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About Miriam Lang

Miriam Lang is an activist academic who works as Professor of Environment and Sustainability at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador. She holds a PhD in Sociology and a Masters in Latin American Studies from the Free University of Berlin. She is a member of the Ecosocial and Intercultural Pact of the South and the Latin American Permanent Working Group on Alternatives to Development and has co-coordinated the Global Working Group Beyond Development since 2016. Her research focuses on the critique of development, systemic alternatives and the territorial implementation of Buen Vivir, combining decolonial and feminist perspectives with political economy and political ecology.

Blog • 17.10.2017

Den globalen Süden mitdenken

By: Miriam Lang

Was Migration mit imperialer Lebensweise, Degrowth und neuem Internationalismus zu tun hat Eine Auseinandersetzung aus kritischer Perspektive mit Fluchtursachen im globalen Süden ist dringend notwendig und darf nicht dem politischen Establishment überlassen werden. Anstatt jedoch ›Entwicklungshilfe‹ als potentielle Lösung zu sehen, sollte das Paradigma der ›Entwicklung‹ grundlegend problematis...

Blog • 17.10.2017

Integrating Southern Perspectives

Colton mining

By: Miriam Lang

How migration relates to the imperial mode of living, degrowth and new internationalism We are currently facing the most severe migration crisis in history. But this is only one dimension of a broader civilizational crisis. Thus, anti-racist movements should not focus solely on issues of human mobility rights, but also build new paths of solidarity with societies in the geopolitical Global Sou...