?

By: quix

Anfang 2017 hat quix eine Broschüre zu den Themen Gender_Sexualitäten_Begehren in der Bildungsarbeit herausgegeben. Diese Themen werden in der Broschüre mit einer queer_feministischen, rassismuskritischen und intersektionalen Perspektive niederschwellig beleuchtet – dabei steht vor allem die Bildungsarbeit im entwicklungspolitischen Kontext (insbesondere von internationalen Freiwilligendiensten...

Scientific paper • 2017


The Monetized Economy Versus Care and the Environment: Degrowth Perspectives On Reconciling an Antagonism

By: Corinna Dengler, Birte Strunk

KEYWORDS: Degrowth, gender inequality, sustainability, work sharing, gender working time equality, caring economy

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth practices under non-binary gender insight in Barcelona

By: Helena Sanz-Requejo

Recently, Degrowth scholars have started to connect with feminist thought and claims. In particular, building on feminist economics, degrowthers have been studying the unequal distribution of work, like care work, among gender and what this implies to degrowth society envision. However, Degrowth scholarships fall short on the complexity and the plurality of gender relations. Indeed, the existin...

Scientific paper • 2016


Where would gender relations stand in a Degrowth economy?

By: Katherine Lindsay-Smith

Keywords: degrowth; gender relations; political economy

Scientific paper • 2015


Wirtschaft ist Care oder: Die Wiederentdeckung des Selbstverständlichen

By: Ina Praetorius

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung: Die Ökonomie ist zu einer Art Leitwissenschaft geworden, aus der viele Menschen ihre Anschauungen über "normal" und "richtig" beziehen, über den Wert von Beziehungen und Tätigkeiten. Doch ausgerechnet diejenigen Maßnahmen zur Bedürfnisbefriedigung, die immer noch von viel mehr Frauen als Männern gratis in so genannten Privatsphären geleistet werden, kommen in der Wirtsch...

Position paper • 2014


Ökonomisierung von Natur, Raum, Körper

By: Christa Wichterich, Sybille Bauriedl

Feministische Perspektiven auf sozialökologische Transformationen. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Die folgenden Ausführungen sind ein Beitrag aus herrschaftskritischer feministischer Sicht zu einer Debatte, die gegenwärtig in der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung und anderen linken Kreisen meist unter dem Stichwort der «sozialökologischen Transformation» geführt wird. Hintergrund ist eine Vielfachkrise des ...

Scientific paper • 2014


The centrality of the issue of care in confrontation between the feminist movement and the degrowth movement

By: Marco Deriu

Abstract: The international feminist movement has developed a critique of the dominant economic model that has many aspects in common with the criticism made by the movement for degrowth. In general terms we can say that in both movements it's possible to find a critique of the centrality of productive performance and an emphasis on breeding conditions and community regeneration. Either propose...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and Ecofeminism: Perspectives for Economic Analysis and Political Engagement

By: Christine Bauhardt

Abstract: The paper deals with three approaches conceived as alternative models to the capitalist growth economy: Green New Deal, Degrowth, and Solidarity Economy. Ecofeminist economics has much to offer to each of these approaches, but as yet these contributions remain unrealized. The Green New Deal largely represents the green economy, which makes economic success contingent on the ecological...

Interview • 2013


Degrowth and equality of the sexes? An interview with Vincent Liegey by Sarah Nemno

By: Vincent Liegey, Sarah Nemno

From the text: Sarah Nemno: Do you feel any specific responsibility towards the promotion of subjects relating to gender discrepancies? Vincent Liegey: I am a Growth objector and, as we often say, the first degrowth must be degrowth in inequalities. Thus, I feel responsible for all forms of injustice and inequality; this automatically implies that I must have a position on the fight for gend...

Scientific paper • 2013


Gender pay gap in the Western Balkan countries: Evidence from Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia

By: Marko Vladisavljeviü, Nevena Ivanovic, Sonja Avlijas, Suncicia Vujic

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: Using the Labour Force Survey data in the period 2008-2011 and the Blinder-Oaxaca wage decomposition, this paper examines the scope and the characteristics of wage disparities between women and men in Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia. Estimation results show that in Serbia and Macedonia emplo...

Scientific paper • 2012


Freedom, awareness and desire in fifteen dialogues with childfree women

By: Ferdinanda Vigliani, Paola Leonardi

Keywords: Awareness, women, childfree

Scientific paper • 2012


Family relationship: a way to Equity, Ecology and Sustainability

By: Isabella Landi

Introduction: From private to political: The premise of my contribution is the pedagogical attention to the educative and care work, a constant of my public and private life. For more than twenty years I've professionally taken care of minors and their families, starting from the kinder garden and continuing with adolescents and young adults, in particular those with the risk of delinquency and...

Scientific paper • 2012


Men-Women Relationship - Ecology Gender Identity and Equal Opportunity Culture

By: Cinzia Mion

Introduction: The topic we are about to discuss is not easy and it does not appear to have much appeal. Indeed, as is often the case, the number of people attending debates on these issues is small. The interest for gender identity appears in the mid twentieth century. Simone de Beauvoir stated that “One is born male or female, one becomes a man or a woman”. This implies that the passage from o...

Scientific paper • 2012


Ecofeminist Thought and Practice

By: Bruna Bianchi

From the text: In recent years, the degrowth movement has forcefully brought attention to the need to escape market tyranny and the destructive spiral of the capitalist economic system. Can the critique against the paradigm of unlimited growth, the drive towards an economy not based on money and respectful of nature, find common ground with the perspectives offered by feminism, particularly eco...

• 2010

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Die Hälfte des Himmels - Wie Frauen weltweit für eine bessere Zukunft kämpfen

By: Nicholas D. Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn

"Frauen tragen die Hälfte des Himmels" – sagt ein chinesisches Sprichwort. Tatsächlich zeigen die Reportagen der beiden Pulitzer-Preisträger Nicholas D. Kristof und Sheryl WuDunn, dass arme Frauen oftmals die Hölle ertragen müssen. Die häufigsten Menschenrechtsverletzungen unserer Zeit richten sich gegen Mädchen und Frauen. Wir wissen das und sehen uns – leider – außerstande, daran etwas zu änd...

Scientific paper • 2008


Soziale Sicherheit neu denken

By: Susann Worschech

Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für ein selbstbestimmtes und eigenverantwortliches Leben ist eine eigenständige Existenzsicherung. Sie ist vor allem für Frauen wichtig. Denn in vielen Ländern – so auch in Deutschland – begünstigt der Sozialstaat durch eine Vielzahl rechtlicher, sozialer- und familienpolitischer Steuerungsinstrumente immer noch das patriarchale Modell des männlichen Familienernäh...

• 1997


Ecofeminism as Politics - Nature, Marx and the Postmodern

By: Ariel Salleh

Ecofeminism as Politics is now a classic, being the first work to offer a joined-up framework for green, socialist, feminist and postcolonial thinking, showing how these have been held back by conceptual confusions over gender. Originally published in 1997, it argues that ecofeminism reaches beyond contemporary social movement ideologies and practices, by prefiguring a political synthesis of fo...