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Showing 58 items

• 2024

The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism. Global Justice and Ecosocial Transitions

By: Miriam Lang, Mary Ann Manahan, Breno Bringel

The time for denial is over. Across the Global North, the question of how we should respond to the climate crisis has been answered: with a shift to renewables, electric cars, carbon trading and hydrogen. Green New Deals across Europe and North America promise to reduce emissions while creating new jobs. But beneath the sustainability branding, these climate 'solutions' are leading to new en...

Scientific paper • 2024

Pathways to decolonize North-South relations around energy transition

By: Miriam Lang

Climate coloniality manifests in the violent appropriation of territories in the Global South, including the extraction of strategic minerals such as copper and molybdenum to service energy transition and green growth for the major world powers. Peasant communities in the Intag river valley in Ecuador have been resisting large-scale mining for decades and, thus, have built up a local solidary e...

Study • 2023

Women's Work in the Pandemic Economy: The Unbearable Hazard of Hierarchy

By: Myfan Jordan

This book explores two unique studies of women’s economic behaviour during Australia’s COVID-19 crisis. The first describes the care ‘frontline’ in the feminised labor sectors of healthcare and education, identifying extreme workload pressures, deteriorating conditions, and a shockingly high incidence of workplace bullying: including women targeting other women workers. The author argues workpl...

Position paper • 2021

The anti-colonial politics of degrowth

By: Jason Hickel

Degrowth calls for rich nations to scale down throughput to sustainable levels, reducing aggregate energy use to enable a sufficiently rapid transition to renewables, and reducing aggregate resource use to reverse ecological breakdown. This demand is not just about ecology; rather, it is rooted in anti-colonial principles. Degrowth scholars and activists explicitly recognize the reality of ecol...

Scientific paper • 2021

Plunder in the Post-Colonial Era: Quantifying Drain from the Global South Through Unequal Exchange, 1960–2018

By: Jason Hickel, Huzaifa Zoomkawala, Dylan Sullivan

This paper quantifies drain from the global South through unequal exchange since 1960. According to our primary method, which relies on exchange-rate differentials, we find that in the most recent year of data the global North (‘advanced economies’) appropriated from the South commodities worth $2.2 trillion in Northern prices — enough to end extreme poverty 15 times over. Over the whole period...

Scientific paper • 2020


Unlearning: From Degrowth to Decolonization

By: Jamie Tyberg

In Unlearning: From Degrowth to Decolonization, Jamie Tyberg makes a timely intervention into the degrowth discussions, reorienting degrowth as a means to an end, that end being decolonization. Through the lens of the Green New Deal, and later the Red Deal, Tyberg ties together theory and real life examples highlighting how degrowth is, can, and must be, part of the post-COVID-19 response. Both...

Scientific paper • 2019


Environmental justice, degrowth and post-capitalist futures

By: Neera M. Singh

Struggles for Environmental Justice, more widespread in the global South, are often framed as traditional societies defending “old ways of life”; while degrowth, a relatively new movement in the global North is seen as striving for a “new ways of life.” I argue that both assert or aspire for other ways of being and belonging to the world and open possibilities for post-capitalist futures. In th...

Scientific paper • 2019


Crisis, liminality and the decolonization of the social imaginary

By: Angelos Varvarousis

Abstract: The decolonization of the social imaginary has been proposed as an important dimension of the transition towards a degrowth society. However, although omnipresent in the degrowth literature, the terms “social imaginary” and “social imaginary significations” have not been adequately explained. This creates a level of mystification that limits the analytical value of the degrowth frame...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Culturas, entre Norte y Sur Global: reflexiones sistémicas hacia una transición socio-económica

By: Silvio Cristiano

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Miércoles por Silvio Cristiano: "Culturas, entre Norte y Sur Global. Reflexiones sistémicas hacia una transición socio-económica"

Presentation • 2018


Klimagerechtigkeit erklärt in Leichter Sprache

By: ecapio

Was bedeutet Klimagerechtigkeit? In diesem Film erklären wir den Begriff „Klimagerechtigkeit“ in Leichter Sprache. Leichte Sprache richtet sich an Menschen, die Standardsprache nicht oder nur mit Mühe verstehen. Im Film werden die Begriffe Klimawandel, Globaler Norden, Globaler Süden und Klimagerechtigkeit leicht verständlich erklärt. Dabei skizzieren wir die Zusammenhänge zwischen Industri...

• 2017


The illusion of “degrowth” in a poor and unequal world

By: Branko Milanovic

Introduction to the article by the author: I have recently had Twitter and email discussions with a couple of people who are strong proponents of “degrowth”. From these exchanges I got the impression that there were unaware of just how unequal and poor (yes, poor) the world is today and what would be the trade-offs if we really were to decide to fix the volume of goods and services produced a...

Interview • 2017


Entwicklung ist eine Fata Morgana

By: Matthias Schmelzer, Alberto Acosta

Interview mit Alberto Acosta, geführt von Matthias Schmelzer Spätestens seit Geflüchtete im Sommer 2015 das europäische Grenzregime vorübergehend aus den Angeln gehoben haben, ist die Beschäftigung mit Fluchtursachen zu einem politischen Dauerbrenner avanciert. Dabei wird die Diskussion vor allem von Seiten der Regierungen und der Rechten geführt, mit dem Ziel, Migration von vornherein zu ve...

Scientific paper • 2017


Reflecting the Post-Development gaze: the degrowth debate in Germany

By: Daniel Bendix

Keywords: Post-Development, degrowth, Postwachstum, Global North, Germany, global inequalities

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth: culture, power and change

By: Susan Paulson

Key words: degrowth, transition, climate change, socioecological systems

Presentation • 2016

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Synergies between the degrowth movement and the global ecovillage network

By: Stella Veciana

The primary question of this analysis relates to specific key issues fostering actual and potential synergies between the degrowth and the ecovillage movement. As analysis frame, first some distinctive perspectives around de-growth are introduced on the basis of interviews with experts of the Global South and the Global North. More than reinforcing the criticism of growth societies and conceivi...

Scientific paper • 2016


Economic modelling and Degrowth

By: Federico Demaria, Claudio Cattaneo, Simone D'Alessandro, Giovanni Bernardo, Ilaria Perissi

Degrowth calls for a sustainable downscaling of production and consumption, to enhance wellbeing and environmental sustainability. It is important, for the widespread acceptance of this aim, to show how and under which conditions sustainable degrowth can be achieved. In order to gain a broad political legitimacy, the social and environmental effects of no-growth policies need to be shown and c...

Scientific paper • 2016


What are the degrowth implications for long-distance trade?

By: Filka Sekulova

Degrowth has enjoyed an increasing attention in academia with more than 150 peer-reviewed publications over the last 8 years. Trade, however, remains a grey area. This article aims to explore the implications of degrowth for long-distance trade, using the multifaceted perspectives and disciplines which the term binds together. From a political ecology angle growth in the South has taken place a...

Presentation • 2016


THUR_19h // Alliances between Global North and Global South

By: Ashish Kothari, Miriam Lang, Ulrich Brand, Edgardo Lander, Beatriz Rodrígues-Labajos

Panel discussion at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Speakers: Miriam Lang, Edgardo Lander, Ashish Kothari, Beatriz Rodrígues-Labajos, Ulrich Brand Degrowth proposals are largely debated within and for the Global North. Despite strong dynamics and orientations towards economic growth and Western-style developm...